History of Evolution Flashcards
What did Aristotle believe?
species are not variable, but fixed
developed linear scale called scala naturae/ great chain of being of complexity
What did Linnaeus believe?
accepted that species were fixed
nested order of binomial classification
what did lamarck do
proposed first coherent theory of evolution
1) traits are acquired or lost due to use/disuse
2) these traits are heritable
What context was darwin’s idea was surrounded by
Hutton’s gradualism
Malthus’ population»_space; resources
Lamarck use/disuse
fossil studies
what evidence did darwin use to support theory of evolution
fossil record(glyptodons vs armadillos) comparative embryology (tail in humans) as in lizards and pigs homology of parts- dolphin, bat, cat, horse, human. same structure diff functions, eludes to common ancestor idea
variation in tortoiseshells shells and finch beaks in galapagos
artificial selection with pigeons, analogous to natural selection
diff in anatomy suggest adaptations (herbivore teeth vs carnivore teeth)
4 postulates of Natural Selection
- Indiv in pop vary
- variants more or less adapted to env
- diff survival and reproductive success for each indiv
- favorable traits are passed down and inc in freq
define natural selection
favorable traits are passed onto successive generations and inc in frequency due to diff success and reproduction
what are the 2 major hypothesis in origin of species
1) evol is descent from common ancestors with modifications
2) natural selection acting on variation causes evolution
probs w/ darwins theory of evol
1) gradualism is too slow for how young they thought Earth was
2) intricacy of adaptations- organisms are too advanced
3) Gaps in fossil record
4) where does variation come from?
what was darwin’s repsonse to criticism
proposed pangenesis hypothesis (hereditary substances called gemules or pangenes are shed by all parts of organism and carried through bloodstream
what did redisovery of mendel’s laws result in
particulate hypothesis replaced blending
what is neutral theory of molecular evolution
molecular variation within and btwn species is explaind by drift, not selection
tenents of modern synthesis(& evolution today)
- pops have variation from mutations(molecular basis known)
- pops evolve by random drift and non-random selection (importance of drfit emphasized)
- evol is gradual (sometimes)
- evol divergence gives rise to new species (sometimes few changes necessary
- given time, changes in micro evol –> changes in macroevol (true, but also are processes only on higher taxa)
- (molec basis of ptyic variation now known)
- (evol conditions favoring altruism and eusociality well understood
- (life’s evol history well-established)