merit making Flashcards
why is merit making important in buddhism
- good rebirth
- enlightenment
- gaining good karmit merit
- all attained via good conduct –> 6P, 8FP, kusala/skillful means
why is transferring/sharing merit important in buddhism
- generosity, caga
- better than mourning at funerals as it demonstrates non attachement to the merit and the person –> pure land buddhism
- M: bodhisattvas, help people become enlightened through transference –> coming back to teach
what does punya/punna mean
what does Dana mean
- perfect giving in the 6 perfections
quotes on merit making
‘a beneficial and protective force which extends over a long period of time’ BJ Terwiel
‘the pursuit of merit is the buddhist way to develop a wise sense of self’ bhikkhu bodhi
‘cultivate wholesome actions, to purify one’s mind’ the dhammapada
ways to make merit
- meditation
- arms round, lay buddhists
- group merit making
- following ethical systems
- can give non material things –> time dedication
intentions/benefits for making merit
- performing a good selfless action, rejecting 3 fires
- karma, accruing karmic merit
- 8 fold path
- better rebirth
- M: enlightenment for all not just sangha
- generosity, acts of self sacrifice
how much merit do u receieve dependent on ur good action’s RECIPIENT
- arhat/monastic sangha
- mink/nun on arhat path (monk>nun)
- buddhist who has taken precpts
- not spiritually advanced
- immoral people
- interdependence between L + S: monks give back spiritually when laity support them
- immoral people last as they do not give back spiritually (could argue they need it more)
- should not expect a thankyou as it giver does not give the blessing to the recipient
importance of transference of merit
- M: bodhisat, releases merit to devotee
- paul williams: path to another power
what is meditation
an altered state of conciousness induced in a controlled manner
- benefits are cumulative and sustained
what is bhavana
mental development
what is brahma viharas
4 sublime/divine states
samatha meditation
calming meditation
- involves calming the mind and developing deeper concentration
what is vipassana meditation
- insight meditation
- developing understanding of the nature of reality
what is zazen
- zen b
- awareness of present moment
why is meditation important in buddhism
- the buddha gained enlightenment during meditation –> all schools see it as the high road to nirvana
- one can gain a greater awareness and understanding of the buddhas teachings
- experential part of B as a religion
- comprehensive ‘tune up’ for peak mental functioning –> increases concentration, senses pf calm and stillness increases
- removes mental static and reduce mental chatter which dissipates psychic energy
- practiced at all levels, most important for L and S
- magical powers gained: B could fly etc –> clairvoyance, knowing others thoughts, recollection of past lives
what is samatha meditation
- Therav
- develop calm and positive emotion
- tranquil settled restful mind
- mindfulness of breath –> focus of meditation
- calm and concentraed mind prepares for developing wisdom and understanding the nature of reality –> prep for V med
- focus on one neutral simple object/process –> sole focus
- pursued to reach 4 jhanas
what are the 4 jhanas
- detatchment and clarity
- stillness and joy
- rarified joy
- clear calm conciousness
what is vipassana med
- Therav
- inderstanding and wisdom, insightful
- penetrate and gain insight into the nature of reality –> reflection on 3 MOS and how they characterise all things
- everything can be explored objectively (eg body, then attractiveness and how to become less attatched to feeling attractive)
- can switch attention
- makes meditation on a core part of the 8FP –> complete understanding and enlightenment
what is zazen
- zen Bud in japan
- seated med
- intended to lead to a deeper understanding of the nature of existence
- meditator focuses on the present moment and tries to remain thoughts there
meditation as a form of therapy
- cleanse the mind of troubles –> sense of peace and tranquility
- use in prisons to help them reflect on their actions –> ask for forgiveness and give them the strength to change and begin a new life
- elimination from 3 fires to reduce suffering –> detach from emotion
- mental cultivation: can see nature of mind beyond thoughts and emotions, to achieve highest wisdom, compassion, and peace are attained
scientific discovery with meditation
improvement in health
- harvard med school: meditation activates sections of the brain in charge of the automatic nervous system, governing bodily functions we cannot control like digestion and blood pressure
- new scientist journal: in left pre frontal lobe, positive emotions and good moods
theravadin devotion
- offerings of candles, flowers and rosaries/incense
- laity not expected to meditate/know the sciptures
- gain merit by supporting sangha and living life of reverence + devotion
- expressed through worship and ethical living
mahayanan devotion
- emphasis on mantras + chanting –> tibetan
- elaborate worship
- halls for shak B in viharas
- more emphasis on rituals than T, rituals for deceased
- surangama sutra–> practice manual for spiritual enlightenment
- tells M how to move through each meditation towards one that leads to nirvana