Can a servicemember’s spouse travel with them on funded leave?
Does emergency leave criteria include a spouse’s immediate family?
What is “In Loco Parentis”?
The circumstance when someone stood in place of a parent. Must have done it 24 hours a day for a period of at least 5 years prior to the servicemember becoming 21 or entering the military.
How does the gaining Placement Officer post billets for fill?
- Posts the billets for relief at least 9-12 months before the relief needst o be onboard
- Determines whether or not the billet can be gap and the length of the gap
- For new activities, the fill date is based on billet funding established by the Budget Submitting Officer
Prior to granting extended emergency leave involving excess leave, consideration shall be given to the possibility of a request for either ____ or ____.
Humanitarian duty assignment or a hardship discharge
Is an AMCROSS message required to verify emergency leave?
No. However, if the command has concerns about the validity of the situation, it is a tool for verification.
Whom should a report of an emergency be received from via letter, telegram, or phone?
Family member, minister, attending physician, or other interested party
What is generally considered an emergency circumstance?
all pertain to an immediate family member
(1) contribution to welfare of a dying member
(2) death
(3) accident or serious illness
(4) severe or unusual hardship
Who is considered immediate family?
(1) parents
(2) person standing in loco parentis
(3) spouse
(4) children
(5) siblings, or
(6) only living relative
When can a member with infection or contagious disease take leave?
Only for emergency reasons. Only when supported by a statement from a medical officer that the leave will not jeopardize the public health.
Who does the placement officer represent and what is their responsibility?
- -Represent the commands
- -Ensures the best match between billet requirements and officer qualifications
Who does the assignment officer represent and what is their responsibility?
- -Represents the officers interests
- -Ensures that career needs and personal interests of each officer are served fairly
Describe the assignment process cycle for detailing officers.
(1) Gaining placement officer posts billet for fill
(2) Assignment officer proposes officer for the billet
(3) Gaining placement officer either (a) accepts the proposal and builds a training track, or (b) rejects the proposal
(4) If accepted, placement officer will make incumbent available for transfer
(5) Losing placement officer conducts review and approves detachment of officer from present activity
(6) Assignment officer completes orders and forwards for review and transmission
What tools does a placement officer use to identify PRDs that require posting?
ODIS–Online Distribution Info system
OAIS–Officer Assignment Info System
other tools
How far out do placement officers post billets?
At least 9 to 12 months before a relief is required on board
When an incumbent officer is separating from the Service, when is the fill date?
The month prior to date of separation minus any separation leave approved by the command
Unless otherwise determined, when are officer EDDs assumed to be?
Middle of the month of availability