Marxism - Beliefs Flashcards
What does Marx suggest the two key functions of religion are?
- Used by the ruling class as an instrument of oppression
- Used by the working class to cushion the effects of oppression
How does religion act as a means of social control?
It fulfils an ideological role - it provides a set of ideas, beliefs and values which benefit the ruling class
How does religion justify and legitimise inequalities?
By suggesting that the existing social order is ‘God given’
How does the Hindu caste system justify inequality?
Suggests that if you are in a low caste this may be a consequence of an impure former life
What is a false consciousness?
A distorted view of reality - religion blinds people from their true positions, w/c accept their place in society
How does religion cushion the effects of oppression? (3 factors)
1) Promises an after-life which is much better
2) Suffering is seen as virtuous and will be rewarded
3) Religion offers the possibility of supernatural intervention
How do Lenin and Marx describe religion?
Marx: ‘opium of the people’
Lenin: ‘spiritual gin’
What does Bruce argue?
That religion is used to support Captalism: Christian right in USA support Capitalist ideas such as anti-commuunist and fewer restraints on enterprise. Argued that these beliefs benefit large corporations and the wealthy.
What does Leach argue?
Argues the C of E supports the ruling class. 80% of Bishops attended independent schools and Oxbridge. They use religion to benefit them and not working class
What are 3 weaknesses of the Marxist view?
1) Marx said that in a communist society religion would disappear as there would be no need for it BUT in the USSR religion continued to flourish
2) Difficult to see religion as a major tool of the ruling class as so few people regularly attend Church
3) Plenty of example of religion not supporting the ruling class e.g. Islam in the revolution in Iran