Memory Flashcards
What are the three stages of memory?
At which stage of memory can memory failure occur?
What is the multi-store memory model?
Distinguishes between 3 areas that information goes through:
visio-spatial, short term memory, long term memory (episodic, semantic, procedural)
working memory is the same as short term memory
What are the three areas of long term memory?
Episodic memory (autobiographic) (when did you last ride a bicycle?) Semantic memory (common knowledge and facts - not personal) (what is a bicycle?) Procedural memory (motor skills - knowing how to do things) (how do you ride a bicycle)
What is echoic memory (phonological)?
Sound information
What is iconic memory?
visual information
no recency effect
What is the primacy effect?
The words you hear first you’re more likely to remember
What is the digit span test?
the number of random digits someone can remember and recall in correct order
What is ‘chunking’?
e.g. for digit span test, group each set of 4 digits together as a scene or as a historic date
What is lost when counting backwards after remembering something? why?
Recency effect
Displacement of the words by numbers No rehearsal (can't keep going over it in short term memory so forget it)
How do you improve primacy?
primacy = the words you hear first you’re more likely to remember
More rehearsal - maintenance and elaboration to link with long term memory.
How do you encode to improve long term memory?
Elaboration - make a story out of it
What is eidetic imagery?
Using memory as visual percepts
photographic memory
What is synaesthesia?
Crossing sensory modalities - stimulation of one cognitive pathway leads to stimulation of another one Multiple percepts (can describe one word as a sound, taste, texture etc)
e.g. associate a number with colour
What was Luria’s method of memory?
Went on a journey and left his objects there, he could then not forget the journey
What is hyperthymesia?
Superior autobiographical memory - irrepressible stream of memories impairs cognitive performance
(ability to remember what you were doing on any specific date)
about 20 documented cases worldwide
What is tip of the tongue retrieval?
lots of information in our heads that we can’t immediately access - once given a hint this is much easier
How does context help with memory?
recall things better if they are in the same class they were encoded