Management and leadership Flashcards
What is the difference between leaders and managers
Leaders as well as similar function to managers also inspire and motivate the workforce and consider the long term strategy
Managers control and direct the workforce
What does a successful business owner need not be and do that a manager doesn’t
Get people to understand and believe their vision to work with them to achieve the goals
List the functions of management
1 plan
2 organise
3 Control
4 functional
5 co ordinate
6 lead
List the roles of managers
1 interpersonal roles - hiring, firing , training, motivating , organizing
2 decision making roles
3 information roles - between departments
What is the philosophy of management by objective MBO
Objectives are set so managers and workers agree and understand what they need to do to achieve them . Objectives must be broken down for departments , managers and workers - but when you put them together the end result is the same for the whole organisation
What is the MBO process
1 review objectives for the whole business
2 set objectives for management of the differrent functions of the business
3 set objectives for individual departments and workers
4 monitor progress - managers and workers check to see if the objectives are being reached
5 evaluate performance and give reward if the objectives were reached
What are the advantages of applying management by objectives
1 improved management control of the organisation- managers know who is doing what and what they are supposed
2 improved financial control - part of objective setting is monitoring revenue and expenditure
3 Allows managers to be aware or their responsibilities
4 work of departments and are managers are co ordinated everyone working together to the same goal
5 it can motivate workforce- all empowered by objective setting
6 it can improve communications within the organisations
What are the disadvantages of applying management by objectives
1 management time spent on the process of setting objectives not managing the organisation
22 the ever changing business environment in which the goals are set may change over time making objectives unrealistic
3 demotivation and breakdown of working relationships if not all levels are involved in setting objectives
4 objectives can be seen as a form of control
5 a situation may arise where managers loss focus and concentrate on short term objectives ignoring long term goals
What is Mcgregors theory of managers
That there are 2 types of manager x and y
What is an x manager like
Makes assumptions about employees
1 that worked must be supervised or quality and quantity of work falls
2 workers only respect managers who tell them what to do with authority
3 money is the only motivator
4 workers do not want to be involved in decision making
5 workers do not want to be known to managers
6 workers have little ambition
What is a y manager like
The opposite of an x and start with positive assumptions
1 workers can not be motivated by money alone
2 workers are ambitious , want to train and improve chance of promotion
3 workers will be more efficient if left to own devices
4 workers want to contribute to efficiency
What are the consequences of x management
1 strict control of formal methods of communication
2tasks must be designed so they are broken down into simple steps
3 responsibilities must be made clear
4 supervisors must maintain quality
5 high level of dependence on decision making of senior management
What are the consequences of Y managers
1 flexible working practices
2 promotion opportunity
3 formal communication vertical and horizontal
4 use of cell working
5 requirement for training.
List character traits of effective managers
1 empathy
2 self awareness
3 enthusiasm
4 hard working
5 inspirational
What are the roles of leaders
1 create visions and aims
2 establish objectives
3 decide on structures
4 create new roles and jobs
5 anticipate problems
6 empower and delegate