Decision making models Flashcards
List 3 types of decision and who makes them in a business
1 strategic - by senior management
2 tactile by middle management
3 operational - by junior management
Describe strategic decisions
Long term decisions that affect the direction the business will take
Often complex, , involve large financial commitment , may take a few years to see positive impact
Describe tactical decision
1 not as far reaching as strategic and usually more medium term
2 less complex and more flexible
Describe operational decisions
Day to day decisions made by the business - lower let=vel decisions and tend to be short term
What are the. 2 categories of decision making
Scientific - involves facts and data - favoured by most businesses as reduces risk
Intuitive - uses experience gut and intuition - good at operational level not at strategic and tactile level
List 3 models used by a business to approach decision making
1 decision trees
2 critical path analysis
3 cost benefit analysis
Describe decision trees
1 diagrammatic analysis used by business when there are lots of options
2 good when chance plays an important role in likely outcome
3 they build probability of success and failure into the process
List the components of a decision tree
1 square decision nodes
2 circular chance nodes
3 lines to represent a decision or probability
4 value of outcome in £
Probability of outcome in % or decimal point
What are the steps of drawing a decision tree
1 tree starts with decision a business wants to make
2 drawing stats with a decision node - the point where a business has to make a choice between alternatives
3 from the Edison node lines are drawn out to the right for each choice and the option is written along th line
4 at the end of each line are the likely outcomes of the decision - if the result is uncertain draw a circle
5 chance nodes represent points at which chance may play a dominant role
Why might there be more than one decision node
As the making of one decision may lead to making another
Benefits of using a decision tree
1 they clearly lay out problems so all options can be considered
2 allow managers to analyse fully risks of their decision
3 provide a framework to measure outcomes ad probability of achieving them
What are the limitations of the decision tree
1 use probabilities which only gives an estimate - they may be inaccurate
2 can over simplify a decision and focus too much on financial outcomes
3 don’t include other factors such a man power]4 can be time consuming
What is a critical pathway analysis
CPA is a method of planning and controlling large projects 2 recognises activities that are critical to a project being completed on time
How is a CPA constructed
1 nodes indicate start and finish of tasks
2 nodes are divided into 3 sections - left hand semicircle the node number is given in the top right the est - earliest start time of the next activity , bottom right the latest finish time for the previous task entered
3 arrows indicate a task and above the arrow a letter identifying the task below the arrow time taken to complete the task
Advantages of CPA
1 effective tool to manage and plan a control complex projects
2allows effective management of resources
3 potential problems can be highlighted which may delay project
4reduces the need for working capital as parts can be ordered only when they will be needed
5 can be used to check on efficiency of individual activities - do staff need training
6 managers have a good understanding of the project
7 business can gain competitive advantage as they become more efficient