Immunology Flashcards
Explain The importance of immunology for human health
pg 197, ibook
“Summarise the basic principles of immune responses, and the timescales in which they occur.”
ibook, pg 197
“Define the terms antigen, antibody, B lymphocyte, T lymphocyte, naive lymphocyte,memory lymphocytes, aactive and passive immunity, primary and secondary immune responses.”
pg 198 ibook
“Summarise the concept of clonal selection, and its role in immune responses.”
pg 199, ibook AND pg 9 Immunology 2 word
Describe what happens in the primary and secondary immune response
ibook pg 199
Explain the relationship between natural selection and the immune system
ibook, pg 200
Outline how the physical organisation oof the immune system is important for its functiion
pg 200,ibook
List four things the immune system needs to do
immunology 1 slide 2
Desctibe three ways Exploitation of the power of the immune system in medicine
Immunolgy 1 , pg 3
• The immune system identifies and eliminates harmful microorganisms and harmful substances such as toxins by :
by distinguishing ‘self’ from ‘non-self’ (sometimes ‘normal self’ from ‘abnormal self’ in cancer)andby identifying ‘danger’ signals, slide 8 immunlogy 1
Explain the evolutionary ‘arms race’ between pathogen and host
immunology 1 slid e14
Summarise the features and functions of the receptors for the basic strategies used by the immune system to recognise danger and initiate a response.
Presentation immunolgy 1 slide 16-21
Innate versus adaptive immunity: differentiate between innate and adaptive immune responses, comparing the timescales in which they occur.
slide 24
What does the innate immune response do?
immunology 1 slide 25
Recall details of the Effector arms of the adaptive immune response
immunology 1 slide 26
IRecall nnate and adaptive immune response: main components
iimmunology 1 , slide 28
Recall details of Generation of clonal diversity in lymphocytes
immunology 1 slid e31
summarise the concept of clonal selection, and its role in immune responses.
immunology 1 sldie 32-33
What happens when the antigen is removed in the immune response?
immunology 1, slide 34
How does the immune response actually clear a pathogen?
slid e35,immunology 1
Definitions: antigen, immunogen, antibody
immunology 1, slid e 36
Recall details of Organisation of lymphoid tissues
immunology 1 slide 39
Recall the primary and secondary lymphoid organs and briefly differentiate between their functions.
immunology 2, pg 1
Provide an Overview of how the Lymphoid Organs relate with one another in function
pg 2