3710.1G Regulations Flashcards
The PIC receives clearance for flight from the _____.
This authority can be delegated no lower than _____.
When can flights be initiated without prior approval?
Assigned Operations Officer
Flights may be initiated in accordance with local procedures when prior approval is not practicable (e.g. SAR). Such flights shall be approved by the assigned Operations Officer or higher authority as soon as possible.
When is it permissible to deviate from regulations?
No provision of this manual relieves personnel of their duty to use sound judgment or to take such emergency action as the situation demands.
In the operational environment, mission demands may require on-scene deviation from prescribed instructions or policy when, in the judgment of the PIC, such deviation is necessary for flight safety or the saving of human life.
Who can delay a mission and for what reasons? Who is responsible for safety of the mission?
The CO or PIC may delay a mission if, in the opinion of either, conditions are not safe. The PIC has final responsibility for the safe conduct of the mission.
Warranted Risk for National Defense
Risk of damage to or sacrifice of the aircraft and crew is acceptable if the gain is the defense of the US, its citizens, and/or installations.
Warranted Risk for SAR - Saving Human Life
If a mission is likely to save human life, it warrants a maximum effort. When no suitable alternatives exist and the mission has a reasonable chance of success, the risk of damage to or abuse of the aircraft is acceptable, even though such damage or abuse may render the aircraft unrecoverable. Probable loss of the aircrew is not an acceptable risk.
Warranted Risk for SAR - Preventing or Relieving Pain or Suffering
If a mission is likely to prevent or relieve intense pain or suffering, or if it may result in the possibility of saving human life, it warrants the risk of damage to or abuse of the aircraft if recovering the aircraft can be reasonably expected.
Warranted Risk for SAR - Saving Property
If a mission is likely to save property of the United States or its citizens, it warrants the risk of damage to the aircraft if the value of the property to be saved is unquestionably greater than the cost of aircraft damage and the aircraft is fully expected to be recoverable.
Warranted Risk for Missions Involving Law Enforcement and Evidence Recovery
The possibility of recovering evidence and interdicting or apprehending alleged violators of federal law does not warrant probable damage to or abuse of the aircraft.
Warranted Risk for Logistics and Other Missions
Logistics or other missions having little or no urgency shall not be prosecuted if they expose the aircraft to hazards greater than those encountered during the course of routine training missions.
Define PIC.
What is the “normal” order of precedence for assigning a PIC?
The PIC is defined as the pilot who has been assigned by proper authority to take charge of the aircraft and be responsible for a specific flight or mission.
Order of precedence
- Highest designation in type and model
- Highest qualification required for the mission
- Senior pilot
IP/FE for upgrade/check rides
Active duty pilot when Civilian Contract Pilot (CPP) is assigned.
What is the responsibility and authority of the PIC?
The PIC is responsible for the professional, safe, orderly, efficient and effective performance of the aircraft, aircrew and passengers during the entire mission. This responsibility exists from the time the PIC first enters the aircraft with the intent for flight until leaving it upon completion of the mission.
The PIC has the authority to direct all aircraft and aircrew activities during the mission, including periods between sorties.
When can PIC responsibilities be transferred?
A transfer of PIC authority and responsibility may be authorized only by the CO of the unit to which the aircraft is attached, or by a higher authority within the unit’s operational chain of command. Deviations from this policy are authorized only as required by emergency or military necessity.
The CO or other aviator senior to the PIC and in the aircraft’s tactical chain of command may assume direct command of the aircraft.
Who has the authority to delay a mission?
Who has final responsibility for the mission?
The final decision to delay a mission may be made by either the CO or PIC when, in the opinion of either individual, conditions are not safe to start or continue a mission.
Final responsibility for the safe conduct of the mission rests with the PIC. Another PIC and crew shall not be assigned to take the same mission under the same conditions without the specific approval of the CO of the aviation unit to which the PIC is assigned. This authority may not be delegated.
What is required of the PIC after a PEL?
If a PEL is made away from home station for observed or suspected aircraft malfunctions or damage, the PIC shall ensure that a proper inspection of the aircraft is conducted by competent maintenance personnel and the results reported to the home station’s engineering officer or other qualified maintenance officer.
Further flight without the approval of the appropriate clearance authority is prohibited.
(minor = CO, major = COMDT)
What is required for preflight planning?
- applicable performance data at all intended and alternate airfields
- fuel reserve requirements
- aircraft weight and balance
- weather for route of flight
- flight restrictions as applicable to medevac missions
- ADIZ & foreign clearance requirements
Risk vs Gain!!!
What is considered an acceptable source of weather data?
What requirements must be met for a weather brief prior to an IFR flight?
How long must IFR flight planning weather information be recorded at a CG unit?
Acceptable sources of weather data include government-sanctioned aviation weather services and dedicated aviation weather subscription services.
Before an IFR flight, obtain and record a comprehensive weather briefing. This weather briefing shall include all items contained in a “Standard Briefing” as defined by the AIM.
90 days
What are the fuel resserve requirements for rotary wing aircraft?
Fuel reserves shall be at least that required for 20 minutes of flight after reaching the alternate.
Fuel carried on departure will be at least 10 percent more than that required to reach the alternate via the destination.
What is required of the PIC with regard to weight and balance?
When is a completed weight and balance (Form F) required?
How long is the weight and balance form retained at the aircraft’s home unit?
Prior to any flight, the PIC shall:
- Ensure that a weight and balance calculation has been completed based on the actual loading of the aircraft
- Be familiar with any anticipated evolutions during the flight that will significantly change aircraft weight and balance and comply with limitations.
Leave a copy of the completed weight and balance form with a responsible individual on the ground and file a copy with the completed flight plan unless the unit has completed a standard loading weight and balance form within the last 12 months, and the aircraft is loaded in accordance with that standard loading.
Retain completed weight and balance forms for 90 days at the aircraft’s home unit.
All operations within Warning Areas shall be _____________
coordinated with the controlling agency prior to entry. 2 way comms with the controlling agency shall be maintained when practicable.