AIRSTA SAV Standing Orders Flashcards
OPERATIONAL FLIGHT related reasons to call OPS include:
Any time a CG (incl Aux) aircraft:
(1) PELS or declares an emergency
(2) gets a flight violation
(3) goes lost comms
(4) lands with less than 200#
(5) after landing during cross country or remain over stops
Call OPS when you have less than ______ aircraft.
Three Bravo
FLIGHT PLANNING reasons to call OPS include:
Any unscheduled flights
Changes to mission or pilot assignment
Unable to meet readiness requirements for any reason
When the unit cannot or will not meet a mission request
Anytime you must delay a mission or are unable to complete it for whatever reason.
Short notice operational exercises.
ADMIN reasons to call OPS
Less than 3 BRAVO aircraft
Injury to duty crew or personnel at the unit or damage to the station.
Changes to DEFCON, THREATCON, HURCON, or heavy weather bill is set.
Any complaints or criticisms of the unit
Disagreements between unit and outside agencies.
Aircrews SHALL NOT takeoff for missions __________ without explicit approval from the OPERATIONS OFFICER
.8+ HAT score
Aircrews SHALL NOT takeoff for missions __________ without explicit approval from the COMMANDING OFFICER
.95+ HAT score
Unscheduled aircraft movement ______, at the least, be approved by ________.
SHALL be approved by the Operations Officer. CO, Sector, D7 are to be notified as soon as possible.
For SAR diversion requests from units outside the CG, the diversion shall be approved no lower than ______.
OPS; notify CO/SECTOR/D7 as soon as possible
The PIC _______ notify _______ prior to unscheduled missions. If mission urgency dictates, the HAT score is low or moderate, and _____ cannot be reached, the PIC may launch and the OWS will notify _____ as soon as possible.
The PIC SHALL notify OPS prior to unscheduled missions. If OPS cannot be reached, and score is below .8, PIC may launch and have OWS notify OPS as soon as possible.
The “ready” aircraft requires a Flight Mech and Rescue Swimmer for flights that intend to go further than _____ from the Airsta/Airfac.
15 minutes
Approval for passengers shall be given by no lower than _______.
MEDEVACS require approval by ______.
The aircrew may/may not launch for MEDEVACs prior to D7 Flight Surgeon approval.
MAY, however, Flight Surgeon recommendation SHOULD be obtained prior to hoisting any patient.
A phone conference between _____ should be made prior to MEDEVAC missions.
PIC, SAR Controller, and the Flight Surgeon.
Whenever possible, the _____ should be brought for all MEDEVAC missions.
Rescue litter.
Unless otherwise directed, plan to arrive _______ for first light searches.
For operations beyond ______ offshore, ______ must specifically authorize the mission.
75 NM offshore, CO/OPS or their acting representative.
Initial flight planning for operations beyond ____ nautical miles offshore _____ assume a _____ fuel reserve.
Beyond 75 NM offshore SHALL assume a 400 pound fuel reserve; may lower on-scene
For operations beyond 75 NM offshore, fixed/rotary wing cover _____ be requested. However, waiting for an escort _______ not delay launch.
SHOULD be requested; SHALL NOT delay the launch awaiting cover.
Responsibility for the deconfliction of Warning/Restricted/ADIZ airspace rests with _______.
The Air Station
OPS approval is required for training flights with weather below/forecast below:
500’ ceiling
2 SM visibility
30+ knot sustained winds
15+ knot gust spread
Minimum air temperature for practice Rescue Swimmer operations is _____.
32 degrees Farenheight
Practice night approaches to the water require:
Visual contact with the cover asset prior to commencing the approach.
Daytime practice approaches to the water require:
Aircrew shall pass DATUM and final approach course to station maintaining your radio guard.
Practice approaches to the water in IMC are ______.
Right Seat Skills flights ______ not be conducted to Auxiliary vessels.
Live survivors _____ not be hoisted in a litter for training.
An _______ is required to be in the right seat for aircrew upgrade hoist training.
First Pilot or Aircraft Commander
On all SAR flights, the PIC shall contact _____ upon any stop overs.
The SMC, OPS and the Airsta OPCEN.
Following any unscheduled sortie, contact:
For hotseat/hot gas to oncoming JZI crew, plan to be on deck at ______.
1215L; the off-going PIC shall notify SECTOR/D7 of any temporary gap in SAR coverage.
Unless approved by ______, JZI aircrews _____ be on deck by_____.
Unless approved by OPS, JZI aircrews SHOULD be on deck by 2100L.
If current or forecasted weather conditions are below ________, contact ________.
500’ ceiling
2 SM visibility
30+ KIAS sustained winds
15+ KIAS gust spread
Off-going and on-coming should contact OPS to discuss swap options
________ is responsible for calling OPS for all JZI diversions.
The Air Station duty crew.
Keep the JZI fuel bowser above ______.
2’ 6”
For noise abatement, when conducting multiple practice instrument approaches and/or closed traffic patterns at Hunter AAF, fly through _______ on runway heading prior to making turns.
700’ AGL
“SVFR clearance is required prior to operating in Class D and E surface areas if weather is less than _____. SVFR is not authorized if reported weather is less than _______.
1000’ ceiling
3 SM visibility
Not authorized (Day): 300' - 1/2 SM vis (Night): 600' - 1 SM vis