Microelectronics Flashcards
How to implement Duality Principle
In a boolean Equation:
- ) change all 0’s to 1’s and change all 1’s to 0’s
- ) change all AND’s(⋅) to OR’s(+) and change all OR’s(+) to AND’s(⋅)
DO NOT CHANGE THE COMPEMENTED/NON-COMPLEMENTED VARIABLES (If its A, let it stay as A; if its B’, let it stay as B’)
Founder of Boolean Algebra
George Bool
(DEC) of fractional/decimal numbers into (HEX),(OCT),(BIN)
- ) Multiply (2 for BIN, 8 for OCT, 16 for HEX) to the Base 10 fractional number (use Base 10 multiplication)
- )the result of 1.) is A . B (A is the whole number, B is the Fractional)
- ) Append A next to the floating point (ex. 0.A)
- ) Repeat Step 1, but use B as the fractional number multiplied to 2, 8, or 16
- ) Result’s Whole number is appended next to the previous whole number
- ) Repeat until the fractional part becomes 0
The principle that governs how machines perform subtraction
N’s Complement (2’s Complement for binary)
Given a minuend and subtrahend, how is n’s complement subtraction performed?
Minuend + [N’s Complement of Subtrahend]
If sum overflows, discard overflowed digit, remainder is the difference (positive number)
If sum does not overflow, perform n’s complement on it, anfd append negative sign to get the difference (negative number)
The Inventor of the Hollerith Table
Herman Hollerith
Herman Hollerith made punch cards that used the Hollerith table for a company he organized called _________, that later became _________
Tabulating Machine Corporation (1896) becomes International Business Machines (IBM, 1924)
The Hollerith had ___ columns, and ___ rows
80 columns, 12 Rows
the 12 rows of the Hollerith table are composed of ___ Digit Rows and ___ Zone Rows
9 Digit Rows
3 Zone Rows
If a Numerical character was to be encoded into the hollerith table, the column that stores this character will have ___ punch/es in the ____ Row/s
1 punch in the Digit Row
If an Alphabetic character was to be encoded into the hollerith table, the column that stores this character will have ___ punch/es in the ____ Row/s
2 punches in Digit and Zone Row (1 each)
If a Special Character was to be encoded into the hollerith table, the column that stores this character will have ___ punch/es
1 or 2 or more punches
EBCDIC stands for ______
Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code
EBCIDIC is IBM Proprietary. What does that mean?
Only IBM Machines have the capability of using the EBCDIC Code
EBCDIC is in _____ Format, and is a/an ___ bit code
Binary Coded Decimal(BCD), 8 bit
ASCII stands for _____
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASCII uses __ bits to represent ___ Characters
7 bits to represent 128 characters
ASCII’s 128 Characters are composed of ___ Printable Characters and ___ Non-Printable Characters
94 Printable, 34 non-printable
Idempotent Law
X + X = X
X ⋅ X = X
Involution Law
(X’)’ = X
Complimentary Law
X + X’ = 1
X ⋅ X’ = 0
Commutative Law
X + Y = Y + X
X ⋅ Y = Y ⋅ X
Associative Law
(X + Y) + Z = X + (Y + Z)
X ⋅ Y) ⋅ Z = X ⋅ (Y ⋅ Z
Distributive Law
X(Y +Z) = X⋅Y + X⋅Z
X + Y ⋅ Z = (X + Y) ⋅ (X + Z)
Duality Operator
(X + Y + Z + …)ᴰ = X⋅Y⋅Z
(X⋅Y⋅Z)ᴰ = X + Y + Z
Simplification Theorem:
X⋅Y + X⋅Y’ = ?
X⋅Y + X⋅Y’ =
Simplification Theorem:
A⋅(A + B + C + … ) = ?
A⋅(A + B + C + … ) =
Simplification Theorem:
X + X⋅Y = ?
X + X⋅Y =
Simplification Theorem:
(X +Y’)⋅Y = ?
(X +Y’)⋅Y =
Simplification Theorem:
(X + Y)⋅(X +Y’) = ?
(X + Y)⋅(X +Y’) =
Simplification Theorem:
X⋅(X +Y) = ?
X⋅(X +Y) =
Simplification Theorem:
X⋅Y’ + Y = ?
X⋅Y’ + Y =
X + Y
Multiplying out & Factoring:
(X +Y) ⋅ (X’ + Z) = ?
(X +Y) ⋅ (X’ + Z) =
X⋅Z + X’⋅Z
Multiplying out & Factoring:
X⋅Y + X’⋅Z = ?
X⋅Y + X’⋅Z =
X + Z) ⋅ (X’ + Y
Consensus Theorem:
X⋅Y + Y⋅Z + X’⋅Z = ?
X⋅Y + Y⋅Z + X’⋅Z =
X⋅Y + X’⋅Z
Consensus Theorem:
(X + Y) ⋅ (Y + Z) ⋅ (X’ + Z) = ?
(X + Y) ⋅ (Y + Z) ⋅ (X’ + Z) =
X + Y) ⋅ (X’ + Z
A product of ‘n’ Literals or Variables
The Summation of minterms form a ____
Minterm Expansion
Sum of Products (SOP)
A boolean function can be expressed as the summation of its minterms or in SOP form:
F(x,y,z) = ∑m(1,2,3,…)
now, if F = 1, then _______ of the minterms are also equal to ___
at least one of the minterms are also equal to 1
A Summation of ‘n’ Literals or Variables
The Product of Maxterms form a ____
Maxterm Expansion
Product of Sums (POS)
A boolean function can be expressed as the product of its maxterms or in POS form:
F(x,y,z) = ∏M(1,2,3,…)
now, if F = 0, then _______ of the minterms are also equal to ___
at least one of the maxterms are also equal to 0
the Minterm or Maxterm of the first entry in a truth table always start with the subscript of ____
Minterm - Maxterm Conversions:
Mₙ = ?
Mₙ =
Minterm - Maxterm Conversions:
mₙ = ?
mₙ =
given only 3 variables ( 2³ = 8, so terms involved are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) Convert in terms of maxterms:
m₀ + m₁ + m₂ + m₃ = ?
m₁ + m₂ + m₃ + m₄ =
given only 3 variables ( 2³ = 8, so terms involved are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
(m₀ + m₁ + m₂ + m₃)’ = ?
(m₀ + m₁ + m₂ + m₃)’ =
given only 3 variables ( 2³ = 8, so terms involved are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7)
(M₄M₅M₆M₇)’ = ?
(M₄M₅M₆M₇)’ =
M₄’ + M₅’ + M₆’ + M₇’
A product/sum of inputs that are deemed impossible to occur, or the output of that specific set of inputs is not needed will produce a minterm/maxterm considered as
a ______
Dont Care Term
If an output is true, it has an output of ‘1’
If an output is false, it has an output of ‘0’
If an output is useless/impossibe/not needed/dont care, it has an output of ‘__’
Minterm Expansion Expression with Dont Care Terms
∑m(,,,…) + ∑d(,,,…)
Maxterm Expansion Expression with Dont Care Terms
∏M(,,,…) + ∏D(,,,…)
In a K-Map, any two adjacent squares have ___ variables in common
no variables in common
The code used that enables the K-Map to employ the non-common variables of any adjacent square
Grey Code
For an n-variable K-map (ex. 4 variable k-map), how many variables does the value of one square represent/depend upon?
n variables (in the example, 4 variables)
For an n-variable K-map (ex. 4 variable k-map), how many variables does the value of two adjacent squares represent/depend upon?
n-1 variables (in the example, 3 variables)
For an n-variable K-map (ex. 4 variable k-map), how many variables does the value of 2^a adjacent squares represent/depend upon?
(n-a) variables
For an n-variable K-map (ex. 4 variable k-map), how many variables does the value of n adjacent squares represent/depend upon?
none (whole K-Map is grouped, Value of the function, regardless of the input, is automatically 1)
When grouping 1’s (if minterm expansion is used), the number of squares allowed in a group must be ______
A Power of 2 (2^a, a is any integer)
A Group in a k-map which is not completely enveloped by a larger group, but its squares can be part of any other group
Prime Implicant
No matter how we group 1’s or 0’s in a k-map, this group will always have at least one square that uniquely belongs to this group alone
Essential Prime implicant
Assuming minterm expansions are used in a k-map, if some minterms, that represent one square each, has a value of 1, the square that that minterm represents is denoted with a _____
Assuming maxterm expansions are used in a k-map, if some maxterms, that represent one square each, has a value of 0, the square that that maxterm represents is denoted with a _____
Assuming either minterm or maxterm expansions are used in a k-map, if some minterms/maxterms, that represent one square each, is a dont care term, the square that that minterm/maxterm represents is denoted with a _____
In a K-map, are dont care terms(X) also included in the Grouping?
when Grouping in a k-map, is a group that only has dont care terms (X) valid?
The Logic gate that determines if the sum of the inputs is even or odd
Exclusive-OR Gate (XOR)
When The output of the XOR Gate is 0, the sum of its inputs is (even/odd)
When The output of the XOR Gate is 1, the sum of its inputs is (even/odd)
The two universal gates (gates that can form any other gate using just themselves)
Any gate can be formed with only NAND gates, or only with NOR gates
Half-Adders / Full-Adders have two output bits; the ___ bit and the ___ bit
Sum and Carry
Given the inputs X and Y, What is the boolean expression for the Sum bit of a Half-Adder Circuit
S = X ⊕ Y
Given the inputs X and Y, What is the boolean expression for the Carry bit of a Half-Adder Circuit
C = X ⋅ Y
The inputs of a Half-Adder are called _____
Augend and Addend
A Full Adder Circuit has ___ inputs and ___ outputs
3 inputs, 2 outputs
A Full Adder consists of ______
Two Half Adders
When the inputs of the Full Adder Circuit are X, Y and Z, Z represents the ______
Carry from a lower significant position
Given the inputs X, Y and Z, What is the boolean expression for the Sum bit of a Full-Adder Circuit
S = (X ⊕ Y) ⊕ Z
Given the inputs X, Y and Z, What is the boolean expression for the Carry bit of a Full-Adder Circuit
C = (X⋅Y) + Z⋅(X ⊕ Y)
Full Adders can be cascaded into _______
Ripple Carry Adders
For a Ripple Carry adder with ‘n’ bits, the number of Full Adders needed is ______
‘n’ #Full adders
It is considered as the basic storage unit, and is the building block of a Flip-Flop
The Two Inputs of an SR-Latch are ____ and ____
Set and Reset
Truth Table of an SR Latch
S | R | Remarks --------------------- 0 | 0 | retain 0 | 1 | reset 1 | 0 | Set 1 | 1 |Undefined
When Both Set and Reset have a value of ‘1’, the situation is called _________
Race Condition (Circuit is confused, whether to set or reset, so it becomes a race to see which one of the two inputs become value ‘1’ first)
A D-Latch has ___ Input/s
only one
When input D in a D-latch is ‘1’, the output ____
Sets (1)
When input D in a D-latch is ‘0’, the output ____
Resets (0)
Latches are circuits (with/without) clocks
without clocks
Bistable circuits built from latches, and uses a clock
Flip-Flips have __ inputs and ___ outputs
2 Inputs (J and K), 2 outputs (Q and Q’)
When the Inputs of a JK Flip Flop are:
J = 0 , K = 0
the next state of the output (Q(t+1)) is ______
Q(t) (Retain previous state)
When the Inputs of a JK Flip Flop are:
J = 0 , K = 1
the next state of the output (Q(t+1)) is ______
0 (Reset)
When the Inputs of a JK Flip Flop are:
J = 1 , K = 0
the next state of the output (Q(t+1)) is ______
1 (Set)
When the Inputs of a JK Flip Flop are:
J = 1 , K = 1
the next state of the output (Q(t+1)) is ______
Q(t)’ (Toggle: Next state is the complement of the previous state)
A Flip-Flop that uses only one input to change the next state
T-FlipFop (T Stands for “toggle”)
When the Input T of a T-Flip Flop is 0
the next state of the output (Q(t+1)) is ______
Q(t) (Retain previous state)
When the Input T of a T-Flip Flop is 1
the next state of the output (Q(t+1)) is ______
Q(t)’ (Toggle: Next state is the complement of the previous state)
A State Diagram that represents Present/Next States as Circles, and relates these circles with arrows that represent a specific combination of input and output in which if it occurs, present state(origin of arrow) shifts into the next state(destination of arrow)
Mealy model
A State Diagram that represents a combination of Present/Next States AND Output states as Circles, and relates these circles with arrows that represent a specific input in which if it occurs, the present state(origin of arrow) shifts into the next state(destination of arrow)
Moore Model
A technique used to simplify state diagrams, that can reduce the number of gates needed to produce the same output
State reduction
A Series of D-Flip Flops that store a number of bits
Registers store/retrieve data either through _______ or ________ loading
Serial(Shift) or Parallel(Storage)
These are registers that go through a prescribed sequence
How are Ripple Counters Made?
Cascaded T-FlipFlops: output of one T-FlipFlop Serves as the clock of the next T-FlipFlop, the first T-FlipFlop requires a clock
When a Microelectronics circuit is said to be Synchronous, what does that mean?
All Clocks are Centralized: All Clocks of different circuits have to be timed perfectly/Synchronized
A Logic Family that uses Resistors
Also, state its default gate
Resistor-Transistor Logic (RTL)
NOR Gate
A Logic Family that uses diodes to control Ib, and provides power
Also, state its default gate
Diode-Transistor Logic (DTL)
A Logic Family that has +25V as its level ‘1’ logic, and +5V as its level ‘0’ logic
High Level Diode-Transistor Logic (HDTL)
A Logic Family that uses two or more transistors
Also, state its default gate
Transistor-Transistor Logic (TTL or T²L)
NAND gate
A Logic Family that Has a Shottky Diode connected across transistors to speed up switching
Shottky Transistor-Transistor Logic (STTL)
Considered the Fastest Logic Family, using complementary transistors(only one transistor is on at any given time) connected to a resistor
Emitter Coupled Logic (ECL)
A Logic Family that uses both NPN and PNP, and is commonly used in Large Scale Integration (LSI)
Emitter Follower Logic (EFL)
A Logic Family that improves Emitter Coupled Logic bu compressing it, and is commonly used in Large Scale Integration (LSI)
Emitter-Function Logic (EFL?)
A Logic Family that has less power consumption and has a high output impedance
P-Channel MOSFET
A Logic Family that uses an N-channel Enhancement Type MOSFET
NMOS Logic
A Logic Family that has lower power consumptopn, high impedance, and is faster than PMOS-CMOS Logic
NMOS Inverter Logic
A Logic Family that uses both P-channel and N-channel MOSFETS
CMOS Logic
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor FET
A Logic Family that has lower power consumptopn, high impedance, and is faster than Both PMOS-CMOS Logic and NMOS Inverter Logic
CMOS Inverter Logic
The 5 Computer Generations
1st - Electromechanical Calculators 2nd - Vacuum Tube Computers 3rd - Transistor Computers 4th - Integrated Circuit Computers 5th - VLSI Computers
Computers Accdg. to size and cost
- ) PC
- ) Minicomputer
- ) Mainframe Computer
- ) Supercomputer
- “Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer”
- 1943, Mauchly & Eckert
- 18,000 Vacuum Tubes
- NOT a stored program Computer
- “Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer”
- 1944, Mauchly & Eckert
- 1st Stored Program Computer
- 4000 Vacuum Tubes (improved compared to ENIAC)
- “Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator”
- used one of the first assemblers, “Initial Orders”
- inputs are paper tape, output displayed on a teleprinter
- 3000 Vacuum Tubes
- Used Mercury Delay Lines to store memory
- “Universal Automatic Computer”
- 1948
- Based on EDVAC
- 1st commerially available computer
Components of a CPU
- ) Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
- ) Accumulators
- ) Registers
- ) Stacks
- ) Control Unit
CPU Component that executes commands and manipulates data
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU)
CPU Component that holds data and instructions for further ALU Manipulation
A Special Register that keeps track/points to the address of the next instruction
Program Counter
A special register that holds the current instruction executed
Instruction Register
Temporary Data Storages in Sequential Order
Stacks access/store data using this rule
Last in, First out (LIFO)
Fetches and Decodes the Incoming Instructions and generates signals for ALU operation
Control Unit
A Microprocessor’s components communicate through a _____
3 Types of Buses
Address Bus, Data Bus, and Control bus
The rate of a microprocessor that describes the number of instructions per second
Clock Rate
The rate of a microprocessor that describes the number of Floating Point Operations per second
The rate of a microprocessor that describes how many millions of instructions per second are executed
A Nibble has ___ bits
4 bits
A Byte has ___ bits
8 bits
a Half word has ___ bits
Up to 16 bits
a Word has __ bits
up to 32 bits
a double word has ___ bits
up to 64 bits
memory size is always a multiple of _____
Memory that contains text or graphics displayed on a screen of a terminal
Video Memory (VRAM)
Memory that holds the most recently read and most frequently used data for faster retrieval
Cache Memory
Memory that Contains the BIOS
Operating System Memory (OS Memory)
memory that serves temporary high speed data
Scratchpad memory
Four Semiconductor-Based memories
RAM, ROM, Programmable ROM(PROM), Eraseable PROM (EPROM)
Programs usually stored in a ROM or EPROM since it is not frequently changed
RAM is a _____ Memory
ROM, PROM, and EPROM are ______ Memories
Memory that requires no refreshing
Static Memory
Memory that requires refreshing
Dynamic Memory (DRAM)
rotating speed of hard/magnetic disk drives
4500-7200 RPM
Data in a Hard Disk Drive can be organized on the disk in 3 ways:
Tracks, Sectors, and Cylinders
____ is the term used when data is stored in concentric circles around the Hard Disk Drive
____ is the term used when data is stored in pie slice-shaped sectors around the Hard Disk Drive
____ is the term used when a specific data is stored as a numbered track on multiple Hard Disk Drives
The Read/Write Permissions of an Optical Drive
WORM (Write once, Read Many)
Two Types of Negative Numbers
Radix Minus One and True Complement
Another term for (n-1)’s Complement (n refers to the base of the number being complemented)
Radix Minus One Complement
Another term for (n)’s Complement (n refers to the base of the number being complemented)
True Complement
Two types of codes
- Weighted
- Unweighted
Codes wherein the placement of the character in a line of code holds a specific weight, and their weighted sum represents the desired digit
Weighted Codes (ex. BCD and 2-4-2-1 Code)
Codes with no weight assigned, regardless of position of a character in a line of code
Unweighted Code (ex. Excess-3)
Three types of programming languages
- Machine Language
- Assembly Language
- High Level Language
A program that translates Assembly or High Level Languages into a Machine Language
A program that specifically translates Assembly into a Machine Language
A program that specifically translates a High Level Language into a Machine Language
- “Beginner’s All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code”
- Kemeny and Kurtz, mit 1960s
Considered as the “Lingua Franca” or bridging language of microcomputers
- “Common Business Oriented Language”
- English-Like Programming
- divided into: Identification, Environment, Data, and Procedure
- “Formula Translation”
- First High Level Computer Language
- John Backus
- Compiled, Structured Language
The High Level Language considered as the progenitor of high level concepts like variables, conditional statements, etc.
The High Level Language made by Nicolaus Wirth, Based on ALGOL, and Simplifies Syntax
Programming language developed by the US Department of Defense, named after Ada Byron
Programming language developed at Bell Labs, Standardized by ANSI, and is a structured programming language
Predecessor of C
I Shit you not
The developer of C
Dennis Ritchie
A Low Level Language that allows Precise control over the microprocessor, and is faster compared to using a high level languange that have to use compilers
Who invented the Integrated Circuit?
Jack Kilby
Where and when was the Integrated Circuit developed
Texas Instruments, 1958
The Cofounder of Fairchild Semiconductor(1957) and Intel(1968)
Robert Noyce
Robert Noyce is also dubbed as the “___________”
Mayor of Silicon Valley
Three IC Classifications Accdg. to Nature of signal
- Linear IC (Analog)
- Digital IC (Uses logic gates)
- Mixed IC (Digital and Analog)
Three IC Classifications Accdg. to Physical Structure
- Monolithic (Single Substrate)
- Film IC (Uses only passive networks, either thick or thin film)
- Hybrid IC (Combined Film and Monolithic)
The Law that dictates the trend of the number of transistors in an integrated circuit, in which it doubles every two years
Moore’s law
The Law that dictates the trend of the hard drive storage capacity increasing at a similar rate to Moore’s Law
Kryder’s Law
The Law that dictates the trend of the amount of data transmitted through a Fiber Optic Cable, in which it doubles every 9 months
Butter’s Law of Photonics
Also known as the “Pixels per dollar Law”, that predicts the price of digicams, LCDs and LEDs based on their resolutions
Hendy’s Law
Also Known as the “Great Moore’s Law Compensator”, where software’s increasing processing power requirement increases in a way that offsets the performance gains predicted by Moore’s law
Wirth’s Law
The Law that dictates the trend of a library that expands doubly every 16 years, and due to this, advocates the digitizing of printed books to save space
Rider’s Law
An IC Integration scheme that has less than 12 gates per chip
Small Scale Integration (SSI)
An IC Integration scheme that has 12-100 gates per chip, introduced in the late 1960s
Medium Scale Integration (MSI)
An IC Integration scheme that has more than 100 gates per chip, introduced in the mid 1970s
Large Scale Integration (LSI)
An IC Integration scheme that has more than 10,000 gates per chip, used from 1980s to present day
Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI)
An IC Integration scheme that has more than 1,000,000 gates per chip
Ultra Large Scale Integration (ULSI)
An IC Integration scheme that implements one whole silicon wafer as one “Superchip”
Wafer Scale Integration (WSI)
5 IC Fabrication Steps
- ) Lithography
- ) Etching
- ) Deposition
- ) Oxidation
- ) Diffusion
In the Lithography process, a thin viscous liquid layer called _______ is placed on the wafer
In the Lithography process, The Photo-resist hardens with baking, and is selectively removed by __________
Light Projection
In the Lithography process, the Light projected on the photoresist comes from a recticle containing a _____, that contains the circuitry to be etched on the wafer
In the Etching process, the unwanted material is removed from the wafer surface, in which the _________’s pattern is transferred to the wafer by means of etching agents
Photoresist (From Lithography)
The process of applying various materials on the wafer surface for polishing the surface
Two types of Deposition
- Physical Vapor Deposition
- Chemical Vapor Deposition
The process of creating a silicon dioxide layer on the wafer through the use of oxygen molecules
Introduces dopant impurities into the semiconductor wafer, by accelerating Ions towards the wafer
Ion Implantation
The process of annealing the bombardament-induced lattice defects on the wafer produced by Ion Implantation
The Most Common Method of growing semiconductor crystals, discovered in 1916
Czochralski Method
Steps involving Czochralski Method
- ) Melt Silicon (Silicon is MOLTEN HOT)
- ) dip rod with a seed crystal attached at the end
- ) rod is cooled, and is slowly retracted from the hot silicon melt
- ) silicon crystal forms on the seed crystal as rod is pulled
In the Czochralski Method, The ________ the rod is pulled from the hot silicon melt, the greater the crystal quality
IC Temperature range codes:
C - Commecial (0° to 70 °C)
IC Temperature range codes:
I - Industrial (-25° to 85° C)
IC Temperature range codes:
M - Military (-55° to 125° C)
IC Packaging Codes:
D - Surface Mount Plastic DIL
IC Packaging Codes:
J -Ceramic DIL
IC Packaging Codes:
N or P
N or P - Plastic DIL, Sockets insertion
The IC Family consisting of TTL Logic Gates
7400 Series
The IC Family consisting of the 7400 series’ CMOS Counterparts
4000 Series
World’s First Microprcessor
Intel 4004
Some Notable Microprocessors
Intel 8080 IBM 8088 MOS Technology 6502 Zilog Z80 Motorola 6800 Series
The Process of removing Photoresist by dissolving in Alkaline
Slices of Wafers are baked to diffuse concentrated impurity atoms into wafers (A doping process)
Diffusion Doping
When Thin Single Crystal layers are grown on a substrate
Epitaxial Growth
The process of connecting semiconductor devices together to form a circuit, by vapor deposition of aluminum
Process of sealing off the surface to avoid contamination
Material that is exposed to UV, and is developed prior to etching
A piece of finely polished glass, ceramic, and oxidized silicon
Process of removing silicon crystal damage using an elevated temperature
Thermal Annealing
A Film in which it’s thickness is at least 10 times greater than the mean free path of electrons (usually 10 μm)
Thick Film
A Film in which only uses passive components (usually 1 μm)
Thin Film
Because deposition of Aluminum is difficult with the presence of air, This Process was devised, using high temperature and low pressure
Vaccum Evaporation