Male Repro Flashcards
Male repro is adapted to …
- produce spermatozoa which fertile the ova
- produce fluid which aids the survival of sperm and transports them into genital tract
- secreted hormones that bring about development of male secondary sexual characteristics and behavioural patterns
Parts of male tract
Testis Epididymis Ductus deferents Urthera Penis Prostate gland Bulbo-Urethral gland (cat only )
Where do testes lie
Outside body cavity but are retained by scrotum
Connected to urthera via deferent duct and lie in pelvic cavity
What does urthera do
Runs in the penis and shared with urinary system
Male gonad
Function if testis
- produce sperm to fertilise the ova from the female animal
- secrete hormones which cause the development of the male secondary sexual characteristics and male behavioural patterns
- produced fluid to aid survival and help transport them into femalegential tract
What is the scrotum
Pouch of skin that lies outside the body and is internally divided into 2 sacs by a central septum l each sac contains a tests
Describe the position of the cat scrotum
Lies ventral to the anus and close to inschial arch
Dartos muscle
A layer of smooth muscle inside the wall of the scrotum which when contracted pulls the scrotal skin and with the testes closer to the body
Why does the dartos muscle contract
To pull testes closer to the body to keep warm in cold weather or relax as in warm weather to cool to ensure efficient spermatogenesis/ sperm production
Tunica albuginea
White fibrous tissue capsule covering externally each testies
Semi fibrous tubules
Numerous coiled blind ending tubules internally in the testes
After many divisions these are responsible for the producing immature sperm or spermtids
Sertoli cells
These secrete nutrients to prolong the survival of the sperm as they travel along the seminiferous tubules.
Hormone secreted by spermatogonia and Sertoli cells
Where are cells of the leydig or interstitual cells
Lying between the seminiferous tubules
The leydig cells
Controlled by luternising hormones (LH) secreted by the anterior pituary gland at the base of brain,
- secrete the hormone testosterone
What does testosterone cause
- development and maintenance of male genital tract and accessory gland
- devlopement of the secondary sexual characteristics such as muscle development, dis ration of hair size, colour of plumage in birds,
- male behaviour ( sexual behaviour, territoriality and aggression
WHat does testerone regulate
Regulate its own production via a feedback mechanism on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland
The coiled seminiferous tubules make up most of the testicular tissue and the tubules join to form a network of straighter tubules known as rete testes and unite to form epididymis .
Epididymis is a long coiled tube lying along the dorsal after border if the testis p.
Vaginal process or tunica vaginalies
An outpouch or Evagination of the peritoneum that wraps the testis to form the double layer of connective tissue
The tunica vaginalis wraps around the spermatic cord which contains the
Spermatic artery
Spermatic vein
Spermatic nerve
Ductus deferens
Cremaster muscle
Lies within the connective muscle of the spermatic cord
When this contracts pulls testis closer to body
Band of tissue that attaches at one end of the tail of testis and the epididymis and the other end of the scrotal sac.
- pulls testis caudaulky trough abdomen into scrotum
Ingunial canal
Spilt in the abdominal oblique muscle
What happens when testes passed through inginial canal
Wrapped in fold of peritoneum which forms the tunica vaginalis
When does a) dog b) cat testes become palpable
Dog - 5 days to 14 weeks
cat- 2 days to 12 weeks
No later then 6 months for each
When castration occur
Animal sexually mature
5months for cat
6-9 months for dog
Absence of testes at birth
A single testes present at birth
What are retuned testes likely to develop
Sertoli cell tumour
Where is sperm produced stored
Cauda epididymis
During ejaculation where is sperm propelled
From the epididymis up the ductus deferens to enter the urthera as it leaves bladder
Functions of ductus deferens
- convey sperm from the testes to the urethra
- convey fluids, much of which is produced by the assessory gland, from testis to urethra
Where does the pair of deferent ducts connect
Narrow tube leading from cauda epididymis to the urthera
Leaves the scrotum in the spermatic cod and enters the peritoneal cavity via the incunabula canal
Other names for ductus deferens
Vas deferens or the ductus deferens
Point where DD joins urthera is surrounded by
Prostate gland and the wall of the tubule is thickened and glandular
Cross section across lie,n each DD consists of 3 layers:
Lining of muscous membrane
Layer of smooth muscle
Layer of connective tissue
Runs from neck of bladder to external opening of the urinogential system at the tip of the penis
- in dog considered part of oelivoc and part penile
- penile part passes over the ischial arch
What direction does the opening of the urthera point
Cat urethra
Short and doesn’t extend further then ischial arch
Opening points causally
Only assessory gland present in dog
Pelvic urthera
Position of urthera
Lies on floor of pelvic cavity and runs caudaulky
Passes over ischial arch at the caudal edge of pelvic cavity and is surrounded by layer of Carter nouns erectile tissue known as corpus cavernous membrane penis
Corpus carernosum penis
Erectile tissue consists of connective tissue perforated by caverns lined in endothelium. During sexual excitement these caverns full with blood under pressure and tissue become engorged or erect
Combination of urethra and cavernous ercetile tissue when is considered penis
From the point passing over ischial arch
How is penis attached to ischial arch
Pair of crura made of fibrous connective tissues
- come tougher in midline to form the root of the penis
Which way does penis curve
Cranially passing between thighs and runs ventral to abdomen
Two parts of penis
The body- attaches to the ventral body wall
The glans penis- free end of the penis
1st quart of glans penis
Bulb of the penis becomes notcibality swollen when erect
What happens to bulb of penis during sex
Female vaginal muscles clamp tight around bulb of penis to maintain erection
Urthera postiob to penis
Lies Ventral to attachments of penis
Why is os penis
Within tissue of glans penis and dorsal to urthera
- forms tunnel like structure around dorsal 2/3 of urethra
Function of os penis
Aid entry of penis into vagina of the bitch during mating to increase rigidity
Pre-prostatic urethra
Urethra leaves neck of bladder and runs on the floor of the pelvis for a short distance before it is surrounded by an accessory sex Gland, the prostate gland