Marriage Vocab Flashcards
More properly called a decree of nullity, a deceleration by an ecclesiastical court that a presumed marriage was never valid
Artificial birth control
The use of mechanical, chemical, or medical procedures, to prevent conception from taking place
The situation where unmarried individuals live together as husband and wife
Conjugal love
A total, faithful, exclusive, willing, and unitive love that is not only physical but also spiritual. As such, it desires children and is willing to suffer for the good of the other
The act whereby a man and woman give themselves to each other, either verbally or through other signs, for the purpose of establishing their union
Consummated marriage
A marriage in which the spouses have engaged together in the conjugal act that is apt for the generation of offspring
A solemn promise or contract regarding future action binding on the participants and fortified by an oath
A civil dissolution of marriage. It does not free people before God; thus an attempted remarriage will be adultery
Domestic Church
An ancient expression for the family, recognizing the parents as the first heralds of the Faith to their children in both word and example
The domestic church; a man and a woman united in marriage, together with their children; a community of faith, hope, and charity
Humanæ Vitæ
The Latin title of Pope Paul VI’s encyclical meaning, “Of Human Life,” reaffirming that the use of artificial birth control is wrong
A barrier that arises out of a person’s condition or something he has done preventing the valid reception of Matrimony or Holy Orders
The quality of an entity that cannot be divided into its constituent parts. The union of marriage cannot be broken except by the death of a spouse
Marriage preparation Course
A course or series of conferences sponsored by the Church to assist engaged couples in preparing for sacramental marriage
The sacrament by which a baptized man and a baptized woman are joined in an intimate union of live and love
Natural Family Planning
The practice of engaging in sexual intercourse based on the woman’s natural cycles of fertility and infertility
Nuptial Mass
The liturgical service consisting of a special Mass and blessing at which a couple exchange martial consent
Attempted marriage between more than two people (one man and one woman) at the same time
Premarital sex
Fortification, engaging in sexual intercourse outside of marriage
That dimension of the martial act which expresses love and intimacy
A solemn promise before God to perform some act or male a gift or sacrifice
A person who gives testimony concerning some of which he has direct knowledge. Every Christian is called to be a witness to Jesus Christ
Sexual relations between a married person and one to whom she is not married