MH 65-D Limitations Flashcards
Chapter 5
A CHECK TRQ light indicates:
7.5% torque differential between engines
Minimum Crew
one pilot (right seat), one crew member (cabin)
What should you Do with VEH PARAM OVER LIMIT/FUEL PARAM OVER LIMIT displayed on the VEMD?
message zone of FLI; scroll to the appropriate VEMD page to determine limit exceedance
Conditions to cause Aural Warning “Gong”
- Takeoff - Accelerate to IAS >= 75k in TOP range.
- Cruise Flight - IAS >=75k for 5 seconds in TOP range.
- Torque 1+2>102.5%
- Excessive load factor
- Excessive fore or aft cyclic (on the ground).
- N1 exceeds the MTOP N1 + 0.4%, i.e., 102.3%
Nr rating as function of PA
355 RPM from 0-1650’ PA
Increases 1 RPM per 820 ft PA from 1650-5740’ PA
Max Nr 360 RPM
Airspeed/AOB limits with NR switch to HI
135 KIAS, 40 degrees AOB
Rotor Brake RPM Limit
170 RPM
Minimum Emergency Transient Nr
295 RPM
Minimum Stabilized Nr
320 RPM
Minimum Operating Range Nr
320-345 RPM
Nr Continuous Operating Range
345-360 RPM
Restricted Power-Off Nr Operating Range
360-365 RPM
Nr Maximum Power-Off Operating Range
360-395 RPM
Maximum Nr Power-Off
395 RPM
Maximum Nr (Power On)
420 RPM
Low Nr Horn RPM
<= 345 RPM
High Nr Horn RPM
> =380 RPM
Max DA for takeoffs and landings
10,000 feet
Max DA forward flight
18,000 feet
FADEC torque stop % (AEO)
11.0 (110%)
FADEC torque stop when RPM <335 RPM (AEO)
FADEC torque stop when RPM <317 RPM (AEO)
Transient Torque limit
10.4 for 5 seconds (104%)
FLI Torque Limitations
Max Continuous: 8.8
Max Takeoff: 10.0
Transient 5 sec: 10.4
FLI N1/TOT Limitations
Max Continuous: 8.8
Max Takeoff 5 min: 10.0
HIP/SARM 30 min: 10.0
Transient 5 sec: 10.7
TOT Start Limits
up to 840 for 10 seconds (FADEC turns engine off)
When will the FADED arm OEI 30-second rating on both engines?
> =6% difference N1 between 2 engines
AEO ops above Max Continuous Power (8.8) beyond 5 minutes, but not more than MTOP (10.0) for up to 30 minutes
**N1 and/or TOT limiting factor below 80 KIAS
Training Mode Switch Limits
Prior to placing back to NORM:
Nr stable 355 RPM
FLI at or below 8.0
FADEC overspeed safety feature
shuts down engine 429RPM +- 4 RPM (122.5% N2)
Nr switch SHALL be in HI position during:
hover flight greater than or equal to 10 feet AGL
all lateral flight
Do not extend use of NR HI Switch above what airspeed
best rate of climb airspeed, Vy
OEI Markings: Continous, 2-min, 30 sec
Continuous: 12.4 (66.3% TRQ)
2-min: 13.2 (75.5% TRQ)
30-sec: 13.8 (77.7% TRQ)
N2 Minimum Transient Speed
238 RPM
N2 Continuous Operating Range
347-360 RPM
Starter Engagement Limitations
Limit 5 attempts
60 seconds of cooling between attempts
30 minutes after 5th attempt
Starter Cranking Limitations
20 seconds max duration
3 cranking periods
5 minutes between cranking periods
30 minutes after third cranking period
Oil Temp Start Limits
0 degrees C before advancing FADEC past Idle
max 128 psi on start
check for minimum of 22 psi on start
Nominal Px HYD1 and HYD2 circuits
870 psi
Max Px to operate flight control servos
1060 psi
Minimum engine starting pressure (fuel):
Purge phase preceeding starting phase
5.8 psi
Minimum engine starting pressure (fuel):
Starting Phase
3.6 psi
Minimum engine starting pressure (fuel):
Operating Phase
3.6 psi
Fuel LOW light
~10 min of flight time remains at MCP
3% left, then takes from feed takes
DC Generator loads
within 10% of each other
Min Battery Start Voltage
17 VDC
When does 100% current limitation not apply?
During engine start
First minute of battery charging after engine start
Max ramp weight (static, towed, ground taxied)
9590 lbs
Max gross weight for flight ops (running takeoffs)
9480 lbs
Cabin Area Load Limit
Do not exceed 125 pounds per square foot
“Hover Flight” is defined as:
Any zero or near zero ground speed ops in winds of 35 knots and below (10.0-10.4)
“Transition Flight” is defined as:
Flight from zero to 80 KIAS (10.0 on FLI; spikes limit to 10.4 for less than 5 sec)
“Cruise Flight” is defined as:
Flight above 80 KIAS (8.8 on FLI)
Max FWD Airspeed at what gross weight
175 KIAS; GW not exceeding 6614 lbs
VNE is predicated upon what loading condition?
1 g, straight and level flight
Absolute VNE Power-On airspeed
175 KIAS
Absolute VNE Power-Off airspeed
135 KIAS
Max Cabin Sliding Door Speed: Door Removed
120 KIAS
Max Cabin Sliding Door Speed: Door locked in open position
100 KIAS
Max Cabin Sliding Door Speed: Door movement
Max Rescue Hatch Speed: Hatch locked in open position
80 KIAS, 35 kt sideward
Max Rescue Hatch Speed: Hatch movement
60 KIAS, 30 kt sideward
Max cargo hook load speed
Max airspeed with float bags armed or inflated
Max airspeed with skis installed
120 KIAS
Max touchdown speed
60 KGS
Max touchdown speed with skis on snow
35 KGS
Max Brake Speed: Gross weight at or less than 8900 lbs
38 KGS
Max Brake Speed: Gross weight above 8900 lbs
30 KGS
Max Airspeed with NR HI
135 KIAS
Max Sideward Flight
35 kt
Max Landing Gear Extension Speed
135 KIAS
Rotor Start Wind Limits
55 kts within 20 degrees of aircraft heading; 35 kts from all other directions
Max touchdown sink rate
at GW of 8900 lb: 600 ft/min
Max speed for touchdown
60 knots ground speed
Ship landings prohibited above what GW?
8900 lbs
Slope limitation for landing and stopping the rotor
10 degrees
Cooling period between rotor brake applications
5 minutes
10 minutes after 3 consecutive attempts
Maximum braking time
13 seconds
Max airspeed with emergency floats inflated or in ARM
Max load for rescue hoist
600 lbs
Heavy Load Hoist
300-600 lb
30 sec rest between delivery and recovery
Normal Load Hoist
300 lb or less
10 sec rest between delivery and recovery
No Load
no rest requirement
Max cargo hook load weight
2000 lbs
Max airspeed with external load attached
Fuel Jettison Airspeed/ROC/ROD limits
40-120 KIAS; any rate of climb and descent up to 1500 frm
Landing gear extended if fuel jettisoning below airspeed:
Time limit after jettison is terminated before hovering or landing
at least 1 minute
When is fuel jettisoning prohibited?
During hover or other in-ground effect maneuvers
> 40 KIAS
> 70 KIAS, 0-3000 fpm
> 70 KIAS
> 40 KIAS,
0-3000 fpm
Below 7.0 on the FLI (80% of 8.8)
> 40 KIAS
Below 7.0 on the FLI (80% of 8.8)
> 40 KIAS
> 40 KIAS
> 40 KIAS, 12 deg GP
Below 2500 RADALT
Visual hover maneuver
> 25 feet AGL
IAS-VS and IAS-ALT mode should not be used above what power?
80% MCP; limit above 80 KIAS in cruise flight is 80% of 8.8 FLI or approx. 7.0 on FLI
Prohibited Maneuvers
- Aerobatic Flight
- Angles of bank
a. Greater than 60 degrees less than 110 KIAS
b. Greater than 45 degrees at or above 110 KIAS - Abrupt cyclic movement above 110 KIAS
- Takeoff and landing on slopes steeper than 10 degrees
- Above 8,500 lb gross weight, practice single engine maneuvers
- Above 8,900 lb gross weight, the following maneuvers are prohibited:
a. Shipboard landings
b. All rotary wing air intercept maneuvers and AUF training maneuvers - Above 9,200 lb gross weight, the following maneuvers are prohibited:
a. Prolonged hover operations (>1 min)
b. Operational AUF maneuvers