Midterm Flashcards
Ch 1-4, 10, *11*, 15, 16 Quizzes
plural form for the word “diverticulum”
a. diverticula
b. diverticulitis
c. diverticulux
d. diverticulosis
plural form for the word “calculus”
a. calcucele
b. calculate
c. calculi
d. calculex
suffix –rrhea means
a. drooping, herniation
b. bursting forth of blood
c. blood condition
d. flow
flow, discharge
suffix –tomy means
a. breakdown, destruction
b. excision
c. creation of a surgical opening
d. incision, to cut open
incision, to cut open
suffix –plasty means
a. surgical reconstruction
b. condition
c. stopping or controlling
d. instrument used to view
surgical reconstruction
suffix –osis means
a. prolapse or drooping
b. abnormal condition
c. development
d. widening
abnormal condition
suffix that refers to surgical puncture
a. –ectomy
b. –tomy
c. –centesis
d. –ostomy
suffix –graph means
a. record
b. process of recording
c. instrument used to record
d. widening
instrument used to record
suffix –clasis means
a. surgical fixation
b. destruction, breakdown
c. crushing, breaking up
d. surgical fusion
crushing, breaking up
suffix –emia means
a. condition
b. study of
c. blood condition
d. pertaining to
blood condition
suffix –genic means
a. to inherit
b. disease
c. discharge
d. formation
suffix –lysis means
a. herniation
b. resembling
c. irrigate
d. breakdown, destroy
breakdown, destroy
suffix –scopy means
a. stopping
b. incision, to cut
c. surgical reconstruction
d. the process of viewing
the process of viewing
suffix –pathy means
a. dilation
b. disease process
c. destruction
d. hardening
disease process
suffix –penia
a. disease
b. deficiency
c. suturing
d. formation
suffix –algia and –dynia means
a. flow
b. disease
c. pain
d. enlargement
suffix –oid means
a. little, small
b. resembling, derived from
c. development
d. abnormal condition
resembling, derived from
suffix –trophy means
a. embryonic stage of development
b. pertaining to
c. swelling or herniation
d. development, nourishment
development, nourishment
suffix that means enlargement:
a. –penia
b. –trophy
c. –megaly
d. –stasis
suffix –stomy means
a. creation of new opening
b. surgical excision
c. to incise
d. process of viewing
creation of a new opening
suffix –lepsy means
a. resembling
b. seizure, attack
c. inflammation
d. destruction
seizure, attack
suffix –plegia means
a. inflammation
b. paralysis
c. to make; treat or combine with
d. disease
suffix –eal means
a. pertaining to
b. inflammation
c. producing
d. abnormal condition
pertaining to
suffix that means “to view”
a. –tomy
b. –opsy
c. –scope
d. –logy
suffix –stasis means
a. small, little
b. stopping or controlling
c. rupture
d. breathing
stopping or controlling
adipose means pertaining to:
a. bone
b. skin
c. fat
d. tissue
a histologist studies:
a. spinal cord
b. cells
c. tissues
d. bones
an epithelial cell is a:
a. nerve cell
b. fat cell
c. skin cell
d. muscle cell
skin cell
the ____ plane divides the body into right and left portions:
a. superior
b. sagittal
c. lateral
d. transverse
absence of an organ due to “no formation”
a. anaplasia
b. aplasia
c. hypoplasia
d. dysplasia
select the correct meaning for the combining form sarc/o:
a. sacrum
b. flesh
c. vertebrae
d. fat
select the correct meaning for the combining form “chondr/o”:
a. color
b. cell
c. cartilage
d. inguinal
the opposite of dorsal is:
a. ventral
b. superficial
c. distal
d. medial
ventral (frontal)
dorsal (back)
the upper regions below the cartilage of the ribs that extends over the abdomen are the _____ regions.
a. hypogastric
b. hypochondriac
c. inguinal
d. umbilical