Male reproductive system Flashcards
Where do the testes move in development
testes begin to move toward the scrotum (inguinal region)
they pull blood supply and innervation
Month 3 in development
the testes located close to the inguinal region, an increase in testosterone encourages the gubernaculum to shorten and draw the testis into the scrotum
a fibrous cord that attaches to the inferior portion of the testis and the floor of the developing scrotal sac
Processus vaginalis
an outpouching of the peritoneal lining in the abdomen
Passage of the testis
happens well before birth in most cases but in premature birth it can happen after birth
What does the testis pull with it?
layers of the abdominal body wall but there is no transverse abdominis in the scrotum
Where did the male ducts arise from?
degraded mesonephric duct
Where must the testis pass through in development?
the testis must pass thru the deep body wall to the scrotum forming the inguinal canal as it descends
a sac of skin that extends external to the abdominopelvic cavity
What muscles in the scrotum provide temperature regulation?
the dartos and cremaster muscle respond to changes in external temperature
Seminiferous tubules
sites of sperm production
an organ where sperm mature
How does sperm travel through the male ducts?
Seminiferous tubules
ductus deferens
ejaculatory duct
What accessory sex glands contribute secretions to sperm?
Seminal vesicles
prostate gland
bulbourethral glands
Seminal glands
elongated structures that lie between the fundus of the bladder and rectum
What do the seminal glands secrete?
Secretes a thick alkaline fluid that mixes with sperm as they pass into the ejaculatory ducts and urethra
What do the secretions from the seminal glands contain?
Fructose and other nutrients to nourish sperm
Other substances to enhance fertilization
Provides energy for sperm to survive female reproductive tract
Ejaculatory ducts
slender tubes that arise by the union of the duct of a seminal gland with the ductus deferens near the neck of the bladder