M3. PLANNING: Problem Identification, prioritization, analysis Flashcards
Functions of Management:
- Planning
- Organizing
- Leading
- Controlling
- Evaluating
ensures organized and orderly projects such as seminars…
Four questions included in Planning
- Where are we now?
- Where do we go from here?
- How do we get there
- How do we know we are there?
- study & conduct situational analysis
- know the prevalence of diseases
- conduct interviews w/ stakeholders & authorities
Where are we now?
- empower the community to voice
out their concerns - address their concerns
Where do we go from here?
Conduct and plan health projects to address
their concerns
How do we get there?
- Conducting the evaluating part of the functions of management
- is the problem adressed?
- are they empowered?
- is the activity effective?
How do we know we are there?
- Conducting the evaluating part of the functions of management
- is the problem adressed?
- are they empowered?
- is the activity effective?
How do we know we are there?
in (blank), problems have been identified…
Strategic planning
Problem is in the form of challenges called….
Issues & Concerns
An explanation of the causes of problems further
clarified which matters should (blank) the
first substantive part of the plan document
merit attention
provide planners with ideas to be considered in plan formulation
Analysis of constraints or
analysis of constraints/ obstacles
four considerations in plan formulation:
- population
- health status
- health resources
- socio-economic factors
Focused on the reasons why an individual moves from healthy to sick state
Framework of Analysis
Framework of Analysis:
attention is focused on why a proportion of the patients did not seek medical attention
upon getting sick
Framework of Analysis:
attention is directed towards finding the reasons why some were not diagnosed correctly
Of those who sought medical care
Framework of Analysis:
explanation is sought why some were not treated properly
Of those diagnosed correctly
explore the reasons why some did not recover
Of those treated properly
Five criteria in problem selection:
- Magnitude of the problem
- Vulnerability to change
- Impact to society
- Administrative support
- Financial requirement
- deaths cause by the disease
- prevalence
- incidence of the disease in the locality as measured by morbidity and mortality rates
high rates gain high scores
Magnitude of the problem
- presence or absence of the technology
- measured by the effectiveness of an intervention to address the disease
the more effective the intervention, the higher the score
Vulnerability to change
- scope of the population that is affected by the disease directly or indirectly.
high score = ???
Impact to society
high communicability
high degree of disability
high amount of money lost
- extent of local executives’ endorsement of the project
- presence of personal motivation to support programs or health in general gain higher scores
Administrative support
- amount of money needed
- larger amount = lower score
conduct problem prioritization
follow the criteria
Financial requirement
- identifying what the main problems are
- establishing cause & effect relationship
- key purpose of analysis is the identification of root causes & they are subsequently address, not just the symptoms
Problem analysis
undertaken as a group learning activity:
different stakeholders who can contribute technical & local knowledge.
Problem analysis
provides a good foundation on which to develop a set of relevant and focused objectives
Clear & Comprehensive analysis
process is as important as?
project activity should be taken as?
- learning activity
- opportunity for different views & interest to be presented & discussed
One main tool used in problem analysis
Problem tree
Problem tree preparatory stage:
- clarify scope of the investigation or analysis
- inform yourselves further
- identify relevant stake holders
- inform participants to be uselful & productive
- conduct analysis
Steps in conducting problem tree analysis:
Main & 4Cs
- identify & listing the main problems
- identifying core problems
- identifying cause & effect
- identifying cause & effect (ulit X-X)
- checking the logic
- using contributions from the group
- list all negative statements
- print each problem statement on a card
- display on the wall
identifying & listing main problems
- identify consensus core problems linked to most negative statements
- print precise definition of the core problems
- display on the wall
identifying core problems
distribute the negative statements according to causes or effect
identifying cause & effect
- leading to the core problem
- listed or placed above the core problem
- resulting from the core problem
- listed or placed below the core problem
- clear but very general in nature
- affect not only the issue at hand but almost any health problem
- placed at the side of the problem tree
General constraints
- further structure the statements
- what leads to this?
- select from the other cards the most likely cause and place it below the chosen statement
identifying cause & effect
- combing to produce an effect
- place side by side below the resulting effect
2 or more causes
- resulting from a cause
- place side by side above the cause
multiple effects
- Pick out one card from the top of the problem tree
- what leads to, or causes that?
checking the logic
use arrows to show?
cause & effect relationship
- done by preparing an objective tree
- problem statements into objective statements
- means-end relationship between objectives
- Leads directly into developing the projects’ narrative descriptions in the logical framework matrix
problem statments are?
objective statments are?
Objective analysis
- done by preparing an alternative tree
alternative analysis
should demonstrate the main alternative options have been considered & assessed
project/ program design
- not a linear process
- an interative process
- does not move mechanically from one step to the next
- always in forward direction
- arrive automatically at the best solutions