Microevolution IV: Natural Selection II Flashcards
equation to find the freq of gtypes after selection has operated
p^2 x W A/A = #
2pq x W A/a = #
q^2 x W a/a = #
sum all numbers to get a number less than 1
equation for relative fitness (w bar)
p^2W A/A + 2pqWA/a + q^2 W a/a
to find the freq in the next gen after selection
A/A: (p^2W A/A) / w bar
A/a: (2pqW A/a) / w bar
a/a: (q^2 W a/a) / w bar
effects of NS wrt HWE
selection can cause allele freq to change gen to gen
selection can cause deviation from HWE gtype freq b/c of diff types of fitness
selection is deterministic/predictable always in the case of a single locus w/ 2 alleles where 1 is favored and other is deleterious
selection is a STRONG evol force
Evol by NS, darwins postulates
indiv vary
at least some variation is heritable
some indiv leave more progeny than others b/c of variants
variation in survival & repro is not random, but depends on heritable trait variation
expected outcome: genetic variants w/ higher survival and/or repro inc in freq in pop and lower will dec
what are the 3 diff mechanisms of genetic variation preservation
hetero adv
freq dependent
define balancing selection
NS maintaining stable freq of at least 2 phenotypic forms in a pop
2 diff types: freq dependent & hetero advantage
hetero adv
sickle cell
hetero hace greater fitness than homo
maintains both alleles
gtype freq changes, allele freq don’t change, variation maintained
freq dependent selection
fitness of any morph varies wrt its freq in pop
declines if too common
scale eating fish
sexual selection
NS for mating success
2 types: intrasexual and intersexual
intrasexual selection
between same sex, usually males fighting for access to mate w females
intersexual selection
usually females who are choosy with mates
selection may depend on showiness in males
chances for mating inc while chance for survival may dec
define sexual dimorphism
diff between secondary sex characteristics ( ornamentation, behavior)
good genes hypothesis
- if a trait is related to male genetic quality or health, both male trait and female preference for that trait. should inc in freq
- doesnt imply all sexually selected traits are due to good genes, but rather if a particular trait is correlated w/ quality of health, freq of females that prefer that trait inc
- mated female frog w a LC and short call frog
- offspring from LC better survival than SC, and females prefer LC over short