Case Study / Submission Flashcards
What current challenges is Covid and/or Brexit bringing to projects such as the Elmgrove School?
Covid-19 - Forced business’ online as such meetings at the time of Elmgrove contract negotiations was also online & much of the communication via electronic means which made it difficult at times to build repore with client team. (During 2nd lockdown) - added pressures of juggling family life around work.
Covid - Impacts on business planning on workforce locality & availability.
Enhanced working H&S so extended programmes. More realistic & detailed contingency & back up plans in event of a change.
What is the project value of the works that are part of the case study, the commencement and completion dates?
Contract negotiations Oct-Dec 2020
Commencement on site Dec 2020
Completion March 2021
Contract value to Econ Group £635,101
LADs £2k per week
What was the scope of the enabling works part of the contract?
Cut line to existing building
Removal of tarmac
Temporary weathering at cutline
Noise, vibration & dust monitoring
Temp paths & hardstandings
How long were you involved in this project? Is it August to December or August to March 2021?
I was involved from Aug - March 2021.
I led the pre-contract negotiations as well as the post contract QS role on behalf of my client Econ
Give me an example of some clauses that were amended in line with the framework that you refer to. What implications did this have for your client?
ESFA amendments - refered to payment provisons - these conflicted with the MC’s payment provisions which referred to their early payment scheme (Framework within 28days - EPS upto 90 days)
MC Amendments - Site conditions clause - made s/c responsible for all below ground conditions, incl but not limited to services, ground conditions,contamination. Deemed s/c had carry out ground investigations & deemed to have taken risk for any unforseen ground conditions.
This caused implications as Econ not undertaken any investigations, soil report issued only identified 4 samples. Nothing in tarmac areas to understand if any any coal tar / leaching. Econ allowed & priced based on 100mm depth.
Reference to unforseeable ground conditions /contamination - did not relate to numbered documents - this was requested and amended.
Tell me about your involvement in site activities.
Not based on site but did undertake monthly site visits for valuation & variation pricing purposes between Jan - March 2021
Key issue 1 - Give examples of other clauses amended by the main contractor that you are referring to in the case study
Payments - ESFA 28 days vs MC 90 day
Responsibility of design - needed to be removed as temporary works by MC. No other design responsibility. (Props designed by MC)
Set off clause - added ‘with notice’ and under this subcontract only (instead of any subcontract with the main contractor)
In your summary you state that “this was deemed a significant financial risk”. Tell me more. What would be a typical financial risk associated with a demolition contract? Explain.
My client was undertaking a 3 other projects for the same MC at the time, the nature of demolition and asbestos removal is considered high risk due to working around live services, connected live buildings and high haz risk of asbestos.
When discovery of unknown asbestos - whcih can often be found in dark ground beneath slabs / buildings (difficult to pre-survey) - this can incur high costs for testing, sampling, watching brief and removal works, thus if a dispute of costs on one project this could have a significant impact on the cashflow of my client - thus it was important to limit this risk to each project.
In option A, you state that the financial risk was deemed high. What was the amount at issue here? (Your report is silent on values).
As above - value of contracts across the other 3 projects was approx £700k at the time as such any set off clause that would have been used could have been for a significant value (Value of variations where unforseen asbestos / contamination discovered elsewhere were £50k+) as such potential set off was perceived as a potentially high figure which would have a significant impact on my clients cashflow and profit margins.
Warwick - £300k
A another - £200k
Preistfield - £200k
Tell me more about typical issues / risks that this “with prior notice” option would cover. How does this limit financial exposure to your client? Explain.
Original drafted clause was ‘without prior notice’ and across any other contract - I proposed clause was deleted in its entirety for the above reasons however MC was not willing to remove and compromise was to agree at the same presedence set on other projects ‘with prior notice’.
I explained this was not recommended on the basis it does not remove the risk of set off - it merely limits to current contracted project and adds with notice - earlier awareness of a potential set off.
Key issue 1 - Contract clauses - explain what the other clauses were & reasons for advice
My scope of services for my cleint was based on principle they wanted to Minimise commercial exposure, protect cashflow & profit for my client
Key issue 2 - were there no other options here?
1- Walk Away
2 - Request MC take responsibility
3 - Accept risk on basis it was included in ITT documentation & liase with stat authority as requested by MC ……… However, this would have put my client at risk of accepting responsibility for a live stat auth service and thus potentially a very high financial risk if anything damaged or an issue up / down line (no sight of condition reports until prompted).
I undertook a very high level risk management matrix to demonstrate likihood of risk (5/10) due to heavy machinery, severity due to no. fed properties and impact due to cost & program impact … this was deemed a high risk.
Where did you demonstrate CA / DR competency
Managed MCs expectations by explaining my clients position and why deemed a high risk.
Took time to understand MCs goals & concerns with amendments raised
Where did you demonstrate Client care competency
took time to understand Econ’s expectations & requirements as well as their client the MC to be best informed of both sides.
Explained where my competency limitations lay in terms of live service experience and that further research required which I undertook to understand Thames Water guidance on heavy loads.
Where did you demonstrate H&S competency
Shared knowledge from previous experience on working around live servies on site to explain importance of clearly marked services whether live or isolated so can be clearly identified on site.
Review of CPMP to identify who responsible for stat auth services and how MC had planned works was in line with Econ’s proposals.
Understanding of vibration & noise impact on adjacent school where working at cut line.
Clear RAMs to be explained to all ops prior to commencement
Where did you demonstrate ethics competency
Maintained proffessionalism, acted with integrity & respect at all times despite MC rude and unproffessional dealings and pressure to execute subcontract (maintained calm and collected whilst explaining why my client needed to review subcontract and requested additional docs)
HIgh level of service in a timely manner
Where did you demonstrate construction competency
Understanding of sequence of works & therefore program - asbestos surveys - results - HSE notice - asbestos removal- demolition soft strip - demoliton - peel slabs back carefully with WB in case of dark ground asbestos.
Live services implications on a building site & risks to operatives.
Risks of open trenches to be backfilled immediately after removal of obstructions in the ground.
Where did you demonstrate Quantification & Costing competency
High level cost analysis of potential risks to Econ across other projects if values offset across projects - approx 40% of workstream in Q1 of 2021 was with this MC.
Further cost buildups of monitoring costs, asbestos removal, obstructions in the ground post contract
Where did you demonstrate contract admin competency
Post contract - issue of early identfication of any commercial risks- ie. Variation. Valuations on a monthly basis
Other site activities at Barton Court - based on site - site H&S audits, s/c valuations & variation inspections, progress photos for reports & valuations.
Where have you had experience of other construction works
Hartsdown & Barton - Groundworks, piling, steelframe, cladding, brickwork, w&d, M&E, internals
St Georges School - Modular construction
Giles Lane - Modular bathroom pods & refurbishment
Where did you demonstrate Contract practice competency
Set off
Payment provision - check JCT Standard BC s/c here
Review of all documents incl review of standard clauses vs amendments
What type of asbestos was found within the buildings ?
White Asbestos - Chrysotile
Ceilings / pipe insulation
What are the different types of asbestos?
Crysotile - White
Amosite - Brown
Crocodilite - Blue
When was asbestos banned?
White Chrysotile 1999
Blue Crocidolite 1985
Brown Amosite 1985
What is the regulations around asbestos?
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
What is an early payment scheme?
An ‘early payment facility’ (EPF), or ‘supplier finance scheme’, is an arrangement set up by a main contractor supported by a bank/banks, which allows sub-contractors to be paid in advance of the contractual payment terms contained in the sub-contract.
EPFs are part of a ‘Supply Chain Finance Scheme’ announced by the government in 2012 with the intention of supporting suppliers by allowing them to access credit at lower cost and improve cash-flow. EPFs are not restricted to the construction industry—a number of large companies, including retailers, telecoms and automotive companies also offer these sorts of schemes to their suppliers.
Feedback from the construction industry suggests that a large number of sub-contractors are signed up to these sorts of schemes. A sub-contractor may therefore find that it is able to sign up to EPF agreements with a number of main contractors to access payment sooner. Although there are benefits to EPFs, there are also some potential disadvantages which have caused some in the construction industry to criticise these schemes.
The Office of Government Commerce (OGC) (as it was then known) published its ‘Guide to best ‘Fair Payment’ practices - construction procurement’ in 2007. This guide recommended best fair payment principles and practices, and applied to public sector works contracts from 1 January 2008. In 2010 further guidance provided that central government works contracts should include fair payment throughout the supply chain (ie within 30 days of assessment, which applies down to tier 3 suppliers)
What are the advantages of an Early payment scheme to sub-contractors?
- The sub-contractor can be paid much earlier than it otherwise would be—cash flow is vital to sub-contractors and late payments are seen as a big problem in the construction industry
- Obtaining faster payment from parties up the contractual chain allows the sub-contractor to manage its own cash-flow more effectively, and makes it less likely that it will have to pay its own suppliers late (avoiding disputes and/or claims for interest on late payments)
- Accessing payment swiftly through an EPF can be a cheaper way of accessing finance than traditional methods (eg loans, overdrafts etc)
What are the disadvantages of an early payment scheme to subcontractors?
- The system is still dependent on the invoice being approved by the main contractor—if the contractor is slow to approve the invoice then sub-contractor loses the benefit of the EPF
- The main contractor is likely to provide that it can terminate the EPF at any time (to protect itself in the event that its bank withdraws the facility). A sub-contractor could find that it commits itself to a project believing that it will be paid quickly, to find the EPF is then withdrawn and longer payment terms will apply.
- The sub-contractor will usually have to pay bank charges or other fees to access the funds - This can be seen as unfair that a sub-contractor has to pay to access payment that it is entitled to in what it considers to be a reasonable time
- The contractor may ask that the sub-contractor agrees much longer payment terms in the standard sub-contract, which will continue to apply if the sub-contractor does not request early payment under the facility. This was the subject of much press attention in the construction industry when Carillion, one of the first large contractors to offer an EPF, also asked its sub-contractors to agree that the terms of its standard sub-contract would be varied to provide for a 120 day final date for payment and an extended due date under the HGCRA 1996.
Did you come across any variations on Elmgrove?
- Further obstructions in ground (old foundations below 1.5m)
- Saving for non-removal of section of slab & foundations
- AIB in manhole
- Extension of monitoring for duation of MC’s works
What Asbestos regulations are you aware of?
CAR - Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
RICS Asbestos Guidance note 2021 - types of legislation, definitions, those asbestos can effect, duties (assess, surveys, record, act on findings), summaries principles of CAR 2012, types of asbestos and where may be found,
H&S At Works Act 1974
What types of legislation / guidance is there?
- Acts
- Statutory regulations - legislation under an act
- Approved codes of practice - HSE guidance with approval of secretary of state (Comply or explain)
- Guidance (eg. CL-AIRE guidance for asbestos in soils)
What are the three different types of dealing with asbestos?
1 - Non-licensable (risk assessment, control of exposure, trained workers, insurance)
2 - Non-licensable notifiable ( notification before work starts, medical every 3 years, health records)
3 - Licensable notifiable (licensing, emergency arrangements & designation of asbestos areas)
What might be classed as non-licensable asbestos works?
- drilling holes for fittings
- repairing very minor damage
- lifting ceiling tiles for access/inspection, and
- removing a single screw-fixed panel as part of a maintenance task.
What are some of the regs that CAR 2012 covers?
- Identification of asbestos
- Plans of works
- Licensing for high risk works
- Notification
- Information & Training
- Storage & labelling of asbestos waste
8/ Labelling of products containing ACM
Where is asbestos commonly found?
- As thermal insulation to pipes, boilers
- AIB walls and ceilings, linings
- Gaskets & washers
- Profile sheets / tiles - roofs / shuttering / troughs
- Textured coatings - artex
- Floor tiles & adhesives
What is the definition of sustainability
‘development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own need’ - Brundtland report 1987
What does EPC stand for?
Energy performance certificate
Levels A-G
Resi properties. Valid for 10 years
What does DES stand for ?
Display energy certificate.
All gov non- resi properties
Over 250m2 - valid for 10 years
Over 1000m2 - valid for 1 year
Based on actual values not predicted
What is the source of EPC & DEC?
MEES - Minimum Energy Efficiency standards 2015
What are some of the UN’s sustainability goals?
- No poverty
- gender equality
- good education for all
- affordable & clean energy
- climate action
Can you name any of the ISO Standards?
ISO9001 - Quality
Refer to the ISO website
Can you name any of the building regulations?
A - Structures
B- Fire
L - Conservation
M- Access
S- Car charging points
O - Overheating
What are the RIBA Plan of Work stages
0 - Definition
1 - Prep & brief
2 - Concept
3 - Spatial co-ord
4 - Technical design
5 - Construction
6 - Handover
7 - In use
What does the Surveying safely GN cover?
- Personal responsibilities
- Assessing hazards & risks
- Places of work
- Visiting sites
- fire safety
e.g Lone working, asbestos / contamination / fire
What are the updates to the surveying safely GN
- Safe person concept
- Fire safety
- Risk control hierarchy
What are the new rules for members & Firms?
5nr that replace rules for firms, members & ethical standards with focus on diversity and sustainability & technology
1. Members and firms must be honest, act with integrity and comply with their professional obligations, including obligations to RICS
- Members and firms must maintain their professional competence and ensure that services are provided by competent individuals who have the necessary expertise
- Members and firms must provide good-quality and diligent service
- Members and firms must treat others with respect and encourage diversity and inclusion
- Members and firms must act in the public interest, take responsibility for their actions and act to prevent harm and maintain public confidence in the profession
Can you give me any examples of demonstration of inclusion within the construction industry you have come across?
- Braille signage
- Hearing loops throughout schools
- Gender neutral toilets / welfare
- RICS inclusive employer mark
What are the key principles of the Bribery Act?
P - Proportionality
C - Commitment (top down)
R - Risk Assessment
C - Communication
D - Due Diligence
M - Monitoring & Review
What are the principles of GDPR ?
Data minimization
Storage limitation
Can you name any BS relating to fire safety?
1 - BS9999 - Fire safety in design and use
2 - BS9991 - Fire safety in residential buildings
What are the PI requirements for firms
T/O up to £100k = £250k cover
T/O up to £200k = £500k cover
T/o over £200k = £1m cover
What are the limits on excess on firms for PI
If cover is below £500k = 2.5% or upto £10k
If cover is over £500k = 2.5%
What are the different types of Conflicts of interest?
Confidential informaiton
Rules for members
I - Interpretation
C - Communication
I - Information to RICS
C - Co-operation with RICS
S - High level of Service
C - Act within Competence
S - Solvency
E - Ethical behaviour
Rules for firms
I - Interpretation
C - Communicaiton
I - Info to RICS
C - Co-op with RICs
S - high level of Service
C - Competency
S - Solvency
E - Ethical Behavior
C - Clients Money
P - PI
A - Advertising
D - Designations
L - Locum
What is the buildup of the Gbrick panel you mention in your submssion
- Steel fame
- Vapor barrier
- Sheathing board
- Breather membrane
- timber battens
- CP board
- G brick panels
- mortar
What fire regulations are you aware of?
- Part B of the building regs - updated 2021 to reflect sprinkler requirements to buildings over 11m ( was 30m)
- Fire safety Act 2021 - introduced responsible person & definitions
- Building safety Bill (date TBC) - introduced safety regulation by HSE for buildings over 18m or 7 storeys