Child Development - Attachment Flashcards
Who developed the theory of emerging adulthood? What is it?
Jeffery Arnett
There is a new transition from adolescence to adulthood where there is still a dependence on parents
What is attachment theory?
Early life experiences strongly influence later adult functioning. A secure attachment from a primary caregiver from a young age forms a healthy young adult.
What does secure attachment improve?
Child's self view (positive) Social competence Expression and recognition of emotions Avoidance of anxiety Dealing with stress
What stage of attachment occurs at 0-2 months?
What stage of attachment occurs at 2-7 months?
attachment - in - the - making
What stage of attachment occurs at 7- 24 months?
clear-cut attachment
What stage of attachment occurs at 24+ months?
goal-corrected partnership
At what age does stranger anxiety start?
around 10 months
At what age does separation distress start to show?
around 12 months
If a child shows no separation distress at age 12 months, what does this suggest?
Lack of secure attachment
At what age does pre-attachement occur?
0-2 months
At what age does attachment-in-the-making occur?
2-7 months
At what age does clear-cut attachment occur?
7-24 months
At what age does goal-corrected partnership occur?
24+ months
What starts to occur at around 10 months of age?
stranger anxiety
What are the functions of attachment?
Exploration and autonomy (to gain an individual autonomy)
early secure attachment eventually allows a child to leave
Why does an infant start to explore more when they become securely attached to a primary care giver?
They develop trust and the caregiver becomes a secure base and encourages exploration (but sets limits)
What was the Harlow and Harlow study about attachment? What did they find?
Raised orphan monkeys with fake dummy mothers
Monkeys would always pick comfort and contact
What are the four aspects of attachments in young children?
Involve physical proximity seeking
Provide comfort and security
Produce separation distress
Who measured attachment using the ‘strange situation’?
What did the ‘strange situation’ (Ainsworth) experiment prove?
Attachment is secure if a child is upset by the mother leaving, and greets her positively when she returns
What factor of attachment is shown in the Ainsworth strange situation experiment/
Separation anxiety (12 months)
In the Ainsworth strange situation experiment, what type of attachment would a child “avoids contact with mum on reunion; OK when left with stranger” show?
insecure (avoidant)
In the Ainsworth strange situation experiment, what type of attachment would a child “very upset by mum leaving; on return difficult to console; both seeks comfort and resists”
insecure (resistant)
In the Ainsworth strange situation experiment, what type of attachment would a child who shows lots of different behaviour and fits between the categories show?
How does secure attachment continue into adult relationships?
comfortable in relationships
able to seek support from partner
How does avoidant attachment continue into adult relationships?
dismissing -
has a greater sense of autonomy
tends to cut themselves off emotionally from their partner
How would a resistant attachment continue into adult relationships?
fears rejection
strong desire to maintain closeness
An adult who is comfortable in relationships and able to seek support from a partner shows what type of attachment in childhood?
An adult who is dismissive, has a greater sense of autonomy, tends to cut themselves off emotionally from their partner, shows what type of attachment in childhood?
Insecure avoidant
An adult who is preoccupied, fears rejection, and has a strong desire to maintain closeness in relationships shows what type of attachment in childhood?
Insecure resistant
Can attachment status change?