Chapter 2 Morality Flashcards
Human appetites or desires remain disordered as a result of the temporal consequences of Original Sin. Refers to the desires resulting from strong sensual urges or other things of the world
Conscientious Objection
A personal appeal that to carry out a particular action that has been ordered by legitimate authority would be against one’s own conscience.
The quality of being guilty or deserving punishment for participation in sin
The premeditation o forethought that weighs one’s options before making a moral act
Doubtful conscience
Judgement of conscience that occurs when there is doubt about the good or evil of an act done or omitted
The which is opposed to moral law and thus entails sin
Examination of conscience
Prayerful self-reflection one’s words and deeds in light of the gospel to determine how one has sinned against God.
Freedom of excellence
The power to act freely in the pursuit of human perfection
Full knowledge
The clear and deliberate knowledge of the merit or sinfulness of an action. It is required for one to commit a sin.
Human act
An act that is performed with both knowledge and free will. They are either good or evil
The lack or knowledge
Indirect responsibility
The attribution of a secondary effect that follows as a natural result from the primary effect
Invisible ignorance
Ignorance that cannot be overcome by ordinary diligence. The guilt of a sin committed under invincible ignorance is not imputed on the sinner.
Moral act
Any human act that has a moral content and involves delibration and choice
Partial knowledge
Knowledge that is incomplete due to the presence of some obstacle interfering with moral judgement
The ability to discern the most suitable and moral course of action
The demand for an account of one’s acts; it includes accepting the consequences of those acts
Subjective morality
Moral standards that are not universal but are decided upon by the individuals involved
Vincible ignorance
Lack of knowledge for which a person is morally responsible due to lack of diligence
Coercion or the application of an external force against a person’s will
As used in the Beatitudes, it means bliss- a reference to the ultimate happiness in heaven