Microbial Growth and Metabolism Flashcards
What are Autotrophs? Heterotrophs?
Auto: Use inorganic carbon sources (CO2)
Heter: Use organic molecules like proteins, carbs, amino acids…for carbon
What are chemotrophs? Phototrophs?
Chemo: use energy from redox reactions involving organic and inorganic chemicals.
Photo: Use light as energy source.
What are aerobes?
Undergo aerobic respiration.
What are Anaerobes?
Do not use aerobic metabolism.
What are facultative aerobes?
Use aerobic respiration, but also fermentation or anerobic.
What are aerotolerant anaerobes?
Do not use aerobic metabolism, but have some enzymes that can detoxify poisonous oxygen chemicals
What are microaerophiles?
Aerobes that require oxygen levels from 2-10%, with limited ability to break down H2O2 and superoxide anion.
What are :
- Thermophiles
- Psychrophiles
- Acidophiles
- Alkalinophiles
- Halophiles
- Barophiles
- Capnophiles
- Hot temp
- Cold temp
- Low pH
- High pH
- High Salt
- High pressure
- High CO2
What are the different methods of preserving cultures, from good to best?
- Refrigeration at 4’ C
- Deep-Freezing at -80’ C
- Lyophilization (freeze drying).
WHat are the phases of microbial growth in order?
- Lag Phase (pre growth)
- Log phase (exponential growth)
- Stationary Phase (stable growth)
- Death phase (decline in growth).
What are the formulas for bacterial growth?
Nt=No(2n) n=t/g
What is:
- Defined media
- Complex media
- Selective media
- Differential media
- Anaerobic media
- transport media
- known media contents in specific amounts
- Media with exact chemical composition unknown
- inhibits/prevents growth of certain organisms
- Allows to differentiate organisms by observable trait like color or growth pattern.
- Media that limits oxygen content to allow anaerobics
- media that stabilizes/inhibits overgrowth of pathogen.