Menopause and secondary amenorrhoea Flashcards
Why might you prescribe HRT?
Hormonal replacement therapy can be used to improve symtpms experienced during menopause.
These symptoms include:
Vasomotor- hot flushes and night sweats
Local genital symtpoms e.g. vaginal dryness
HRT is only prescribed in severe vasomotor symptoms or if premature ovarian insuffiency as the benefits then outweight risks until 50 years old.
What are the potential risks of HRT?
Increased risk of breast Ca if cobined HRT
Increased risk of ovarian cancer
Increased risk of venour thrombosis if oral estrogen
Increased risk of cardiovasuclar disease if oral route
When would vaginal HRT pessary, ring or cream be used?
If local/vaginal symtpoms only
What are contraindications to systemic HRT?
Curent breast or endometrial cancer
Current active liver disease
Uninvestigated abnormal vaginal bleeding
What is cyclical combined HRT and when is it used?
14 days of estrogen only then 14 days of oestrogen+progesterone
This is used in women who still have some ovarian function so are bleeding irregularly, this makes the bleeding regular so is less inconvient.
When is continous combines HRT used?
>1 year after LMP
Age 54+
will be bleed free after 1st 3 months
Define secondary amenorrhoea
Has previously had periods but none in last 6 months.
Causes of secondary amenorrhea?
Pregnancy/breast feeding Polycystic ovarian syndrome Premature ovarian insufficiency Stress Thyroid disease Prolactinoma Cognential adrenal hyperplasia Androgen secreting tumour Contraception
what other symtpoms may be seen if prolactinoma cause?
Visual change
What other symptoms may be seen if a androgen secreting tumour was the cause of secondary amenorrhea?
Voice change
Investigations done in secondary amenorrhea?
TFT's Blood FSH, prolactin, testosterone ect Urine pregnancy test Abdominal and pelvic examination Pelvic ultrasound
How is secondary amenorrhea treated?
Treat specific cause
e.g. weightloss, treatment of thyroid disease
If premature ovaian insufficiency, HRT, counselling and IVF if not yet completed family.
What is polycystic ovary (ovarian) syndrome?
Need 2 out of 3:
-oligo/amenorrhoea (in frequent or absecnt periods)
-andrigenic symptoms e.g. excess hair/acne
Polycystic ovarian morphology on scan
Will also have:
normal/high oestrogen levels
Increased androgens
On ultrasound 10 or more small peripheral ovarian cysts per ovary or ovarian volume >12cm3
How is PCOS managed?
Incresed risk of diabetes so lower thresholded for OGTT
Antiandrogen e.g. combine hormonal contraception, spironolactone
Elfornithine cream (antiandrogen) - reduces facial hair
Clomiphene or metformin can be used to induce ovulation to increase fertility.