MEMORY- multi-store and working memory models Flashcards
what is the multi-store model (3)
-model consisting of 3 unitary stores (sensory register, STM and LTM)
-info passed in a linear way
-stores hold the info before it being passed on/lost- passive stores
MSM- what is the sensory register (2)
takes info from environment via one of the sense organs
there’s a store for each of the 5 senses
MSM- characteristics of the sensory register (4)
-CODING- depends on how info enters- it is modality specific
-CAPACITY is high- has to contain all sense impressions for all the senses in the moment
-DURATION- less than half a second
-KEY PROCESS- if attention is paid, info passes onto the STM store
MSM- characteristics of STM (4)
-CODING- info coded acoustically
-CAPACITY- 5-9 chunks
-DURATION- 18-30 sec. unless it is rehearsed
-KEY PROCESS- maintenance rehearsal. Repeating material over and over will stay in STM. Rehearsing for long enough (prolonged rehearsal) passes info to LTM. Forgetting occurs when info decays in STM due to lack of maintenance rehearsal
MSM- characteristics of LTM (4)
-CODING- semantic
-CAPACITY- unlimited
-DURATION- potentially unlimited
-KEY PROCESS- retrieval- info can be recalled from LTM to STM
what is the working memory model (2)
-MSM was criticised for describing memory as linear with unitary stores, as it was too simple
-WMM suggests STM has different components- explains how STM is an active processor
WMM- what is the central executive (2)
supervisory component- it has overall control
-responsible for a range of control processes (monitoring incoming info, retrieving info from LTM, allocating tasks to slave systems)
WMM- characteristics of central executive (2)
-modality free- it processes all types of info from any of our senses
-limited capacity of 4 items. It doesnt store any info
WMM- what is the phonological loop (2)
-slave system with limited capacity
-deals with auditory info (acoustic coding)
-capacity is how much can be said in 2 secs
WMM- describe the 2 sub categories of the phonological loop (2)
-phonological store is a temporary storage system for words you hear
-articulatory process allows maintenance rehearsal- holds info from sub-vocal repetition
WMM- what is the visuo-spatial sketchpad (4)
-slave system storing visual/ spatial info
-capacity of 3-4 objects
-inner scribe records arrangement of objects in the visual field
-visual cache stores visual data
WMM- what is the episodic buffer+characteristics (3)
-slave system storing and integrating visual, spatial and verbal info processed by other stores
-links working memory to LTM+wider cognitive processes eg. perception
-capacity of 4 chunks