MC110: Fundamentals Of Mission Command (Davis) Flashcards
What is mission command?
The Army’s APPROACH to command and control that empowers subordinate decision making and decentralized execution appropriate to the situation
What is command and control?
The exercise of authority and direction by a properly designated commander over assigned and attachment forces in the accomplishment of mission
Principles of mission command
1) competence
2) mutual trust
3) shared understanding
4) commander’s intent
5) mission orders
6) disciplined initiative
7) risk acceptance
3 components to the Mission command approach
1) subordinate decision making
2) decentralized execution
3) levels of control (commanders have to account for different considerations when determining the appropriate level of control)
Decentralized execution is essential to:
Seizing, retaining, and exploiting the operational initiative
What is mutual trust?
Shared confidence among commanders, subordinates, and partners
What is risk?
A deliberate exposure to potential injury or loss when the commander judges the outcome in terms of mission accomplishment as worth the cost
Attributes of intellect
- mental agility
- sound judgment
- innovation
Mental agility
- Flexibility of mind; the ability to break habitual thought patterns
- attribute of creative thinking
Sound judgment
The capacity to assess situations shrewdly and draw sound conclusions
-attribute of critical thinking
The ability to introduce new ideas based on opportunity or challenging circumstances
-attribute of creative thinking
Critical vs. creative thinking
Critical thinking = analyzing a problem
Creative thinking = coming up with new, innovative ways to solve the problem
5 warfighting functions
1) Movement and manuever
2) intelligence
3) fires
4) sustainment
5) protection
What is the movement and maneuver warfighting function?
The related tasks and systems that move and employ forces to achieve a position of relative advantage over the enemy and other threats
What is the intelligence warfighting function?
The related tasks and systems that facilitate understanding the enemy, terrain, weather, civil considerations, and other significant aspects of the operational environment
What is the fires warfighting function?
The related tasks and systems that create and converge effects in all domains against the adversary or enemy to enable operations across the range of military operations
What is the sustainment warfighting function?
The related tasks and systems that provide support and services to ensure freedom of action, extended operational reach, and prolong endurance
What is the protection warfighting function?
The related tasks and systems that preserve the force so the commander can apply maximum combat power to accomplish the mission
What is the command and control warfighting function?
The related tasks and a system that enables commanders to synchronize and coverge all elements of combat power
Command and control warfighting function tasks
- command forces
- control operations
- drive the operations process
- establish the command and control system
Study diagram: how the CDR drives the operation process (page 37)
- CDRs lead soldiers and organizations through purpose, motivation, and direction
- assess through continuous monitoring and evaluation
- understand an operational environment and the problem
- visualize the desired end state and operational approach
- describe the commander’s visualization in time, space, purpose, and resources
- direct forces and warfighting functions throughout preparation and execution