milestones and development Flashcards
5 key areas of development
gross motor skills, for example crawling, jumping or running
fine motor skills, such as writing and drawing
speech and language
cognitive and intellectual, such as coutning or identifying shapes
social and emotional skills, such as playing with other children
primary speech and language problems
developmental speech and language delay
expressive language disorder
receptive language disorder
developmental speech and language delay
where speech is delayed but children have normal comprehension, intelligence, hearing, emotional relationships. speech language therapy is effective
good prognosis
expressive language disorder
speech is delayed
difficult to distinguish from developmental
active intervention is necessary, this is not self correcting
receptive language disorder
speech is delayed and sparse, agrammatic and indistinct in articulation. there is a deficit in comprehension but normal responses to non-verbal auditory stimuli.
rare for these children to develop normal oral language capacity
secondary speech and language problems
autism spectrum disorder
cerebral palsy
childhood apraxia of speech
hearing loss after spoken language established
hearing loss before onset of speech
intellectual disability
selective mutism
autism spectrum disorder
speech delay with concurrent intellectual disability
echolalia (repeating phrases)
difficulty initiating and sustaining conversations
impaired communication and social interaction
children benefit from intense, early intervention
cerebral palsy
speech delay may be due to difficulty with coordination or spasticity of tongue muscles, hearing loss, coexisting intellectual disability, or a defect in cerebral cortex
childhood apraxia of speech
physical problem in which children have difficulty making sounds in the right order
children mostly communicate with gestures
physical problem in which children can have speech difficulties ranging from mild, with slightly slurred articulation to profound with inability to produce any recognisable sounds
hearing loss after spoken language established
speech and language gradually affected, with a decline in the precision of speech articulation and a lack in progess of vocabulary acquision
refer to an audiologist
hearing loss before onset of speech
speech is delayed
may not look at or point to objects named by parents
normal visual communication skills
intellectual disability
speech, use of gestures and comprehension is delayed.
refer to tertiary level child development centre and geneticist
selective mutism
consistant failure to speak in social situations in which there is an expectaation for speaking despite speaking in other situations
speech languge and CBT therapy
red flags at 12 months
does not babble, point or gesture
red flags at 18 motnhs
does not follow one step instructions
does not say mama dada or other names
red flags at 2 years
does not point to pictures or body parts when named
red flags at 3 years
does not understand preposition or action words
does not follow two-step directions
reassuring signs in gross motor achievements
reassuring signs in fine motor achievements
speech and language achievements
social achievements
important points on family history
parents’ relationship, family size aand blend, socioeconomic circumstance
if learning difficulties have been experienced by other family members
post natal depression and other mental health problems in the family can interfere with secure attachement
important points on physical examination
head circumference
dysmorphic features
skin search
the landau reflex
in ventral suspension, the baby will extend their head and lower extremeties
appears at 4-5 months of age
management of developmental delay
identify and treat underlying medical comorbidity eg. hearing loss
behavioural issues: behavioural therapy
emotional/cognitive issues: psychology
gross motor delay: physical therapy
fine motor delay: occupational therapy
speech delay: speech therapy