milstones in childhood Flashcards
takes some independant steps
brings food to mouth with fingers and hands
15 months
walks unassisted
climbs on furniture independantly
drinks from an open cup independantly
18 months
goes up steps
kicks ball
feeds self with spoon
2 years
jumps with 2 feet off the ground
turns pages of a book
2.5 years
can independantly put on some clothes
uses a fork
can string large items eg. beads, pasta
3 years
catches a big ball
can undo buttons
tripod pencil grip
4 years
hops on a single foot
fastens buttons
5 years
not yet holding or scribbing with a crayon is a red flag at
18 months
not attempting to tower blocks is a red flag at
18 months
not walking without suppport or standing along is a red flag at
18 months
no interest in self care skills eg. feeding, dressing is a red flag at
2 years
unable to run, unable to use stairs holding on, unable to throw a ball is a red flag at
2 years
difficulty manipulating small objects eg. threading beads is a red flag at
3 years
cannot walk up and down stairs is a red flag at
3 years
cannot jump with two fet together is a red flag at
3 years
not toilet trained by day is a red flag at
4 yeaars