2.Tissue And Body Cavities Flashcards
Epithelial tissue
Protects body may be secretory and absorbent
Binds tissue together
Brings about movement
Nervous tissue
Conveys nerve impulses from one area to another and coordinate response
One cell thick endothelium
More then one layer thick endothelium
Epithelium lining the structures such as inside of heart and blood vessesls
How can the epithelium have more protection
Presence of protein keratin
Squamous cells
Flattened in shape
Cuboidal cells
Square or cube shaped
Columnar cells
Column shaped
Where and what would u find pseudostratified epithelium
Appears to look multilayered because of irregular positioning
Transitional epithelium
Specialised stratified epithelium found lining parts of urinary system and are capable of considerable distension and variation of internal pressure and are able to change shape according to circumstances
Exocrine glands
System of ducts through which their secretory products are transported directly to the site where they will be used
Endocrine glands
Do not have a duct system and their secretion are carried by blood to target organs which may distance away
Connective tissue in order if increasing density
1) blood
2) haemopoietic tissue or loose connective tissue
3) areolar tissue or loose tissue
4) adipose or fatty tissue
5) fibrous connective tissue or dense connective tissue
6) cartilage
7) bone
Haemopoetic tissue
Jelly-like connective tissue forms in bone marrow within long bones and responsible for formation of blood cells
Areolar tissue
Most widely distributed type of connective tissue.
Contains collagen fibers with high tensile strength and elastic fibers which enable tissue to stretch and return to former shape.
parietal endothelium
serous membrane which lines boundaries or side of cavity
viseral endothelium
serous membrane which covers all the organs within the cavity
thoracic cavity
contains heart, lungs, other associted structures. its sketeal walls are formed by the bony thoracic cage
cranial thoracic inlet
eneternce to the thoraxic cavity and formed by first thoracic vertabra, first pair of ribs and manubrium.
serous mebrane lining the thoracic cavity and covering the organs within
parential pleura
lines inside of thoracic cavity but changes name according to wall it covers e.g diaphragmatic pleura
pulmonary pleura
lungs themselves are covered in viseral pleura
potential space formed by double layer of parential pleura that separates two pleural cavities.
serous membrane which lines the internal surface if the abdominal cavity
peritoneal cavity
potential space between the parential peritoneum that lines the abdominal walls and the visercal peritoneum that covers organs..
contains small volume of lubricating serous fluid (peritoneal fluid) allowing friction free movement of organs
visercal peritoneum ( mesentray)
folds on itself to keep the organs separate, suspending the organs within the abdominal cavity and carrying the various vessels and nerves that serve the viscera.
folds of mesentary
different names depending on their postion.
mesoduodenum= duodenum mestray
mesovarium= ovary
mobile fold of peritoneum that contains a lacy network of fine vessels and fat and is divided into the greater omentum arising from the greater curvature of the stomach and lesser omentum rising from thr lesser curvature of stomach.