Clinical Correlation - Hagan Flashcards
what gender usually gets iliac epophysitis?
females - muscles pulling on where the iliac is growing
what is snapping hip?
muscles pop and click over top of trochanter
dislocation of the hip looks like what radiographically? why can this be bad?
ball (head of femur) is not in the socket - circulation can be interrupted to the ball, can get necrosis in the bone
jumper’s knee
patellar tendinitis
Osgood-Slaughters disease
prominence in the lower knee
IT band friction syndrome
band rubs against the bones and becomes irritated
what muscle holds the femur back as you run downhill?
popliteus - can get soreness on outside of knee if running hills a lot
osteochondritis desicans
a joint condition in which a piece of cartilage, along with a thin layer of the bone beneath it, comes loose from the end of a bone
when can you rupture the popliteal artery?
dislocation of femur posteriorly
when you break the shin, which bone usually breaks?
both usually break
shin splints
posterior tibialis muscle has microscopic tearing -> pain on anteromedial shin
how can you see a stress fracture on an x-ray?
intense white where there are microscopic fractures so that bone has built up to fill them in
bone scan
radioactive dye in one of your veins -> dye goes to any area in the body that is making bone (can see a stress fracture by an extra dark spot indicating growth)
compartment syndrome
swelling in compartments- most commonly anterior (tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus, extensor digitorum longus) or lateral (perineus longus and brevis)
plantar fasciitis
microscopic tears in fascia near the calcaneus -> bony prominence forms on the calcaneus that causes pain
sprain vs. strain
sprain- injury of ligament
strain - injury of muscle
most common ligaments torn in ankle sprain
anterior talofibular ligament - sometimes calcaneofibular ligament
Thompson’s test
squeeze calf - if foot doesn’t move, means there is no continuity b/w calf and foot -> achilles tendon is torn
why do patients hold knee bent w/ torn ACL?
bent knee has more room for fluid
Gortex graft - why is it not used anymore?
like putting a synthetic material in a bath of salt water for life - eventually get little tears and rip completely