Amplifiers and Feedback Flashcards
Device that accepts a varying input signal and produces a larger version of it at the output
Voltage Gain
Vout / Vin
in dB:
20 log (Vo/Vi)
Power Gain
Po / Pi
in dB:
10 log (Po/Pi)
Gain in Cascade
A1 x A2 x A3 . . .
in dB:
A1 + A2 + A3 . . .
Device that amplifies input signal voltage
Voltage Amplifier
Device that amplifies input signal Power
Power Amplifier
What did you expect?
Designed to amplify frequencies between 15 Hz to 20 kHz
Audio Amplifier
Designed to amplify frequencies between 10 kHz to 100,000 MHz
Radio Frequency Amplifier (RF)
Designed to amplify frequencies between 10 Hz to 6 MHz
Video Amplifier (also called Wide-band Amplifier)
Amplifier where current in the output flows for the entire cycle (360 deg)
It has good fidelity but low efficiency
Class A Amplifier
Amplifier where current in the output flows for 51% -
99% of the cycle (180< O < 360)
It has poor fidelity but high efficiency
Class AB Amplifier
Amplifier where current in the output flows for 50% of the cycle (180 deg)
Class B Amplifier
Amplifier where current in the output flows for part of 50% of the cycle
It has worst fidelity but highest efficiency
Class C Amplifier
Device that generates AC from DC input
LC Oscillator with Tapped Inductor
Hartley Oscillator
*H…Hinductor pwede din H for Henry. Your choice.
LC Oscillator with Tapped Capacitor across an Inductor
Colpitts Oscillator
*C… opposite L pitts
LC Oscillator with Tapped Capacitor across a Inductor-Capacitor series combination
Clapp Oscillator
Formula for Gain without Feedback (Aol) and Feedback Factor (β) for Hartley Oscillattor
Aol = Lo/Li β = Li/Lo
Formula for Gain without Feedback (Aol) and Feedback Factor (β) for Colpitts Oscillators
Aol = Ci/Co β = Co/Ci
Crystal oscillator provides very stable oscillation. The frequency drift of crystal oscillator is only
0.0001% or 1 ppm
Secret Info:
LC oscillators have 0.8% frequency drift (Shhhh)
Crystal with greatest piezoelectric activity, the most unstable oscillator
Rochelle Salt
Crystal with least piezoelectric activity, the toughest, and the most expensive, therefore the most stable oscillator,
Crystal material that have midway properties between Rochelle and Tourmaline, and is the cheapest among the three crystal materials
The Resonant Frequency of a piezoelectric crystal is __________ proportional to its thickness
Inversely proportional
Formula for The Open-loop Gain(Aol) and Feedback factor(β) of RC Phase-Shift Oscillator
Aol = -Rf / Rs (Inverting Op-Amp) Aol = -29 (required value in Phase Shift Oscillator)
So, if β*Aol must be equal to 1:
β = -1/29
Formula for The Open-loop Gain(Aol) and Feedback factor(β) of RC Wein bridge Oscillator
Aol = 1 + (Rf / Rs) (Non - Inverting Op-Amp) Aol = 3 (required value in Wein Bridge Oscillator)
So, if β*Aol must be equal to 1:
β = 1 / 3
Rf / Rs must be equal to 2
Types of Sampling in a Negative Feedback Amplifier Circuit
Voltage Sampling (Shunt) Current Sampling (Series)
Types of Mixing in a Negative Feedback Amplifier Circuit input
Series Mixing (Voltage additive) Shunt Mixing (Current series)
Formula for Voltage Gain with feedback (Af)
Af = A / (1 + BA)
Types of Feedback Connection
- First part describes the output part of the amplifier
- Second part describes the input part of the amplifier
Gains and Feedback Factor in Voltage-Series Feedback Connection
Input and Output impedance
A = Vo / Vi B = Vf / Vo Af = Vo / Vs
Afv = A / (1 + BA)
Zin = Zi(1 + BA) Zout = Zo / (1 + BA)
Gains and Feedback Factor in Current-Series Feedback Connection
Input and Output impedance
G = Io / Vi B = Vf / Io Af = Io / Vs
Afv = G / (1 + BG)
Zin = Zi(1 + BG) Zout = Zo(1 + BG)
Gains and Feedback Factor in Voltage-Shunt Feedback Connection
Input and Output impedance
R = Vo / Ii B = If / Vo Af = Vo / Is
Afv = R / (1 + BR)
Zin = Zi / (1 + BR) Zout = Zo / (1 + BR)
Gains and Feedback Factor in Current-Shunt Feedback Connection
Input and Output impedance
A = Io / Ii B = If / Io Af = Io / Is
Afv = A / (1 + BA)
Zin = Zi / (1 + BA) Zout = Zo(1 + BA)
Gain Margin (Formula)
GM = 1 / β*Aol
in dB:
GM = - 20log(β*Aol)
An OSCILLATOR employs _______ Feedback
pOSItive Feedback
“pOSItive, OSCIllator”
Formula for Feedback Gain(Af) of a Positive Feedback Oscillator
Af = A / ( 1 - βA)
A - Open Loop Gain / Gain Without Feedback
β - Feedback Element Gain (Less than or equal to 1)
What βA is required in a Positive Feedback Oscillator so that the Oscillator self-oscillates
βA must be equal to 1
Af = A / ( 1 - 1)
Af = A / 0
Af = ∞
This means that even just noise as an input will start oscillating the Positive Feedback Oscillator (Self-Oscillator)
Barkhausen Criterion
there are 2
1.) The Net Gain |βA| is equal to 1
2.) The NET Phase shift of the feedback loop must be an integer multiple of 360°
(SO that feedback signal is in phase with the input to the oscillator to enable positive feedback)
A Positive Feedback Oscillator usually has a circuit called a _________
Tank Circuit
The principle of oscillation the tank circuit employs
Flywheel Effect
The reason why the Flywheel effect dampens is due to the ________
Resistance in the coil of the inductor
To decrease the Damping effect of the coil resistance in the inductor, the __________ must be increased
Quality factor
Q = XL / Rcoil
The output of a Harmonic Oscillator is _____
The output of a Relaxation Oscillator is _____
In Positive Feedback, the Feedback Signal must be ______ with the incoming input signal
In Phase
Another term for ‘ Q ‘
Figure of Merit
Two types of RC Positive Feedback Oscillators
- Phase Shift Oscillators
- Wein Bridge Oscillators
A Phase Shift Oscillator’s passive network consists of ____ Lead (and/or) ____ Lag Circuits
3 Lead Circuits
3 Lag Circuits
The Passive network of a Phase Shift Oscillator must provide a total of ______° Phase Shift (____° for each lead/lag circuit used)
180° Phase Shift (60° Phase shift per lead/lag circuit)
A Phase Shift Oscillator’s OP-Amp configuration is in a/an ____________
Inverting Amplifier
Aol = -Rf / Rs
Formua for The Resonant Frequency(fr) of a Phase Shift Oscillator
fr = 1 / ( 2πRC*√6 )
R - resistor used in the passive Lead/Lag Network
C - capacitor used in the passive Lead/Lag Network
A Wein Bridge Oscillator’s passive network consists of ____ Lead (and/or) ____ Lag Circuits
1 Lead Circuit AND 1 Lag Circuit
A Wein Bridge Oscillator’s OP-Amp configuration is in a/an ____________
Non - Inverting Amplifier
Aol = 1 + (Rf / Rs)
Formua for The Resonant Frequency(fr) of a Wein Bridge Oscillator
fr = 1 / ( 2π√[RleadCleadRlagClag] )
Rlead/Rlag - resistor used in the passive Lead/Lag Network
Clead/Clag - capacitor used in the passive Lead/Lag Network
If Rlead = Rlag = R, and Clead = Clag = C
fr = 1 / ( 2π*√[RC] )
Four common LC Positive Feedback Oscillators
- Hartley Oscillator
- Colpitts Oscillator
- Clapp Oscillator
- Armstrong Oscillator
A Hartley Oscillator’s feedback circuit consists of: _____
(Capacitor) in parallel to (two inductors(Li, Lo), with ground tapped between them)
A Colpitts Oscillator’s feedback circuit consists of: ______
(Inductor) in parallel to (two Capacitors(Ci, Co), with ground tapped between them)
A Clapp Oscillator’s feedback circuit consists of: ______
(A capacitor in series to an inductor{CLapp}) in parallel to (two Capacitors(Ci, Co), with ground tapped between them)
An Armstrong Oscillator uses a __________, a component not present in the other three LC Oscillators
Formula for Resonant Frequency of a Hartley Oscillator
fr = 1 / { 2π√(LeqC) }
Leq = Li +Lo +2M
M = k√(LiLo)
k - coupling factor (1 by default/not specified)
Formula for Resonant Frequency of a Colpitts Oscillator
fr = 1 / { 2π√(LCeq) }
Ceq = (Ci*Co / (Ci + Co))
Formula for Resonant Frequency of a Clapp Oscillator
fr = 1 / { 2π√(LCeq) }
Ceq = 1 / { (1/Ci) + (1/Co) + (1/C) }
Formula for Resonant Frequency of an Armstrong Oscillator
fr = 1 / 2π√(LpriC)
Lpri - Inductance of the primary coil of the transformer
Effective Crystal lumped sum circuit
1st Branch: L (series) Cs (series) R 2nd Branch(parallel to 1st branch): Miller Capacitance (Cm)
Formula for Crystal oscillator series resonant frequency
frs = 1 / 2π√(LCs)
Cs - Capacitance in series with the stray conductance in a crystal oscillator
When a Crystal Oscillator is operating at the Series Resonant Frequency, its impedance is __________
Z = 0 Ω
The Series Resonant Frequency is (> , < , = ) the Parallel Resonant Frequency of the Crystal Oscillator
Less than
Formula for Crystal oscillator series resonant frequency
frs = 1 / 2π√(L * [CsCm / (Cs + Cm)] )
Cs - Capacitance in series with the stray conductance in a crystal oscillator
Cm - Miller Capacitance in parallel to the Crystal Oscillator
When a Crystal Oscillator is operating at the Parallel Resonant Frequency, its impedance is __________
Z = ∞ Ω
The most stable Positive Feedback Oscillator
Pierce Crystal Oscillator
AKA Crystal Controlled Oscillator
With a Pierce Crystal Oscillator, a Crystal replaces the ______ in a Colpitts Oscillator
Due to the Lumped Circuit of the Crystal, the whole oscillator setup will look like a ______ Oscillator
(Lcrystal in series with Ccrystal) || (Two capacitors)