microbiology quiz 12 Flashcards
against life
Alexander Fleming accidentally discovered
Antibiotic resistance is the ability of an organism to grow in the presence of a
specific antibiotic/s.
Commonly used in the lab for
determination of antibiotic
Mueller-Hinton agar
Mueller-Hinton agar contains
beef infusion, casein
hydrolysate, starch, neutral pH
what type of agar is non differential and non selective
Mueller-Hinton agar
loose agar allows
diffusion of antibiotics
starch does what in Mueller-Hinton agar
abrorbs toxins produced by bacteria
what type of culture does Mueller-Hinton agar use
the lowest concentration of an antibacterial agent expressed in mg/L
(μg/mL) needed to completely prevents visible growth of the test strain of an
t is the lowest concentration of an
antibacterial agent required to kill a
particular bacterium
MBC(minimum bacterixidal concentration) P.I.D
Perform, incubate, determine
Perform in Minimum bactericidal concentration
perform a streak from MIC without growth for each organism/antibiotic combo
incubate Minimum bactericidal concentration
incubate at 37 degrees o/n. in inverted position for 18-24 hrs
determine in Minimum bactericidal concentration
determine which concentration is required to kill all.bacteria
kirby bauer test principle
diffusion of antibiotics from a disk placed on an agar plate inoculated with bacteria; the size of the “zone of inhibition” around the disk indicates the bacteria’s susceptibility to the antibiotic