Change Flashcards
What are the major causes of rapid change
1 introduction of new technology
2. Changes in competition
3 changes in consumer tastes
4 new legislation
5 labour market changes
6changes in economic conditions
7 changes in business ownership
What are internal causes of change
1 changes in management style
2 changes in business ownership
3 changes in business size
4 introduction of new technology
Describe the effects of changes in management style
1 new leaders may implement new strategies leading to a change in culture
2 a move away from an authoritarian style to a more laissez faire approach has an impact for all stakeholders and staff will need to adopt new ways of working and take greater responsibility
Describe the effects of changes in business ownership
1 new owners look for efficiencies and cost cutting to improve profitability
2 new management may introduce a new ethos a new way of working
3 new hen 2 businesses merge the more dominant organisation may impose its culture on the other who will need to adapt
Describe the effects of the changes in business size
1 rapid growth ca put pressure on liquidity, debtor management, and staff who will need To develop new skills to adapt to new role
2 often need to bring in external investment which can change management structure , responsibilities and business objectives
Describe the effects of new technology
1 can effect the pattern of consumer demand and methods of production
List the external causes of change
1 introduction of new technology
2 labou market
3 changes in economic conditions
4 competition
5 changes in consumer tastes
6 new legislation
Describe the effects of new technology
Methods of [roduction are constantly changing and the introduction of robotic technology is the car industry is thought to be essential if quality and out put are to be improved
Describe the effects of the labour market
1minimum wage, living wage, greater employment protection have pushed up costs
2 a recession will increase supply of labour and push down costs
3 immigration policy and EU membership increased supply of migrant workers - keeping wages of unskilled low
Describe the effects of changes in economic conditions
Exchange rates fluctuate casusing businesses to find new markets or change suppliers as profit margins are reduced
Describe the effects of competition
1 existing competitors can change strategy or new ones enter the market
Describe the effects of changes in consumer tastes
1 tastes can change quickly and completely alter demand pattern
Describe the effect of new legislation
Uk businesses have to comply with new legislation and adapt their products and can cause costs to rise
Describe planned and unplanned change
1 planned change is created internally is structured and timetabled there are clear objectives, time lines are created
2 unplanned change happens in response to a shock to the business often unstructured and under resourced m
What are the effects of change
1 shorter product life cycles - can bring threats and opportunities. Shorter life cycle may bring immediate returns but there is little incentive for long term investment. Returns can be improved by looking for new markets
2 diminished brand loyalty - new entrants into the market find it easier to grab the market share existing businesses find it harder to maintain sales. Marketing costs increased to maintain brand or introduce new products
3 new products need to be developed - because goods are seen as more disposable and consumers constantly look for better quality
4 production methods need to change - to match changing customer demands and will require spending on research and development and production technology
New products need constantly spending on and updating. Capital goods are likely to become out of date quickly - pressure on returns from investment encourages some businesses to contract out manufacturing
5 retraining the workforce - existing employees maybe able to adapt to new ways of working or new technology but training and recruitment costs increase. Problems when a particular industry declines and the skills of the workforce are no longer needed can cause large scale regional unemployment
6 flexible workforce - in order to respond quickly to change businesses need a much more flexible workforce to remain competitive
7 need to comply with constantly changing legislation - raises costs for the business
How do leadership prepare for change
1 employee preparation - first stage of effective change may involve reskilling employees to carry out new tasks - makes workforce more flexible and adaptable . May need to recruit
2 increase research and development expenditure - bot to prepare and to react to change
3 additional capital investment - change can mean need new technology and equipment so change can be expensive
What 4 options did John Story offer for
Implementing change
1 negotiated total package
Management and workers negotiate on how changes in how a business functions will be implemented -
1B so changes ar agreed between management and workforce. Trade unions are involved
!c increased rewards and incentives may be offered and results in change being accepted
!d the most effective method of change but needs lots of preparation and expenditure and not always possible in a competitive business environment
2 negotiated piecemeal initiatives
2B management and workers consult and agree on changes as they become needed
2C their is no overall agreement or process
2D easier to implement than a total package of change but can be difficult because of lack f complete change
3 imposed piecemeal initiatives
3B managers plan and implement change
3C saves time and change is in the hands of managers who understand the overall objective
3D can be met with resistance from workers due to lack of consultation, each change may be aimed at a different objective
4 imposed total package
4B senior management plan and introduce a major change all at once with out consulting workforce
4C this sort of change may happen when negotiation has failed or external factors need to be responded to quickly
4D likely to be resisted by middle managers and workers
What forms can resistance take
1 workforce resistance can result in sabotage or expensive failures and industrial action - where possible involve workers from the start, explain the reasons for change, have a clear strategy an vision
2 supplier resistance - may result in increased costs - managers should explain that the changes may increase orders and they will benefit too
3 owner resistance -owners fear change will increase risk and will need to be convinced that sacrifices lead to better profits
What does Lewis say about change
It was not difficult to creat change but to reinforce it is what matters and keep it going in the future nit letting things slip back into old ways
What are Lewins 3 stages of creating and maintaining change
1 unfreezing
2 change or transition
3 refreezing
Describe unfreezing
Getting employees to see that change is needed and therefore must unfreeze from current approaches to work and instead adapt to new methods
Describe change or transition
Can be a difficult time for employees as they move towards new ways of doing things they need time to adapt, support ie training, educating and no criticism for mistakes
Describe refreezing
Final stage in change process is about establishing stability once changes have been made . New methods of working have been accepted as the norm. Refreezing means workers are settled in new routines and should not be forced into continual change but given time to adapt. New methods need to be embedded before changes
What is organisational and cultural change
It reflects beliefs and values of the business and are difficult to change
Cultural change must begin at the top of the management structure and must be communicate reasons for change to all staff
How can change be evaluated
Success against performance indicators to see if objective had been achieved
Delivery times
Production defects
Market share
Sales turnover