What does CFDS stand for?
Centralized Fault Display System
What is the BITE system?
Built In Test Equipment
What three classes/categories does the CFDS put failures into?
Class 1: Failures indicated to crew by ECAM. Must be repaired or entered as an MEL
Class 2: Failures indicated to maintenance personal by the CFDS and which trigger a MAINT status entry. The aircraft can be operated with these faults, but they must be rectified within the timeframe defined in the Trouble Shooting Manual (TSM)
Class 3: Faults indicated to maintenance personal by the CFDS, but which do not trigger a MAINT status. The operator may have these faults corrected at his convenience
How can you acess the CFDS system?
Press the MCDU MENU key and then choose CFDS
What is the DLSU and what is it used for?
Data Loading Selector Unit. Is used to upload databases or modify operational software and download system reports
What does PDL stand for on the DLSU?
Portable Data Loader