Mental Health 2 Flashcards
Psychoanalysis (1150)
Developed by Fraud. A long-term, intense form of therapy that allows the individual to bring unconscious thoughts to the surface. Free association and dream interpretation are among the tools used.
Suicide is the 8th leading cause of death amongst which US population (1142)
Older population, the elderly.
Obsessive-compulsive (OCD) behavior (1146)
Disorder has two features: obsessive thoughts that are recurrent, intrusive, and senseless producing anxiety. Compulsions are behaviors that are performed in response to an obsessive thought. Repetitive and ritualistic behavior.
Safety precautions for suicide risk (1142)
Remove items that could be used to harm themselves. Remove furniture that’s dangerous. Room close to nurses’ station with 24 hours monitor. Check patient q15 minutes. Visitors can’t leave gifts. Patients swallow al medications. Keep track of dinnerware. Frequent therapeutic verbal contact.
Suicide precautions for medication administration (1142)
Make sure they swallow all their pills.
Signal anxiety (1145)
Learned response to an event, such as test taking.
General anxiety (1145)
High degree of anxiety or avoidance behavior. An individual with GAD tends to worry or fret over many things and finds it difficult to concentrate on the task at hand.
Anxiety traits (1145)
A learned aspect of personality. An individual with anxiety traits has anxious reactions to relatively non-stressful events.
Panic anxiety (1145)
Attack of acute, intense, and overwhelming anxiety accompanied by a degree of personality disorganization.
Anorexia nervosa (1148)
Form of self-starvation.
Bulimia nervosa (1148)
routine of bingeing followed by purging.
Somatoform (1148)
A disorder whose typical characteristics are recurrent, multiple, physical complaints and symptoms for which there is not organic cause. Process by which an individual’s feelings, needs, and conflicts are manifested physiologically.
What sensitive information do we share during therapy (1150)
Each member of the healthcare team will share any information with the others.
You must also notify appropriate authorities when someone expresses intent to harm another.
PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) (1146)
describes a response to an intense traumatic experience that is beyond the usual range of human experiences. Evokes feelings of terror and helplessness.
Stages of Bipolar Disease (1143)
Delirium (1140)
Rapid change in consciousness that occurs over a short time. Presents with reduced awareness and attention to surroundings, disorganized thinking, sensory misinterpretation, and irrelevant speech.
Sun-downing (1140)
Form of delirium, displays increased disorientation and agitation only during the evening and nighttime.
Hallucination (1140)
Sensory experience without a stimulus trigger. Auditory hallucinations are most common.
Schizophrenia (1140)
Thought process disorders is bizarre, non-reality-based thinking. Any one of a large group of psychotic disorders whose defining characteristics are gross distortion of reality, disturbance of language or communication, withdrawal from social contact, disorganization and fragmented thoughts, perception, and emotional reaction.
Delusion (1140)
A false fixed belief that is not possible to correct by feedback and that others in the same context do not accept as true.
Positive schizophrenic behaviors (1140)
Delusions, hallucinations, disordered thinking.
Negative schizophrenic behaviors (1140)
Absent behavior patterns, apathy (avolution), social withdrawal, alogia (reduced content of speech), blunted emotional responses, anhedonia, unkempt appearance.
Stages of Schizophrenia (1141)
Prodromal phase (1141)
Lack of energy or motivation and withdrawal. Affect becomes blunted, beliefs and ideas become odd, interest in philosophy and religion, poor personal hygiene, speech is difficult to follow, complains of multiple physical problems, magical thinking.
Prepsychotic (1141)
Quiet passive behavior, prefers to be alone, hallucinations and delusions sometimes occur, odd suspicious, or eccentric behavior patterns.
Acute phase (1141)
Disturbances in thought, perception, emotion, and behavior. Loses contact with reality and is unstable to function in the most basic ways.
Residual phase (1141)
Group of symptoms similar to that in the prodromal phase.
Anhedonia (1141)
The inability to experience happiness or joy.
Neurosis (1135)
Ineffective coping with stress that causes mild interpersonal disorganization. People often are aware that they have a psychiatric disorder.
Psychosis (1135)
Out of touch with reality and has severe personality deterioration, impaired perception, judgement, hallucinations, and delusions. A psychotic person is unaware that they have a psychiatric disorder.
DSM4’s multiaxial system (1135)
System that classifies mental disorders and outlines various disorders and descriptive references.
Catatonic state (1141)
Stupor, negativism, rigidity.
Signs to watch for with a suicidal patient (1142)
Withdrawal, talking about death or suicide, giving away possessions, drugs or alcohol use, personality changes, anger, boredom, apathy, signs of depression, helplessness, hopelessness, anxiety, panic.
Agoraphobia (1145)
A type of panic disorder. High anxiety brought on by situations in which a panic attack can occur. They avoid people, places, and events.
Signs and symptoms of a panic attack (1145)
Tachycardia, diaphoresis, shaking, dyspnea, chest pain, nausea, dizzy, fear of going crazy, fear of dying, numbness, tingling, chills, hot flashes.
What percent of mood disorders are thought to be hereditary factors (1142)
Delusion of Grandeur (1141)
belief in having great powers.
Delusions of Ideas of Reference (1141)
belief that some event has special meaning.
Somatic Delusions (1141)
false belief in body function or image.
Delusions of Persecution (1141)
someone is out to harm them.
Thought Broadcasting (1141)
belief that others hear your thoughts.
Thought Insertion (1141)
ideas are put into their minds.
Thought Withdrawal (1141)
thoughts removed from their minds.
What psychotherapy technique that Fraud developed:
Which population has the highest risk of suicide:
Older adults
What is the disorder for someone who has thoughts that are recurrent, intrusive, senseless, and behaviors that are ritualistic and repetitive:
OCD - obsessive compulsive disorder
The definition of a phobia:
An irrational fear
Medication administration for someone on suicide precautions:
Ensure the pill is swallowed
Definition of agoraphobia:
Fear of being with other people, places, or events.
Someone has anxious reactions to relatively non-stressful events and they respond fast and stronger to stress, and then level off more slowly, but they aren’t diagnosed with anxiety:
Anxiety traits
What is a somatoform disorder:
Physical symptoms without an organic cause
A severe form of self-starvation:
Response to a patient who asks you to keep a secret:
There are certain things that you have to report, and anything that they tell you, you have to share with the care team.
What is PTSD:
Usually a traumatic event that is beyond the range of human experiences.
What is a hypomanic episode:
One of the earlier stages of bipolar disorder.
Delirium is what kind of disorder:
Cognitive disorder
If someone has delirium or dementia at night, what is this called:
Sun downer’s syndrome
Clinical diagnosis if you hear, smell, or see something that is not there:
What thought process disorder is characterized by bizarre non-reality based thinking or may include disorganized thinking or hallucinations and delusions:
What is a delusion
Something that you believe to be true that is not really true - a fixed belief that is not true.
Which type of behaviors have a better prognosis for schizophrenics:
Positive behaviors
What are some of the positive behaviors a schizophrenic can display:
Hallucinations and delusions
What are the negative behaviors that a schizophrenic can display:
Tendency to be withdrawn
Stop communication
If an adolescent is beginning to demonstrate a lack of energy, motivation, and are withdrawing with complaints of physical problems, what phase of schizophrenia is this:
What is it called when you have the inability to experience happiness or joy:
What is exaggerated feelings of sadness or despair
What is the difference between neurosis and psychosis:
Neurosis you are aware that something’s wrong.
With psychosis you don’t realize that something’s wrong.
The manual that is used for diagnostics in psych patients:
DSM-IVTR diagnostic and statistical manual
How are the sections of the DSM-IVTR called:
Which part of the brain is affected when you have dementia:
Cerebral cortex
The term used to describe how some schizophrenics associate:
Loose association
What is the definition of loose association:
Combining two thoughts that are not related to each other (“Park and football”).
Someone who is catatonic is going to demonstrate what kind of behavior for long periods of time:
Sit there and do or say nothing for days or weeks at a time.
Someone who is talking constantly, is helping out with several projects at the same time, hey are very happy, and the next day they cannot get out of bed, they are very sad and tearful - what type of disorder do they have:
What do you watch for when someone starts on antidepressants:
Suicide attempts
For someone to be admitted to the hospital for a psych evaluation what is the order number:
Who is the one to make the 5150 order:
Only a physician - psychiatrist
What would you be concerned about if someone was having auditory hallucinations:
Hurting themselves or someone else
The DSM manual provides what type of assessment:
If your patient is having a panic attack, what is one way you are going to try and calm them down:
Deep breathing
If someone witnesses a shooting, dives under a table and starts screaming when they hear fire crackers, what disorder do they have:
PTSD - post traumatic stress syndrome
Interventions for schizophrenia:
Assess needs, set limits, maintain safe environment, monitor for altered thought process, avoid touching patient, establish daily routines, assess grooming needs, sit in silence if necessary, tell patient what youre doing, tell the patient when you don’t understand, do not go along with patient’s delusions, simple activities, establish real vs unreal, reassure patient is safe, set realistic goals, use canned foods, set limits, monitor for suicide, expression therapy.
The priority fro any patient that is psychotic, agitated, and aggressive:
Psychophysiological conditions would present with what symptoms:
Having physical symptoms, but are not based off any organic cause.
Which disorder would you most likely use antianxiety medications for:
Panic disorders