- cross-disciplinary area concerned with protecting the health and safety of the people engaged in work or employment.
- secondary effect, it may also protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers, suppliers & other members of the public impacted by the workplace.
Occupational Health
environmental factors or stressors in the workplace, or etiologic agents of occupational diseases
Health Hazards
may either be due to unsafe condition in the workplace or unsafe act of the worker
Safety Hazards
Four classifications of Health Hazards:
- physical hazards
- biological hazards
- chemical hazards
- ergonomic hazards
- contact with various forms of energy
- Environmental conditions in the workplace are mainly associated with agents in this group of hazards
Physical Hazards
Examples of Physical Hazards?
- temperature [hot/cold]
- lighting
- noise
- radiation [ionizing/non-ionizing]
- vibration
- barometric pressure
Agents or organisms which transmit diseases to man and affect his or her health adversely
Biological Hazards
Three major source of microve in the work environment:
- Stemming from infective individuals
- Arising from microbial decomposition
- Associated w/ certain types of environment
Common Bacteria in the Healthcare Environment
- Straphylococcus aureus
- Streptococcus
- Escherichia coli
- Salmonella typhi
- Mycobacterium tubercolosis
Common Viruses in the Healthcare Environment
- Hepatitis B
- infection control techniques that were recommended following the AIDS outbreak in the 1980s
- every patient is treated as if they are infected and therefore precautions are taken to minimize risk
Obeservance of good hygiene habits:
- handwashing
- use of gloves & other barriers
- correct sharps handling
- aseptic techniques
Universal precautions should be practice in any environment exposed to bodily fluids such as:
- blood
- vaginal secretions
- semen
- amniotic fluid
- pleural fluid
- pericardial fluid
- peritoneal fluid
- synovial fluid
conditions indicating additional precautions:
- diseases w/ airborne transmission
- diseases w. droplet infection
- transmission w/ direct or indirect contact w/ dried skin/ contaminated surfaces
- freshly mixed solution of household bleach
- should be flooded with solution and allowed to soak the area for 10-15 minutes
The ____ may be soaked up in a routine
cleaning manner and sewered.
- Post-exposure follow-up for employees
- vaccination series to all identified employees who may incur occupational exposure to blood borne pathogens
Hepatitis B Vaccination Program
Substances used, and/or generated as raw materials, intermediate products, finished products and waste materials
Chemical Hazards
Examples of chemical hazards:
- gases
- fumes
- vapor
- mists
MSDS stands for?
Material Safety Data Sheets
- Widely used system for cataloging information on chemicals, chemical compounds and chemical mixtures
- includes properties of a particular substance, instructions for the safe use, potential hazards associated with a particular material or product, provision of procedures for handling or working with that substance in a safe manner
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
Scientific discipline concerned with the understanding of interactions among human and other elements of a system, and the profession that applies theory, principles, data and methods to design in order to optimize human well-being and overall system performance
- factors that result in worker’s discomfort, in relation to his/her job
- inability to attain optimum efficiency and productivity
Ergonomic stressors
physical & physiological aspects of ergonomics hazard:
- anthropometry
- muscular work
- postures at work
- biomechanics
- general fatigue
psychological aspects of ergonomics hazard:
- mental workload
- mental fatigue
- sleep deprivation
organization aspects of ergonomics hazard:
- work organization
- work stress
[work system design]
Work situations that are stressful ergonomically are characterized by:
- Prolonged working hours
- Awkward positions or postures
- Excessive physical exertions
- Improper lifting
- Repetitive motions
- Improperly designed/constructed work facilities
safety hazards includes:
- unsafe act
- unsafe condition
- Requires risk to be managed to a level which is low as is reasonably practical
- Should be recorded and reviewed periodically and whenever there is a significant change in work practices
Risk Assessment
risk assessment includes?
- identification of hazards
- identification of all affected by the hazard
- evaluation of the risk
- identification and prioritization of the required actions
a methodology for performing a risk assessment
Control Measures includes:
- administrative control
- engineering control
- use of PPEs
- work transfer
- job rotation
- rest breaks
- training
- policies and procedures
Administrative Control
- substitution
- isolation
- machine guards
- lock-out/tag-out system
- automation
Engineering Control
- Branch of public health concerned with all aspects of the natural and built environment that may affect human health
other terms used for environmental health?
- Environmental public health
- Environmental health & protection
- Aspects of human health and disease that are determined by factors in the environment (WHO definition)
- Also refers to the theory and practice of assessing and controlling factors in the environment that can potentially affect health
they are also known as:
- sanitarians
- public health inspectors
- environmental health specialist
- environmental health officers
Environmental Health Practicioners
10 Aspects of Environment Health (EH)
- Water sanitation
- Food sanitation
- Community waste management
- Rodent control
- Vector control
- Air pollution control
- Occupation health
- Radiologic health
- Sanitary housing
- Disaster management
types of water:
- portable water
- polluted water
- contaminated water
safe, clean, free from contaminants and pollution, recommended for drinking purposes
Potable water
water which has suffered impairment on its physical qualities
Polluted water
contains infectious agents, materials and toxic or poisonous substances, condemned for drinking purposes*
Contaminated water
Types of water according to sources:
- rain water
- surface water
- underground water
- piped water
source of all fresh water, distilled pure water which may get contaminated at atmosphere during collection and storage
Rain water
natural flow of water as a result of ground see page like water from rivers, lakes, springs, streams
Surface water
below the layers of the earth usually clean and safe except when located near the source of pollution such as septic tank
Underground water
distributed to houses by means of pipes usually treated
Piped water
five impurities in water:
- physical impurities
- chemical impurities
- bacteriologic impurities
- biologic impurities
- radiologic impurities
inert suspension of floating substances that are carried by water that cause cloudiness or turbidity
Physical impurities
dissolved constituents of water which account mostly for the color of water
Chemical impurities