missed questions Flashcards
pelvic diaphragm consists of
levator ani
urogenital diaphragm consists of
deep perineum
Sphincter urethrae m.
Deep transverse perineal m.
contents of ischioanal fossa
Ischioanal fat.
Inferior rectal n.
Inferior rectal a.
Pudendal n.
smooth muscle of GI tract is derived from
lateral plate splanchnic mesoderm
pronephros is in which region of the embryo?
genital swellings develop into
Labia majora
incomplete fusion of urethral folds (males)
gastroschisis is due to
failure of lateral folds to fuse
pleuropericardial folds become
fibrous pericardium
crura of diaphragm come from
dorsal mesentery of the esophagus
anal agenesis with a perineal fistula is caused by
incomplete separation of the cloaca by the uorrectal septum
persistent vaginal plate and imperforate hymen caused by
failure of sinogential bulbs to canalize
all cell bodies of sensory nerurons from body wall and limbs are contained
in dorsal root ganglia
malformation of urogenital septum
persistent cloaca
extrophy of bladder
Failure of primitive streak mesoderm to migrate around cloacal membrane
Often occurs in combination with epispadias
double uterus
fusion of INFERIOR parts of paramesonephric ducts
bicornate uterus
fusion of SUPERIOR parts of mesonephric ducts
developmental defect of spongy urethra
innervation of detrusor muscle
sensory and motor from parasympathetic nerve fibers (pelvic splanchnic S2-S4)
innervation of external urethral sphincter
perineal branch of pudendal
Hematoma of perineum spreading to abdominal wall under the superficial fascia. Where should the initial extravasation be located?
Between perineal membrane and fascia of Gallaudet
most reliable determinant of the capacity for vaginal birth
interspinous distance – distance between ischial spines
Shortest distance, most restricted.
Changes most during birth.
Easy to measure