Midterm Vocabulary Flashcards
Adjustment of the eye that allows a person to see various sizes of objects at different distances
Reduction or dimness a vision with no apparent organic cause; often referred to as lazy eye syndrome
Allied healthcare professional who specializes in the evaluation of hearing function, detection of hearing impairment and determination of the anatomic site of impairment
Structures in the retina that make the perception of color possible.
To turn the eye lid inside out; this is typically done by the provider to inspect the area of foreign bodies.
A small pit in the center of the retina that is considered the center of clearest vision
Fovea centralis
A procedure in which a mirrored optical instrument is used to visualize the filtration angle of the anterior chamber of the eye; the procedure is used to diagnose glaucoma.
The unit of measurement used in hearing examinations; a wave frequency equal to one cycle per second
Any substance or medication that causes construction of the people
A topical ophthalmic medication that dilates the pupil; It is used in diagnostic procedures of the eye and as treatment for glaucoma
The region at the back of the eye with the optic nerve meets the retina; it is considered the blind spot of the eye because it contains only nerve fibers and no rods or cones and that is in sensitive to light
Optic disc
Cranial nerve II, which carries impulses for the sense of sight
Optic nerve
The formation of spongy bone in the labyrinth of the Ear, which often causes the auditory ossicles to become fixed and unable to vibrate when sound enters the ears
A medication or substance capable of damaging cranial nerve VIII or the organs of hearing and balance
Too toxic
Abnormal sensitivity to light
Are usually chronic, reoccurrence skin disease marked by bright red patches covered with silvery scales
Structures in the retina of the eye that form the light sensitive elements
And excessive discharge of sebum from the sebaceous glands, forming greasy skills or crusty areas on the body
An instrument used to measure intraocular pressure
Pertaining to adjacent or accessory parts
A fluid filled cyst in one of the vestibular glands located on either side of the vagina orifice
Bartholin’s cyst
A small in long gated a reptile body above the urinary meet us at the superior point of the labia my Nora
Sexual union between male and female
A.k.a. intercourse
A sin, yellow, milky fluid secreted by the mammary glands a few days before and after a delivery
The opening of the cervix through the process of labor, measured as 1 to 10 cm dilated.
The widening of the cervix and scraping of the endometrial wall of the uterus
Dilation and curettage
And alteration in cell growth, causing differences in size, shape, and appearance.
The thinning of the cervix during labor, measured in percentages from 0% to 100% effaced
The scraping of cells from the wall of the uterus
Endocervical curettage
The curved, top portion of the uterus; the fundal height can be used as a measurement of fetal growth and estimated gestation
A hormone, secreted by the placenta, found in the urine of pregnant females.
Human chorionic gonadotropin
Swelling caused by the accumulation of length fluid in soft tissues
The fat pad that covers the symphysis pubis
Mons pubis
Pertaining to women who have had two or more pregnancies
Congenial malformations of the skull and spinal column caused by failure of the neural tube too close during embryonic development; the neural tube is the origin of the brain, spinal cord and other central nervous system tissue
Neural tube defect’s
Fetal monitoring used in combination with maternal reports of fetal movement to evaluate the fetal heart rate response
Non-stress test
The act or process of giving birth to a child
Pertaining to an x-ray procedure used to guide the Insertion of a needle into a specific area of the breast
Substance that Causes the development of fetal abnormalities
The procedure used to examine the vagina, uterus, fallopian tube‘s and bladder. A probe is inserted into the vagina and used to Bounce high energy sound waves off internal tissues or organs and make echoes that form a picture; the provider can identify tumors by looking at the sonogram
Transvaginal ultrasound
The external female genitalia, which begins at the moms pubis and terminates at the anus