Microbiology COPY Flashcards
Recall the details of a generic virus replication cycle
Give two examples of viruses whose tropism are determined by receptor use)
List the features that infectious dose is affected by
Laz’s notes,138
- Describe the** **Consequences of infection via the GI tract
Laz’s notes,136
Describe the distribution of serious fungal infections of humans in terms of their phyla
Laz’s notes ,150
define subcutaneous mycoses
Laz’s notes ,153
Recall the difference bwetween vertical and horizontal DNA transmission
Vertical DNA transmission
Hand transmission can act as an intermediate for Portal of Entry - Upper Respiratory Tract(True/False)
Laz’s notes ,T,134
the SMALL INTESTINE you get GRAM NEGATIVE BACTERIA and gram positive bacteria(True/False)
Laz’s notes ,F, the SMALL INTESTINE you only get GRAM NEGATIVE BACTERIA,134
List the properties of a good vaccine, and describe the features of two of these properties
Explain the concept of latency, using the example of the Herpes Simplex Virus to illustrate your answer
Laz’s notes,133
Explain the concept of antigenic drift
Describe the mechanism of action of seven antibiotic sub-groups
Laz’s notes,142
Use two examples to illustrate how Genetic Resistance and Susceptibility may affect outcome of virus infection
What is a mycose
Laz’s notes ,151
List the different techniques following gram stain that may be used to distinguish between bacteria
pg 128 Laz’s notes
- What is involved in the new strategy for influenza vaccination in children(2)
Define resistance , breakpoint and minimum inhibitory concentration
Laz’s notes,141
what is the treatment for mycotoxicosis
Laz’s notes,151
Describe what happens in the four stages of vaccine clinical trials
Define active and passive immunity and state the purpose of a vaccine
Recall features of the tetanus and diphtheria toxin, and how the toxoid used for them is produced.