Middle adulthood Developmental psych Flashcards
Describe what happens to white matter volume in middle adulthood
White matter volume peaks during middle adulthood
Describe what happens to grey matter volume in middle adulthood
grey matter volume continues its decline that began in childhood and does not level off until about age 60
Are more synapses lost or formed during middle adulthood?
New synapses are continuing to form in middle age, but unlike in the younger years, more synapses are lost than are formed
What is the general rule for brain maturation?
the areas of the brain that develop last are the ones that begin to decline first, namely areas located within the frontal and parietal lobes
T or F
middle-aged adults perform the same if not better than their younger counterparts
What is climacteric?
the years of middle or late adulthood in both men and women during which reproductive capacity declines or is lost
what is the years of middle or late adulthood in both men and women during which reproductive capacity declines or is lost called?
What is male climacteric
- climacteric is extremely gradual with slow loss of reproductive capacity
-very slow drop in testosterone
-lifestyles changes/ medication may restore sexual function
What is menopause?
-The loss of monthly menstrual cycles in middle-ages women
-Occurs late 40s early 50s
-menopause hormone therapy can reduce reduce physical symptoms and effects of menopause
What are the three stages of menopause?
Describe each stage of menopause
Premenopausal: estrogen levels fall somewhat, menstrual periods are less regular, and anovulatory cycles begin to occur
Perimenopausal: estrogen and progesterone levels are erratic, menstrual cycles may be very irregular, and women begin to experience symptoms such as hot flashes
Postmenopausal: a woman is postmenopausal when she has had no menstrual periods for a year or more
List some physical changes during middle adulthood.
Skeletal (osteoporosis): consequence of loss of bone density is risk to fractures
Vision (Presbyopia); Normal loss of visual acuity with aging, especially the ability to focus the eyes on near objects
Hearing Presbycusis: Normal loss of hearing with aging, especially of high-frequency or very low-frequency tones
This progresses more slowly than presbyopia
Hearing loss accelerates after age 55
what single variable affects the quality of life in middle and late adulthood the most?
What is the leading cause of death in middle adulthood and old age in Canada?
Men vs women, what is the lifetime probability in Canada for developing cancer
50% for men and 46% for women
Men vs women, what is the probability of dying from cancer?
29% for men and 24% for women
What cancer is the number one cause of cancer deaths in Canada?
What does cancer share similar risk factors with?
List 2 examples of infectious agents that cause cancers
Epstein-Barr virus, hepatitis B and C, Helicobacter pylori bacteria
What is CVD
variety of physical problems, especially in the arteries
What is atherosclerosis
Narrowing of the arteries caused by deposits deposits of a fatty substance called plaque
What can impact the risk of CVD?
Personality traits (type A, type D)
What are cognitive functioning patterns in middle adult life?
With increasing age, a high level of functioning requires more and more effort, until eventually every adult reaches a point at which even maximum effort will no longer maintain peak function
Describe what Selective optimization with compensation is
the process of balancing the gains and losses associated with aging
What does optimize and compensation and selection mean in Selective optimization with compensation?
Optimize the skills that can be improved by exercising them as much as possible
Use compensatory strategies to offset the effects of aging
Reduce distractions to more efficiently carry out a cognitive task (selection)
Changes in memory in middle adulthood are?
- Memory task performance declines after 55
-Recognition of words and texts appears to remain stable throughout adulthood
-Short-term memory capacity is stable
-The ability to use short-term memory efficiently changes
Semantic vs episodic memory in middle adulthood
-episodic memory (the ability to re-experience personal events) slows with age
-semantic memory (general knowledge of the world, facts, and the meaning of words)
What do middle aged adults do to overcome episodic memory limitations
Use reminders, or cues, to help themselves remember information
What abilities increase in middle age and do not begin to decline until about age 65?
How do adults maintain or gain skills on any task
By practising it often or having it based on specific learning!
What are developmental milestones according to Erikson during middle adulthood
Generativity vs stagnation stage : Middle-aged adults find meaning in contributing to the development of younger individuals
What is generativity?
A sense that one is making a valuable contribution to society by bringing up children or mentoring younger people
List the 5 life pathways that adults follow through to their 50s
- Meandering way
-Straight and narrow path
-Downward slope
-Triumphant Trail
-Authentic Road
What is the meandering way pathway?
low sense of identity, feel lost
What is the Straight and narrow path?
predictable, low risk
What is the The Downward Slope
regrettable decisions
What is the The Triumphant Trail
early life challenges = resilience
What is The Authentic Road
- self-examination and redirection to get back on a track toward a strong sense of purpose and satisfaction
What is the strain experienced by an individual whose own qualities or skills do not measure up to the demands of some role
Role strain
: any situation in which two or more roles are at least partially incompatible is called what?
Role conflict
What is skilled diplomacy?
a problem-solving approach that involves the confrontation of the spouse about an issue, followed by a period during which the confronting spouse works to restore harmony
What is an effective skill for marital problem-solving no matter which spouse uses it
Skilled diplomacy
middle-aged adults who are caring both for elderly parents and young children at the same time is called what?
Sandwich Generation
What % of Canadians are in position of Sandwich Generation
Slightly more than half of those caring for seniors reported experiencing a variety of difficulties and challenges what is this term called?
caregiver burden
What are the 3 styles of grandparenting?
-Companionate relationship
-Remote relationship
-Involved relationship
Describe the 3 styles of grandparenting?
Companionate relationships: most common pattern; grandparents have frequent contact and warm interactions with grandchildren
Remote relationships: second most common pattern; grandparents do not see their grandchildren often
Involved relationships: least common pattern; grandparents are directly involved in the everyday care of grandchildren or have close emotional ties with them