Chapter 3 Flashcards
Age of Reason
The age where one becomes morally responsible for his or her actions. It is also the age at which people are eligible to receive the Sacraments of Eucharist, Confirmation, and the Anointing of the Sick
The Eucharistic prayer that is prayed by the priest at Mass
A prayer invoking God’s power and care upon some person,mplaxe, thing, or undertaking
In the sense of Communion, the reception of the Body and Blood of Christ. In the sense of fellowship- the bond of union with Jesus and all baptized, faithful Christians with the church
Dedication to A sacred purpose; to sanctify. In the Mass, Consecration refers to the moment when the bread and wine are transformed into the Body and Blood of Christ
A solemn promise or contract regarding future action binding on the participants and fortified by an oth
The calling down of the Holy Spirit
It is the principal sacramental celebration of the Church, established by Jesus at the Last Supper, in which the mystery of salvation through participation in the sacrificial Death and glorious Resurrection of Christ is renewed and accomplished
Which a person is excluded from the communion of the faithful in response to a grave, habitual, public sin
Communio Latin translation of the Greek koinonia, meaning communion, fellowship, or association
Basically the Eucharist definitim
A liturgical book which contains the prayers of the Mass for the use of the priest at the altar, along with instructions for the celebrant of the liturgy
A booklet for the use of the laity which contains the prayers, songs, and Scripture readings used at Mass
A vessel of precious metal used for exposing the Blessed Sacrament for adoration
Paschal Lamb
The pure and spotless lamb prepared for the ritual Passover meals by the Jews. It also refers to Jesus, who takes away the sins of the world and establishes a new covenant between God and his people