Misc Flashcards
What is the RICS Futures report
Published in 2020, it looks at how the RICS will adapt to technology, covid, brexit and how the industry will need to adapt.
Where does the requirement for an EPC come from?
MEES - Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (2018)
The Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard (MEES) which came into force in England and Wales on 1 April 2018, applies to private, rented residential and non-domestic property and is aimed at encouraging landlords and property owners to improve the energy efficiency of their properties by a restriction on the granting and continuation of existing tenancies where the property has an Energy Performance Certificate Rating of F and G.
The Minimum Energy Efficiency Standard Rating is E and above.
The future aims are It wants to to enforce a compulsory energy performance certificate rating of āCā on new tenancies by December 2025, and on all rented properties by December 2028.
What are the RICS Bye Laws?
(10nr) - set of rules to control actions of members
- Application & definition
- Membership & registration
- Designations
- Contributions & funds
- Conduct
- Governing council, officers & staff
- Subordinate boards, committees & groups
- Procedure for general meetings
- Accounts & audit
- General
What are the RICS Bye Laws?
- Application & definition
- Membership & registration
- Designations
- Contributions & funds
- Conduct
- Governing council, officers & staff
- Subordinate boards, committees & groups
- Procedure for general meetings
- Accounts & audit
- General
What are the ADR options?
Can you name any mandatory RICS documents?
Rules for Members
Rules for Firms
PII requirements
What are the NRM Sections?
1 - Cost Plans
Section 1 - Intro & cost plan & estimates process in line with RIBA
Section 2 - Method of order of cost estimate
Section 3 - Formal cost plan
Section 4 - Tabulated detail & appendices for cost planning
2 - BoQ
Section 1 - Intro & process in line with RICA & OGC Gateway
Section 2 - Detailed measurement of building works
Section 3 - Tabulated details & appendices
3 - Maintenance
Section 1 - Intro & process in line with RICA & OGC Gateway
Section 2 - measurement rules for maintenance works
Section 3 - measurement rules for order of cost estimating
Section 4 - Cost planning for R and M works
Section 5 - Calculation of annualized costs for R and M works
Section 6 - Element Cost planning
What are the element sections within NRM?
41nr in NRM 2:
Few key elements:
- Prelims
- Off site manufacturing
- Demolition
- Excavating & filling
- Piling
- Masonry
- Precast concrete
- W & D
- Wall, floor, ceiling & roof finishes
- Decs
- FF&E
- Mech & Elec
How are risks defined in NRM 2?
- Risk transferred to contractor
- Risk shared by client & contractor
- Risk retained by client
What is Tort Law?
And can you give me an example?
A civil wrong doing
e.g. tresspass, property damage, product liability, negligence
What are the rules for members?
- Interpretation
- Communication
- Information to RICS
- Co-operation with RICS
- Undertake CPD
- Provide a high level of service
- Work within my competency
- Ensure personal solvency
- Uphold ethical and professional behavior in lien with RICS ethical standards
Rules for Firms?
- Interpretation
- Communication
- Info to RICS
- Co-op with RICS
- CPD & Training
- High level of service
- Within competency
- Solvency of business
- Professional & ethical behavior in line with ethical standards
- Handling clients money policy
- Hold PII
- Advertising
- Designations
- Locum practitioner
What are the new rules ?
Come into force 01-02-2022
1 - Honest, act with integrity & comply with professional obligations incl those to RICS
2 - Maintain professional competence and ensure services are provided by competent individuals who have necessary expertise
3 - Provide good - quality & diligent service
4 - Treat others with respect & encourage diversity & inclusion
5 - Act in public interest, take responsibility for their actions and act to prevent harm and maintain public confidence in the profession
What are bye laws?
Set of rules set by a organization
RICS has 10nr. e.g.
- Definitions
- Membership
- Designations
- Governing Council
- General
- Accounts & auditing
- General
What regulations are you aware of re Handling clients money?
1 - RICS Client money handling PS 2019
2 - RICS Bribery, corruption, money laundering & terrorist financing PS 2019
What do you know about
RICS Client Money Handling PS?
Put in place to keep client money safe , client money account are used for appropriate purposes & ensure RICS regulated firms have appropriate controls in place
- Hold in separate account - names āClientā
- Needs to be immediately available
- Ensure details of account provided to client
- Money paid in advance for surveying service is NOT covered by RICS Client Money Protection Scheme
- Copy of procedures / policy to client
- Keep office & client money separate with receipts
- Ensure compliance with anti- money laundering legislation & RICS PS
What do you know about RICS Bribery, corruption, money laundering & terrorist financing PS 2019
-Regulated firms must:
- If suspected report to line manager & national crime agency (Suspicious activity report)
- Not o offer, accept or comply with a bribe
- Have plans in place to comply with anti-bribery & corruption laws
- Report any activities of breach
- Act with due diligence & evaluate risks that face business
- Retain information noting how company met requirements of this PS
Members must:
- Not offer / accept a bribe
- Knowledge of bribery & corruption to comply with this PS
- Report any breaches / suspicions
What sort of things must a regulated firm do in relation to money laundering & terrorism financing?
- Not facilitate / comply
- Have training in place
- Report suspicions
- Understand purpose of client transactions
- Verify client identity
- Record & retain how met PS
For a regulated firm to comply with RICS PS on bribery, corruption, money launderign & financing terrorism - what sort of things should they have in place?
- Client money handling procedure
- Record how met req of RICS OS
- Provide training & guidance to staff
- Code of behavior to staff
- Whistle blowing policy
- Ensure any third party supplier compliance
What are the stages in negotiation?
- preparation
- know the facts
- understand SWOT
- understand other parties position
- have a plan for B/ L /W scenario
- Successful negotiation may be preservation of client relationship over monetary
- Be respectful
What sort of things may be included in a client brief?
- Budget
- Time
- Standard / output requirements
- ERs
- Objectives & outputs
Statement of need
Strategic brief
Project brief
What are your company KPIs?
- Achieve 5% net profit by Sept 2022
- Retain 75% staff
- Achieve 70% repeat client work
- 25% lead to project conversion rate
What is your responsibility as an employer under the H&S at Work Act 1974?
- Protect employees & others from work related harm
- Undertaking risk assessments
- Safe working environment - welfare / wcs / access / fire safety
- Provide information, training & supervision
- Reporting accidents to HSE
- Use of PPE
- imprisonment
- Fines
- Directors could be disqualified
How would you check H&S compliance in a tender submission?
- Compliance with company H&S procedures
- PQQ - details of accident records, policies, qualifications
- Proposed method of work - i.e use of crane - Appointed person, temp works, crane mat requirements
What does you company grievance procedure involve?
- Report issue to Line manager or myself
- If needs to be raised - raised to HR manager
- Followed up in writing within 7 days to acknowledge
- Followed up further 7 days with proposed actions
- Recorded in grievance report & tracker
What might be included in a short & long term business plan?
Short term - up to 1 years:
Personal development
Finance goals
Long Term - 1-10 years:
Future markets
Adaptability to change
What is working capital?
working capital is the money available to meet your current, short-term obligations
What is included in your company diversity & inclusion policy?
- Types of discrimination, harassment & victimization
- Reasons for discrimination - age / disability / religion / race / gender
- How to report grievance & written procedue - meeting - appeal - action
- Records & confidentiality
What is the difference between legal and ethical obligations in inclusive environments?
- Compliance with Equality Act 2010
- Compliance with Building Regs - Part M access & use
- No discrimination
- Education
- Listening
- Not just providing bare minimum but ensuring inclusion in all aspects and all treated the same
- Attitude / communication
What are the technical standards when considering Inclusive Environments?
- Equality Act 2010 - eliminate discriminations, harassments & victimization
- H&S at Work Act 1974 - safe work places - building sites & permanent buildings
- Buildings regs - Part M - access & use of buildings
- CDM Regs 2020 - designing buildings
- Coronavirus Act 2020
What recent Modus articles are you aware of?
- Dec 2020 - will offices ever be full again - socializing & team working missed most - energy costs at home rise with WFH
- Jan 2022 - Clement Lau lookahead in 2022 - changes with engaging with members, focusing more on sustainability
- 2021 - Narrowing margins for contractors as material prices continue to soar
Types of cost plans in line with RIBA stages
0 - Strategic definition: - Client requirements - Business Case - Early budget
1 - Prep & brief - Project brief - Outcome requirements - Feasibility & Agree budget - Site surveys - PEP - Concept design - appoint design team
2 - Concept design - cost plan in lien with concept design & appoint contractor
3 - Spatial - updated cost plan in line with design. Submit planning app.
4 - Technical design - Planning app & discharge conditions, CPP
5 - Construction - Site logistics, construction Programme,
6 - In use
7 - Maintenance
Can you name some different method of measurements?
- Cost Predictions (PS) 2020 (Mandatory)
- IPMS (IS) - 6th Ed - resi & retail (Mandatory)
- NRM 2021 - updated in line with CDM 2015, ICMS & RICS cost prediction PS (2020) (Guidance Note)
- Code of measurement Practice (GN) - GEA,GIA, NIA all other assets (Guidance Note)
- ICMS - 4rd Ed - incl International standards for measuring carbon (Guidance Note)
What is an order of cost estimate?
order of cost estimate is to establish affordability of a proposed development for a client.
Types of costplan?
- Order of cost estimate
- Cost Plan based on area
- Elemental cost plan
Process of assessing a L&E claim / variation / CE
- Compare rates to contract or similar contract rates
- Compare to benchmark rates if available
- Market test
- Star rate buildup
- If any time related - check programmed
- Check measure / quants / arithmetic checks & formula checks
What does ISO stand for and can you name any?
International Standardization Organisation -publishes worldwide technical, industrial and commercial standards.
- ISO 9001 - Quality management systems
- ISO 14001 - Environmental management system
- 37001 - Anti-Bribery management systems
What are the different types of risks?
- Client change
- Client other
- Design
- Construction
What were the recommendations from the Levitt report?
- More transparency in meeting minutes - all sent o gov council
- frequency & structure of meetings to be reviewed - shorter and more frequent
- Cant be a member of presidential team and member and management board
- Board can raise issues to gov council directly
- All members & staff of RICS bound by same rules & ethics
- Legal support re-tendered every year
- *
What is the definition of diversity?
Wide spread and representation of different backgrounds and individuals.
What is the difference between value engineering & value management
Value management is process of ensuring most sustainable value - whether through process, products, organization.
Value engineering is a part of value management that looks to reduce cost or increase functionality to increase value to the product.