Ch 5: Medicine & Law Flashcards
The withdrawal of projection or support, to discontinue medical care without proper notice after excepting the patient
The formal action of a legislative body a decision or determination of a sovereign state, a legislative Council or a court of justice
A type of alternative dispute resolution that provides parties to a controversy with a choice other than going to court for resolution of a problem
An intentional attempt to cause a bodily harm to another; A threat to cause harm is an assault if it is combined with a physical action so that the victim could reasonably assume there would be an assault
And intentional act of contact with another that causes harm or offends the individual being touched or injured
A law that recognizes there may be some instances in which the individual contributes to the injury or condition; injury or condition is partly due to the individuals own unreasonable actions.
Contributory negligence
Money awarded by a court to an individual who has been injured through the wrongful conduct of another party. Damages attempt to measure in financial terms the extent of the harm the victim has suffered. Harm may be an actual physical injury but can also be damage to property or the individuals reputation.
A person required to answer in a legal action or suit; in criminal cases, the person accused of a crime.
A fundamental constitutional guarantee that all legal proceedings will be fair; that one will be given notice of the proceedings and an opportunity to be heard before the government acts to take away life, liberty, or property; a constitutional guarantee that a law will not be unreasonable or arbitrary.
Due process
A person under the age of majority (usually 18)Who has been legally separated from his or her parents by the courts. The person is responsible for his or her own care.
Emancipated minor
People who provide testimony to a court as experts in certain field or subjects to verify facts presented by one or both sides in a lawsuit. They typically are compensated and used to refute or disapprove the claims of one party.
Expert witness
An individual who is assigned by the court to be legally responsible for protecting the well-being and interests of a ward, typically a minor or a person who has been declared legally incompetent.
Guardian ad litem
Businesses that receive healthcare transactions from healthcare providers, translate the data from a given format into one acceptable to the intended payer, and forward the processed transaction to designated payers. They include billing services, community health information systems, and private network providers or value added networks that facilitate electronica data interchanges.
Healthcare clearinghouses
A contract that lacks a written record or verbal agreement but is assumed to exist. For example, if a patient is being seen in a physicians office for the first time, it is assumed that the patient will provide a comprehensive and accurate health history and that the provider will diagnose and treat the patient in good faith to the best of his or her ability
Implied contract
Refers to a person who is not able to manage his or her affairs because of mental deficiency low IQ, deterioration, illness, psychosis or sometimes physical disability. The individual cannot comprehend the complexities of a situation And therefore cannot provide informed consent.
Voluntary agreement, usually written, for treatment after being informed of its purpose, methods, procedures, benefits, and risks. The patient must understand the details of the procedure and give his or her consent without duress or undue influence, and the patient must have the right to refuse treatment or voluntarily withdraw from treatment at any time.
Informed consent
A binding custom or practice of a community; a rule of contact or action prescribed or formally recognized as binding or enforceable by a controlling authority.
Obligated according to law or equity; responsible for an act or a circumstance.
A written remark that injures another’s reputation or character.
Prone to engage in lawsuits.
A type of negligence in which a licensed professional fails to provide the standard of care, causing harm to a person.
Conduct expected of a reasonably prudent person acting under similar circumstances; it falls below the standards of behavior established by law for the protection of others against unreasonable risk of harm.
An authoritative decree or direction; a law set forth by a governmental authority, specifically, municipal regulation.
The voluntary violation of an oath or Vow, either by swearing to what is untrue or buy a mission to do what has been promised under; false testimony
Perjured testimony
The person or group bringing a case or legal action to court.
A person or thing that serves as a model; something done or said that may serve as an example or rule to authorize or justify a subsequent act of the same kind.
Marks by wisdom or judiciousness; shrewd in the management of practical affairs.
Having significant and demonstratable bearing on the matter at hand.
An oral defamation or insult; a harmful, false statements made about another person.
A subpoena for the production of records or documents that pertain to a case as evidence.
Subpoena duces tecum
The finding or decision of a jury on a matter submitted to it in trial.