Male and Female Internal Genital Organs Flashcards
common method to sterilize males - ligation/excision of part of the ductus deferens through an incision in the superior part of the scrotum
-aka vasectomy
reversal of deferentectomy
successful in patients < 30 y/o and < 7 years postop - ends of sectioned ductus deferens are reattached under an operating microscope
if seminal gland abscesses rupture, where does pus go?
peritoneal cavity
benign hypertrophy of prostate (BHP)
enlarged prostate projects into urinary bladder and impedes urination by distorting the prostatis urethra
- common cause of nocturia, dysuria, urgency
- increased risk of bladder infections
need to void during the night
difficulty and/or pain during urination
sudden desire to void
transurethral resection of the prostate - all of part of prostate removed
radical prostectomy
entire prostate is removed along w/ the seminal glands, ejaculatory ducts, and terminal parts of the deferent ducts
why can infections of vagina/uterus/tubes sometimes result in peritonitis?
b/c the female genital tract communicates w/ the peritoneal cavity through the abdominal ostia of the uterine tubes
inflammation of a tube - may result from infections that spread from the peritoneal cavity
major cause of infertility in women
blockage of the uterine tubes, often from salpingitis
radiographic procedure involving injection of water-soluble radiopaque material or CO2 into the uterus and tubes through the external os of the uterus - to determine patency of uterine tubes
examination of the interior of the tubes using a narrow hysteroscope introduced through vagina and uterus
ligation of the uterine tubes
surgical method of birth control
open abdominal tube ligation
performed through a short suprapubic incision made at the pubic hairline and involves interruption, often with removal of a segment, and tube closure by suture ligation
laparoscopic tubal ligation
fiber optic laparoscope inserted through a small incision near umbilicus - tubal continuity interrupted by applying cautery, rings, or clips
collections of pus in a uterine tube
most common type of ectopic gestation?
tubal pregnancy
what is ruptured tubal pregnancy often confused with?
appendicitis - due to close relationship of appendix and ovary/uterine tube on right side
sites of ectopic pregnancy
- infundibular
- tubal (ampullar)
- tubal (isthmic)
- abdominal
- ovarian
- interstitial
- cervical
forms from remnants of the mesonephric tubules of the mesonephros (transitory embryonic kidney)
duct of the epoophoron (duct of Garter)
remnant of the mesonephric duct that forms the ductus deferens and ejaculatory duct in males
vesicular appendage
attached to the infundibulum of the uterine tube - remains of the cranial end of the mesonephric duct that forms the ductus epididymis
congenital anomalies of uterus
- unicornate uterus (only receive one uterine duct)
- bicornate uterus
- double uterine cavities
- completely doubled uterus
what is completely doubled uterus called?
uterus didelphys
what type of uterus is more likely to prolapse?
how can you determine the size and disposition of the uterus?
bimanual palpation
Hegar sign
cervix feels separated from the body - due to softening of the uterine isthmus - early sign of pregnancy
what is the most dynamic structure in the human body?
before childbirth
after childbirth
growth of uterus/cervix throughout childhood
- 2:1 ratio prepartum (due to maternal hormones)
- 1:1 ratio several weeks postpartum
- uterus grows rapidly during puberty back to adult proportions
gravid uterus
pregnant uterus - expands greatly to accomodate fetus, becomes almost membranous
immediately postpartum uterus
becomes thick-walled and edematous, but size reduces rapidly
multiparous uterus
- non-gravid uterus
- large, nodular body
- extends into lower abdominal cavity
- often causes slight protrusion of the inferior abdominal wall in lean women
-uterus decreases in size
-uterus involuted and regressed to a smaller size - childhood proportions
vaginal speculum
distention of vagina to inspect cervix
manual pelvic exam
palpation of cervix, ischial spines, sacral promontory with gloved digits in the vagina and/or rectum
when can urine enter the vagina?
vesicovaginal or urethrovaginal fistulas
when can fecal matter enter the vagina?
rectovaginal fistula
endoscopic instrument inserted through posterior part of vaginal fornix to examine ovaries or uterine tubes
why has culdoscopy been replaced by laparascopy?
- greater flexibility for operative procedures
- better visualization of pelvic organs
- less risk of bacterial contamination of peritoneal cavity
incision in posterior part of vaginal fornix
- to drain a pelvic abscess in the recto-uterine pouch
- to aspirate fluid in the peritoneal cavity
presence of functioning endometrial tissue outside the uterus
anesthesia for childbirth
- general: mom unconscious through labor and delivery
- regional: mom conscious, just not as much pain
spinal anesthesia
introduced w/ needle in the spinal subarachnoid space at L3-4 level - complete anesthesia inferior to waste level
pudendal nerve block
peripheral nerve block - anesthesia over the S2-4 dermatomes and inferior quarter of vagina
caudal epidural block
administered using an in-dwelling catheter in the sacral canal - anesthesia of S2-4 spinal nerve roots
-entire birth canal, pelvic floor, majority of perineum numb, but lower limbs not affected