Material Deprivation External Factors Flashcards
Who is the sociologist for Finance?
David Bull
What does David Bull argue?
“Free education is not free”
- Poverty acts as a barrier
Explain Finance
Lack of financial support = Underachieve
- No equipment/ hand me downs
- Don’t have suitable (m/c) clothes
Fear of debt in uni from tuition fees, books, living expenses
Who is the study for Finance?
Emily Tanner
What is Emily Tanner’s study?
The cost of transport, uniform, resources, sports, places a heavy financial burden on poor families
What’s the critique for Finance?
Pupil premium, breakfast club, Compensatory education
Who is the sociologist for Housing?
Michael Gove
What does Michael Gove argue for Housing?
Housing in W/C leads to underachievement
Explain some points for Housing
Overcrowding = harder to study, hw, bed disruption
Poor and dirty conditions = Prone to illness, affect childs health, absences from school
What’s the critique for Housing?
Diane Ray =
W/C students more likely to apply to local universities;
Fear of fitting in as they undervalue their potential
Who is the sociologist for Diet and Health?
Marilyn Howard
What does Marilyn Howard argue?
Kids from poor housing accommodation have lower intakes of energy and minerals
Explain some points for Diet and Health
Affect health and weaken immune system
= Absences, difficulty concentrating
= Behavioural + Emotional problems
Who’s the study for Diet and Health?
What is Wilkinson’s study?
The lower the social class, the higher rate of hyperactivity, anxiety, disorders