Mixed 23 Flashcards
Cranial Nerve that originates on the brainstem and then enter temporal bone at the internal auditory meatus
Facial nerve (VII)
Most common cause of Syndrome de down
95% meiotic nondisjunction
4% Robertsonian translocation
1% postfertilization mitotic error
This genetic phenomenon occurs between 2 acrocentric non homologous chromosomes that results in the fusion of the 2 long arms and the 2 short arms
Balanced Robertsonian translocation
Karyotype found in a patient with a unbalanced Robertsonian translocation of chromosome 21
46, XX, t(14;21)
46 chromosomes with 3 effective copies of Chr 21
What is the difference between absolute and relative erythrocytosis?
Absolute: ↑ hematocrit and ↑ RBC mass
Relative: ↑ hematocrit with normal RBC mass due dehydration or diuretic therapy
How do you differentiate primary erythrocytosis from secondary one?
On primary erythrocytosis, levels of erythropoietin are found low (myeloproliferative disorders)
High levels of erythropoietin in secondary erythrocytosis (eg due chronic hypoxia)
What defines secondary erythrocytosis due hipoxemia?
Sat O2<92% and PaO2 <65mmHg
Statistical technique used to describe the strenght and direction of a linear relationship between 2 quantitative variables
Correlation analysis
Findings of immunosenescense
Decreased production of naive B and T (CD4) lymphocytes. However, there’s no change in Ab quality and the CD8 memory increases
Disseminated gonococcal infection clinical findings
Septic (purulent) arthritis or/and the triad of polyarthralgia, dermatitis and tenosynovitis
Cytogenetic test that identifies specific chromosomal translocations, duplications or deletions usindo a sigle-stranded complementary DNA segment tagged with radiotracer
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)