mnsr 36 Flashcards
— is the chief source of tropic hormones
there are – types of cells associated in this area of the pitutry
in basophil:
- corticotrobes:
- thrytrobes:
in acidophil:
- lactotrobes:
- chromotropes:
pars distalis, 6 types
- ACTH ( has the shortest half life, peptide )
- TSH (glycoprotein )
- LH , FSH (glycoprotein)
- GH (polypeptide)
- PROLACTIN (polypeptide)
— is also known as thyrotrophin stimulates the thyroid glands
release is controlled by —-
and hormones released are —
the -ve feedback operates via:
- thyroid stimulating hormone
- thyroid releasing hormone
- T3(triidothryone ) , T4 (thyroxine)
- hyporthalmus to pars distalis
the TSH is secreted in a — manner and the peak is at —
the functions of TSH are: — fucntion and — action
- pulsatile manner
- night
- stimulating function: stimulates the hormone release
- morphological action: stimulates growth in the size and number of the thyroid follicular cells
- may enhance the uptake of thyroid hormone by muscle cell
— is also known as corticotrophin released from —- in response to —- from the hypothalamus
its a tropic hormone that targets the —-
it stimulates the release of:
- pitutry
- CRH , corticotropin releasing hormone
- adrenal gland specially adrenal cortex
- glucorticode as cortisol
- mineralcorticodes
- androgens as testatrone precursor
ACTH is released in a — and the is — which means it peaks at —-
the functions are:
- long term:
- short term:
- the -ve feedback shows the rise in coricle adrenal hormones lead to —–
- diurnal
- peaks at the day time early morning
- initiate and maintains full development of the adrenal gland
- response to stress reaction and ACTH will be released in seconds
- decreased ACTH , CRH
– is also known as the stress hormone and prepares for the — response and is released by — in the —
chronic stress can lead to adrenal exhaustion and inability to response to stress
- cortisol
- flight or fight
- anterior pitutry to the adrenal cortex
gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH) stimulates the release of ——
FSH affects both sex:
in female:
-stimulates the growth of the — and stimulates — secretion by the follicular cells
in males:
- stimulates the growth of —- in the seminerfous tubules of the testis
in both females and males its controlled by feedback system of levels of the —— as —-
- follicles
- estrogens
- germinal epithelium
- sex hormones
- testrasrone in males and estrogen in females
the function of the lutenzing hormone:
in males its sometimes called —- as its stimulates the —- and the secretion of —–
in females it causes —- of the ovarian follicle immdeditrly after ovulation and forms the —- which produces —-
it also controls the final step of —- where its release stimlaueted by oestrogen levels
- maintains the interstitial tissue of the testes and the ovaries even when gametogenic tissue is unavailable
- interstitial cells stimulating hormones ( ICSH )
- leydigs , testastrone
- lutenization , corpus lutem , prostrogen
- ovulation
— is also known as the mammotrophin , lactose and
its derived from — and its related to the —-
the main function is the development and production of — which has been stimulated by — and — during the pregnancy
the major stimulus of the secretion is the —- of the nipple by sucking infant
prolactin us mediated by — linked receptors with requires two prolactin molecules to activate
- prolactin
- polypeptide
- GH
- milk
- gonatropins and sex hormones
- tactile
- two
in males the prolactin will increase —– receptors in the —
LH , leydig cells
prolactin is inhibited by
– is also known as the somatrophic hormone
growth hormone
the function of somatostatin —-
inhibition of the growth hormone
insulin growth factor-1 increases the growth of the peripheral tissues and stimulates —- to — and prevents —–
- somatostatin
- inhibit GH
- release of GH from the pitutry
the growth hormone controls the – of the individual and has — effect
its — and also peaks during —
the physiological effects include stimulation —-
- growth , metabolic effect
- diurnal , during sleep
- trasportation of amino acid and protein sythesis
absence of GH leads to — in children
and excessive GH leads to
— in children
— adults
- dwarfism
- giantism/gigantism
- acromegaly
boundary between anterior and posterior lobes of the pituitary is — and is located close to — derived from the same tissue as —- and produces one hormone which is –
-pars intermedia
- pars nervous
- pars dilsis
melanocyte stimulating hormone is found in thee forms —–
it affects the production and dispersion of — and has roles in mammals as —– and —-
- alpha-MSH : 13 a.a similar to ACTH
- b-MSH : 18 a.a
- g. mSH : 12 a.a
- melanin
- tanning ability post uv exposure and the skin/hair color
the two hormones found in the posterior pitutry are —–
has vert short half life (2-4 min for oxytocin and 15-30 mins for ADH )
both are manufactured in the —- in the areas —- and —-
they are transported alone the axons to —- where they are stored until needed
- oxytocin
- vasopressin / ADH
- hypothalmus
- paraventricular nuclei and supraoptic
- pars nervosa
the function of ADH is the regulation of —- and in the kidney the release of ADH causes collecting ducts and distal conflated tubule to become —-
it — the reabsorption of water and — the volume of the urine
its also —-
- volume of body fluids
- more water permeable
- increases , decreases
- ant-diuretic ( decreases the discharge of the urine)
low levels of ADH leads to —
and it acts on reveptor (v2) on the — of the epithelial cells which causes — to move to the luminal membrane
- high amount of water loss
- increased flow of urin
-diureis - basolateral
- aquaporin proteins ( which increases the water uptake )
— detects changes in the blood Na+ ion levels and causes — to be released
low amount of Na leads to —- and — in urine flow
alcohol has — effect on ADH while causes —-
- osmoreptors
- inhibition of ADH , increase of urine flow
- inhibitory , diurirs
.fall in blood volume leads to —-
.high concentration of ADH stimulates the receptor v1 and causes —–
increase in Na secretions
vasoconstriction and increase in blood pressure
difficnecy of ADH leads to —- which is the failure of the collecting ducts to reabsorb water leading to —- volume of diluted urine , leads to —- and the most common cause is the damage to —— and the treatment can be lypressin , desmopressin
- diabetes insipidus
- high
- dehydration
- hypothalamus , pituitary
— is expressed by the myoepthelial cells of the mammry gland by both — and — of the uterus and the functions are:
- oxytocin
- myometrium and endometrium
- letdown reflex to release milk during breastfeeding aka myoepethelial cells contraction and
- uterine contraction which is important for: cervical dilation before birth, initiation of contractions during 2nd and 3rd stages of labor , assists the uterus for clotting the placenta arrachemnt point postpartum
afferent sensory impulse pass through the spinal cord to the — and is released by —
synthetic oxytocin can be used to —
- hypothalamus
- pars nervosa
- induce labor by slow iv infusion
— is a hormone for social interaction and is known as the love hormone