MEMORY- coding, capacity and duration Flashcards
capacity definition
how much information can be kept in any memory store at one time
research on capacity- Jacobs- procedure (3)
Digit span
1. read out digits/letters to participants eg. 4 digits
2. increase length of these digits by 1 until participants can’t recall the order correctly
3. this indicated the individual’s digit/letter span
research on capacity- Jacobs- findings
mean digit span= 9.3
mean letter span= 7.3
research on capacity- Miller- procedure (2)
- he observed things that come in groups of 7 (days of the week)
2.suggested we are predisposed to remembering this quantity- ‘chunking’ method can help to recall information
research on capacity- Miller- findings (2)
-capacity of STM is between 5 and 9 (7 +/- 2)
-capacity of LTM is unlimited
coding definition
the format in which info is stored in the various memory stores
research on coding- Baddeley- procedure (3)
- he gave different word lists to 4 groups and had them recall them correctly
- STM groups recalled immediately, LTM recalled after 20 mins
group 1- acoustically similar words (cat, cab, can)
group 2- acoustically dissimilar words (pit, few, cow)
group 3- semantically similar words (great, large big)
group 4- semantically dissimilar words (good, huge, hot)
research on coding- Baddeley- findings (2)
-LTM info is coded semantically (more mistakes were made with semantically similar words)
-STM info is coded acoustically (more mistakes were made on acoustically similar words)
duration definition
the length of time info can be held in the memory
research on LTM duration- Bahrick et al- procedure (3)
- 392 american, ex-highschool students aged 17-74 years old
- asked to recall classmates from their high school yearbooks
- free recall of as many people as possible
photo recognition test consisting of 50 photos
research on LTM duration- Bahrick et al- findings + conclusion (3)
-free recall: 60% accuracy within 15 years of graduation. 30% accuracy after 48 years
-photo recognition test: 90% accuracy within 15 years of graduation. 70% accuracy after 48 years
Shows that people ave very-long-term memories as duration of LTM is up to a lifetime for some memories
research on STM duration- Peterson and Peterson- procedure (2)
- participants are told a trigram (3 consonants eg. ZTM). Vowels are avoided so words can’t be constructed
- participants asked to count backwards in 3’s from a 3-digit number. They were asked the stop after varying periods of time (eg. 3 secs, 6 secs, 9 secs,) and recall the trigram
research on STM duration- Peterson and Peterson- findings + conclusion (3)
-after 3 secs average recall was 80%
-after 18 secs average recall was 3%
Duration of STM is 18-30 secs.