Parasitic Diseases:
- Schistosomiasis
- Paragonimiasis
- Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis
- Filariasis
- Malaria
also known as:
- bilharziasis
- snail fever
- caused by blood fluke
- manpower losses & lessened agricultural productivity [rural areas]
transmitted by a tiny snail called?
oncomelania hupensis quadrasi
Causative Agent of Schistosomiasis:
Schistosoma japonicum
Modes of transmission of Schistosomiasis:
free-swimming larval form of the parasite that penetrates the skin…
- skin contact w/ contaminated water
- defecate water (naihian)
Treatment of Schistosomiasis:
1. drug choice
2. alt. drug for S. Manzoni
3. alt. drug for S. Haematobium
- praziquantel
- oxamniquine
- metrifonate
also known as: pulmonary distomiasis
- Chronic parasitic infection
- eating fresh or inadequately cooked crabs
- closely resemble PTB
- misdiagnosed in endemic areas
Endemic areas identified?
Camarines Norte/Sur
Negros Islands
Causative agent of Paragonimiasis:
- lung fluke
- most common important causative agent in Asia
Paragoni Westermani
Intermediate hosts (vector) of Paragonimiasis:
1. freshwater snail
- antemelania asperata
2. small, freshwater crab
- sundathelphusa philippina
- varuna litterata
- first intermediate host (IH)
- second intermediate host (SH)
Diagnosis of Paragonimiasis:
eosinophilia in CSF?
- Sputum collection
- Serological tests
- Cerebral Paragonimiasis
- PTB-like symptoms
Cerebral paragonimiasis
Treatment of Paragonimiasis:
1. drug of choice (25mg/g body weight three times daily for three days)
2. alt. drug
- praziquantel
- Bithionol
- common with children.
soil helminthes
geofactors/primary factors of distribution:
**- temp. - humidity
- wind**
- unsanitary disposal of human stool
Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis
Causative agents of Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis:
1. giant intestinal roundworms
2. whipworm
3. old & new world hookworm
- ascaris lumbricoides
- trichuris trichuria
- ancylostoma duodenale & necator americanus
Treatment for Soil Transmitted Helminthiasis:
it depends on what parasite is present…
- piperazine citrate
- pyrantel pamoate
- mebendazole
- aldendazole
- levamisole
also known as: elephantiasis
- vector-borne
- Public health concern in many endemic areas in the Ph.
Causative agent of Filariasis:
1. aedes poecilus - anopeles minimus flavirostris - culex fatigans
- mansonia bonneae - mansonia uniformis
- Wuchereria bancrofti
- Brugia malayi
- presence of microfilariae in the peripheral blood.
- No clinical signs and symptoms of the disease
Asymptomatic Stage
Acute stage:
1. inflammation of the lymph nodes
2. inflammation of the lymph vessels
male genitalia sometimes affected
- Lymphadenitis
- Lymphangitis
Chronic stage - 10-15 years from the onset
1. swelling of the scrotum
2. swelling of the upper & lower extremities
3. enlargement/thickening of the skin of the lower or/and upper extrimities, scrotum, breast.
- Hyrdrocoele
- Lymphedema
- Elaphantiasis
Blood examination for Filariasis
- thick blood smear about the size of?
- wucheriria blood collection time?
- brugia malayi blood collection time?
- 25 centavo
- 10pm - 2am blood collection
- anytime/ preferred night time
Treatment for Filariasis:
drug of choice?
DEC - diethylcarbamazine
- vector borne
- major public health concern having an annual parasite incidence of 5.1 per 1000 population.
Causative Agents of Malaria:
- Plasmodium falciparum.
- Plasmodium malariae.
- Plasmodium vivax.
- Plasmodium ovale.
- Plasmodium knowlesi.
Modes of Transmission of Malaria:
- bite of an infected female mosquito called?
- containing?
- anopeles flavirostris
- erythrocytic parasites
Laboratory examinations:
1. look for the presence of malarial parasites.
2. dipstick test for simple & rapid diagnosis of Plasmodium falciparum.
3. Serological test (2)
- thick & thin blood smear
- para sight F-test
- Indirect haemagglutination
enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
Treatment for Malaria:
1. drug of choice
2. combination may be used in areas w/ high levels of resistance to chloroquine.
- chloroquine
- pyrimethamine/ sulfadoxine