Ch 8: Telephone Techniques Flashcards
A commercial service that answers the telephone calls for its clients
Answering service
A system that distributes incoming calls to a specific group or person based on customer need (Press one for this press two for that)
Automatic call routing
A telephone feature that allows calls made to one number to be forwarded to an specified number
Call forwarding
A feature that identifies and displays the telephone numbers of incoming calls made to a particular line
Caller ID
A telephone call in which a caller can speak with several people at the same time
Conference call
And unexpected, life-threatening situation that requires immediate action
The use of articulate, clear sounds when speaking
Use phonetic alphabet when needed for clarification.
A set of headphones with a microphone attached, used especially in telephone communication
A two-way communication system with a microphone and loudspeaker at each station; often a feature of business telephones
The technical terminology or characteristic idioms of a particular group or special activity, as opposed to common, every day terms
A succession of syllables, words, or sentences spoken in and unvaried key or pitch
A business telephone system that allows for more than one telephone line
Multiple line telephone system
A position or other healthcare provider who enters into a contract with a specific insurance company or program and by doing so agrees to abide by certain rules and regulations set forth by that particular third-party payer
Participating provider
The death of a tone or sound; a distinctive quality of sound
An individual or company that provides medical care and services to a patient or the public
Something that shields, Protech’s, or hides; to select or eliminate through a process
A telephone with a loud speaker and a microphone; they can be used without having to pick up and hold the handset
A telephone function in which a selected stored number can be dialed by pressing only one
Speed dialing
The medical abbreviation for the Latin term Stratham, meaning immediately; at this moment
The quality of having a keen sense of what to do or say to maintain good relations with others or to prevent offense
The process of assigning degrees of urgency to patients conditions
And acute situation that requires immediate attention but is not life-threatening
And electronic system that allows messages from telephone collars to be recorded and stored
The multiple line business telephone has a button that allows you to interrupt a call temporarily. You should always ask the patient before pressing this button.
Call hold button
This skill involves listening to what the speaker is saying, interpreting what the message is, and restating the message to make sure that you have received the intended message.
- be present in the moment
- focus solely on the conversation
- don’t interrupt
- Don’t start forming your response before the person has finished speaking.
- Confirm what the speaker has said, and asked if your interpretation is correct.
- Always be respectful and professional.
When you utilize this skill, your patients realize that you think they are important and that you respect the message they are communicating to you.
Active listening
This involves:
- tone of voice (avoid monotone voice)
- speed of speech
- Pitch
- enunciation
- Pausing or hesitation
Non-visual and non-verbal communication
The phone should be answered within the first three rings. Then,the MA should identify this facility first, state his or her name, and then follow up with an offer to help.
Telephone greeting
These require judgment on the part of the person answering the telephone in the medical practice.The person must differentiate between calls that are life-threatening or urgent.
1) determine whether the call is truly urgent
2) ask questions like, “What phone number can you be reached at?,
Where are you located?, What are the symptoms?, When did the
symptoms start?, Has this happened before?, Are you alone? and
do you you have transportation?
2) stay on the line until help arrives
3) ask another staff member to call 911 while remaining on the line
with patient
Emergency calls
This includes taking down the following information:
1) the name of the person calling
2) the name of the person to whom the call is directed
3) the collars daytime, evening, and or cell phone number
4) the reason for the call, including the telephone number of the collars pharmacy if a medication is requested
5) the action 2 b taken
6) The date and time of the call
7) the initials of the person who took the call
Taking a message
written or digital
Always make sure there is a duplicate of the message to serve as a telephone call log the original is given to the person the message is for and the MA will have a copy to use for follow up
Messages taken on paper
This can involve:
- requests for directions
- inquiries about bills
- inquiries about fees
- questions about participating providers
- requests for assistance with insurance
- radiology and laboratory reports
- satisfactory progress reports from patients
- routine reports from hospitals and other sources
- request for referrals
- office administration matters
Typical incoming calls
This can involve:
- patient refusing to discuss symptoms
- unsatisfactory progress reports
- requests for test results
- requests for information from third parties
- complaints about care or fees
- calls from staff members families or friends
Special incoming calls
A type of special incoming call
Follow the healthcare facilities procedures, which may include suggesting that the patient make an appointment with the provider to discuss the problem in person
Patient refusing to discuss symptoms
A type of special incoming call
Most providers prefer that the MA give only normal results two patients. However, the MA may give abnormal results if authorized by the provider.
For abnormal results, Schedule an appointment for the patient to see the provider
Requests for test results
A type of special incoming call
HIPAA is very specific about what information can be disclosed to those who are not the patient. The patient must fill out a release of information form, which must also include an expiration date.
Request for information from 3rd parties
A type of special incoming call
Use Magical phrase: “Let me help you” for appeasement
When colors complain, do not attempt to blame someone else, and never argue with the patient. Find the source of the problem, and then present options to the Caller as to how the situation can be resolved.
Complaints about care or fees
Relies primarily upon interpersonal skills to get through the situation.
Always keep in mind: “Calm promotes calm”
Angry callers callers
These colors insist they receive whatever action they feel is necessary, and they usually insist on action immediately.
Reassure the color that his or her concern is valid and will receive the full attention of the right person involved. Explain when the collar can expect a response from the office and be sure to follow up with the patient
Aggressive callers
These individuals call the providers office requesting information to which they are not entitled to.
Be polite but firm in response
Unauthorized inquiry calls
These calls are often thought of as an interruption to the providers busy day however do not completely disregard them nor allow them to monopolize the telephone lines
Be quick and to the point And schedule an appointment if necessary
Sales calls