Lecture 4 Flashcards
functional specialization of the left and right hemispheres of the brain
Corpus callosum
Connects the right and left hemispheres) grows and mature most during this time
strong preference for using only one hand or the other that develops between 2 and 6 years of age. Right handedness is a dominant gene
How much sleep do 3-5 year olds need?
10-13 hours
integrational trauma
integrational trauma happens when a traumatic event not only affects people who experience it, but when it also affects their children and sometimes, grandchildren
Preoperational Stage:
Children become proficient in the use of symbols in thinking and communicating but still have difficulty thinking logically
The young child’s belief that everyone sees and experiences the world the way she does
E.g. What do you think the doll sees? (what I see)
The child thinks of the world in terms of one variable at a time
The understanding that matter can change in appearance without changing in quantity (not developed before age 5)
Theories of mind time line
10 months- understanding that people operate w goals and intentions
3years- understand aspects of the link between people thinking, feelings, behavior
4- basic principles that each persons actions are based on her or his representation of reality
4-5: cannot understand that other people can think about them
5-7: understand that reciprical nature of thought
What is theory of mind?
A set of ideas constructed by an individual to explain other people’s ideas, beliefs, desires, and behavior
Supporting someone within their learning
(verbal cues or prompts)
Who are the main theorists of attachment styles
Mary Ainsworth
Critique Piaget?
Underestimated abilities of infants
is the ability to categorically link new words to real-world referents
Development of a theory of mind is enhanced by
pretend play and shared pretense with other children
Emphasized the role of social factors in cognitive development
Socio-cultural theory
Changes in language?
Questions and Negatives
Overregularization (overgeneralization)
Complex Sentences
social self:
An increasing awareness of oneself as player in the social game
Categorical Self
The self-concept (and the concept of others) tends to focus on his or her own visible characteristics
Emotional Self
An ability to label and explain emotions
Exposure effect:
the degree of intensity and duration of a stressor is related to the intensity of the response